You need to restore the medicare cuts as they are hurting the elderly.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Kolodny
  • Citizen's right to Insurance!
    I firmly believe every citizen in the US is as entitled to the same good insurence as our Congress enjoys.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jette Andersen
    Many nuclear tests have been performed over the last century. American troops were sent to Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands to attempt a Clean-Up Project. It was a joint task group effort including, the DNA, DOE, Holmes & Narver, AEC, and many more government agencies, as well as, Civilians and Foreign Nationals. All of the participants that were of the U.S. Military have been denied benefits for various cancers, etc, due to exposure to radiation. I am being treated for Stage III-C Colon Cancer. We also have been awarded a Humanitarian Medal for our efforts. We have to prove that we were there and provide witness statements, affidavits, travel orders, all while the V.A. has our records.
    384 of 400 Signatures
    Created by James E. Androl
  • Support our National Joint Replacement Registry
    Patients face a greater risk of revision surgery without a means to detect or eliminate faulty devices from entering our quality control system. Such is the case of our veteran. See how you can help: www.caringheartsusa.com
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caring Hearts USA
  • Support elected representatives who protect reproductive rights
    RESOLUTION OF U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS WHEREAS, Americans believe that women should be able to consult with their doctor, family, and faith about personal, private medical decisions; and WHEREAS, states enacted twice as many anti-choice laws in 2011 as they did in the previous year, including laws that force women who choose abortion care to undergo a forced ultrasound procedure against their will and even if their doctors do not recommend one; and WHEREAS, eight states since 2010 have enacted laws that ban abortion at 20 weeks, regardless of the women’s situation, without exceptions to protect her health, and in violation of the right to privacy guaranteed under Roe v. Wade; and WHEREAS, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to defund Title X, the only federal program exclusively dedicated to family-planning and reproductive-health care, and Planned Parenthood, jeopardizing access to birth control, cancer screenings, and other basic health care for millions of Americans; and WHEREAS, the U.S. House of Representatives also passed a bill that could spur the Internal Revenue Service to audit rape survivors who choose abortion care and another bill that would allow hospitals to refuse emergency abortion care to women who could die without it; and WHEREAS, the debate around women’s access to reproductive-health services, like contraception, has drawn offensive rhetoric; and WHEREAS, reproductive-health care and the overwhelming majority of services provided by Planned Parenthood health centers is basic health care for women, including cancer screenings and breast exams; and WHEREAS, for many women with limited incomes, Planned Parenthood clinics are their point of entry into the health care system and their ongoing source of primary care services; and WHEREAS, if these services disappear, more women are likely to contract diseases that will imperil their lives and lead to highly expensive Medicaid and Medicare bills borne by taxpayers; and WHEREAS, these programs are essential to reducing rates of unintended pregnancy and preventing the increase of the number of women with cervical and breast cancers who are not diagnosed until the cancers are in the late stages; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the U.S. Conference of Mayors affirms the importance of women’s reproductive rights; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the U.S. Conference of Mayors urges Congress and the states to pursue a positive agenda that reaffirms fundamental rights and improves women’s access to safe and comprehensive reproductive-health care. RESOLUTION ADOPTED JUNE 2012
    179 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Coalition for Family Health
  • Implement the Affordable Care Act in Texas!
    Yes, I have been effected by the high cost of insurance in Texas.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Allison Copony
  • Truth In Food Labeling GMO
    Obama you promised to back "GMO labeling on foods" What happened to that promise you made?
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Barry
  • Congress should pay for their own health care
    Is Congress entitled to health care for themselves and their families at the cost of taxpayers
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marc McGuire
  • Tara DeRogatis needs you help to change MICRA law in California TODAY.
    Stop MICRA. Please sign petition to stop discrimination against "We The People" to receive access to malpractice lawyers and a jury trial with a jury's verdict if a doctor has wrongfully caused a death or has caused a permanent disability on an innocent person/victim. Right now the insurance companies have convinced California legislators to cap pain and suffering to $250,000. This is a door stopper for any attorney to take a malpractice case. It costs more than $250,000 to take a malpractice case to trial, including expert witnesses etc. Doctors are now being protected since victim's family cannot retain an attorney, cannot get subpoenaed records of what actually happened during the death or permanent medical damage. Doctors who kill or permanently harm are able to avoid Civil trials due to MICRA; thus keeping their doors open to you and your family. Unknowingly, you could be the next innocent patient who walks into a doctor's office who practices under the acceptable standard of care, and have a fatal outcome. Especially today when doctors across all specialities are overdosing and overprescribing opiates even to include these dangerous drugs in prescribed cough medicine. Speak Up for your life. Demand MICRA to be put to sleep. End MICRA.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tara's Cause
  • Systematically Preventing/Defeating Childhood Obesity
    Everyone has been touched in one way or the other by childhood obesity including me. And since we have a simple, cost effective tool at our disposal with which to systematically prevent childhood obesity, it's high time we replace all the abstract talk with concrete action!
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rick Osbourne
  • Psychologist with prescription privileges.
    There is a shortage of psychiatrists in California. 85 percent of psychological prescriptions are written by General Practitioners, because there are not enough psychiatrists available to people. Many primary care providers depend on psychologists to recommend a psychotropic drug. Retrained psychologists need to be allowed to write prescriptions .
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Darius K. Fanibanda
  • A better kind of medicine
    I have a severe mental illness, and I'm worried about the long term physical damage the medications may have on my body. I've been on at least three different kinds of medication at once since I was 15 years old, and what's always puzzled me, is why I have to be on all of these medications, when further in life, I'll have to take more medications to try and repair the damage the prior medications have done. In case you haven't yet guessed, this petition is for the legalization, regulation, and taxation of medicinal marijuana in the state of Louisiana, if not the rest of the country. I don't believe I, nor people like me, should have to subject ourselves to permanent physical damage, for temporary psychological relief. We deserve better, and so do you.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by zack