Health Care for AllIt is unconscionable that their are many million Americans who cannot obtain health insurance. America is the only developed nation in the world without national health care. No one should consider health care as socialism. No God of any religion would sanction not caring for our people.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anna M. Peterson
Petition to get back dental benefits for adults from denticalI do not have dental benefits anymore, and I cannot get any care except emergency care. If a person has bad teeth it could lead to other health problems later in life and more medical bills whereas preventative care and dental benefits/dentical would help low income and disabled people like myself to get their teeth fixed and the proper care we as people need and deserve. Thank you1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amy S.
Pre-existing conditions & disabilitiesIn my, case is I am on DSSI, with a pre-existing condition called epilepsy. I am not alone. More people out than ever. I am also disabled on medicare only age 54. In the doughnut hole. Not by choice is what it is. Can't afford to lose my medicare. I hope Obama wins re-election 2012 and addresses gets aggressive more this time on DEBATE. It's so important! Stakes are High! I'm for OBAMACARE!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by [email protected]
abolish obamacareobama wants to give vouchers and tax people without insurance. if unsurance premiums could be afforded people would buy them. we need to keep medicare qans medicaid as well as social security in place. i worked my entire life and now that i need it i cannot get social security.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roseann Brecken
Advocates for the ElderlyAs a single female with no children, I spend the last 2 months of my mother's life, helping her to die in her own home. I then wondered, "who's going to ever do this for me?" Do it with love and compassion and not to make a buck keeping you in a Medicaid bed as long as possible, stripping you of all your assets you've worked your life to acquire. I watched my father and grandmother die that way. Any hospital that would take you did... as long as they could bill Medicaid. At the limit...they find another place to place you.. and it keeps on until you die. If advocated were given to elders that needed someone to watch their back, I think Medicare wouldn't get away with sucking the system and then you dry. Statistics show that most people die in poverty. On Government medical assistance... Money for Advocates would serve to make sure that people with no help from friends or family had a person assigned to not let this happen. I saw it sadly through my own eyes... very obvious. Abuse of Medicare through abuse of the patient. I ask that Medicare also be responsible to pay for these advocates and show good faith to their insured, not use them as money makers. These are people with faces. People at the end of their lives, and this is the final respect and care they deserve. I want to be an Advocate, but I can't do it without a salary or guidelines. I'd like to make this an option to Medicare patients. Ask for an Advocate, have one assigned, and this Advocate have access to medical records. Advocate can serve 5 people at the very most. One visit a week, or as needed per patient. $500 a week for an Advocate can save thousands of dollars in Medicare waste and abuse. Seems like a reasonable idea.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Hurst
The Federal Servant Health Care ReformElected officials in Federal office currently have life-long health care benefits (personal and family) after they leave office. This is grossly unfair that the tax payer should subsize - for life - the health care of a retired elected official, even when that official continually votes down the potential for affordable health care for its citizens (e.g. John Kyl, R- Arizona). These former elected officials should have the same as most workers - once they leave office, they can apply for temporary coverage (18 months max) and then they must find their own coverage outside of tax payer funded programs.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott Warner
GMO labeling on all foods in the US and those for export.This petitiion is about allowing people to be informed when they are eating GMO foods. As a clinician practicing for 30 years I have seen many clients become ill from foods that are genetically modified. They had no idea they were eating foods that had been tampered with. People have a right to know.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael R Joseph DC, NMD, BCC
stop tv commercials for prescription drugsTV ads for Prescription medications are bombarded onto the American public every minute, does this justifies the high price of medications in the USA compared with the rest of the world? Same prescriptions are about a tenth of the USA in Mexico, Canada or the rest of the world. Stop commercials, lower the cost of medications.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Luis Marmol
Unregulated Drug CompoundingThe recent outbreak and confirmed deaths from fungal meningitis could have been prevented by regulating compounding centers. Individuals seeking help for pain management now live in fear of death from contaminants found in the steroid agent prepared at a Massachusetts Compounding Center. There are hundreds of these compounding centers operating and unregulated. Tell the White House and members of Congress in your state that we expect them to protect the public. The FDA must be charged with regulating these compounding centers now.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Jo
Congressional Health Plan: Just like the rest of usMembers of Congress generally treat the issue of health care as a purely academic debate, since they have rock-solid, top of the line health care built into their salaries. While they are entitled to excellent health care, so is every human being. My wife and I buy the best health care we can afford, but even so are immensely frustrated by it. We are constantly nickel-and-dimed with co-pays, partial payments, and denials. Let members of Congress also play by the same rules: eliminate their special plan, force them to shop in the same health care market the rest of us do, and let's see how health care legislation changes.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John McLaughlin
no more free ride for polititionsfree health insurance and pentions for politicians1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Randal Chase
State of Delaware: Look at nursing homes very carefully.My mother and a friend have recently been in a nursing home in Delaware and Pennsylvania. I saw and heard about negligent and irresponsible behavior on the part of the employees.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rita