Allow Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW's) to be Medicaid ProvidersCurrently, the state of Kentucky does not allow Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW) be providers for medicaid clients unless they are "under" a physician. The license is recognized by the state as allowing therapists to provide treatment independently. No other insurance company requires supervision; in fact, many companies will only pay claims if a client is seen by a LCSW (most who are working independently). Clients who are poor, poorly educated, disabled, etc. are facing problems getting mental health treatment due to limited access to medicaid providers.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dorene Burke
Congressional Reform Act 2012I am very concerned about Congress' disregard for the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. These are systems that I depend upon.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jan Read
Safe Medicine PleaseI was scheduled to receive a steroid injection during all this fungus caused death/damage concern caused by NECC (New England Compounding Co.). I learned, with a few hours to spare, that the medicine I would be getting was safe. So many others are not that lucky. Twenty Five Americans have been killed by sloppiness of the NECC and their making of the medicines. And not for the first time! The year 2002 was another major problem year. It does not need to continue. We need for any company that produces medicine for humans to be inspected on a regular basis and demonstrate to the FDA and CDC that they are clean, sterile, and know what they are doing.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joyce Schulte
Pharmacy Access and Prescription Copay Reform NeededPharmacy benefit management companies (PBMs) do not allow me to access my local pharmacy or they impose a much higher copay if I do not use their mail order service. These drug middlemen hinder my access to local healthcare in the name of corporate profit. This practice MUST stop.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ken Nelson
Anatomical Organ DonorThe national wait time for organs for people is on the rise. Kidney wait times on average are 1219 days. The system for the wait list needs to change. There is a better way.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Clifford Sullivan
American Jobs shipped OffshoreI worked at Anthem Insurance in Roanoke, VA. I lost my job because it was shipped offshore to the Phillipines. Your healthcare may now be handled offshore by workers who do not understand or speak English. Is this Anthem's answer to the new revised healthcare requirements?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charlotte Wimmer
Stop Pharmaceutical TV adsAccording to Nielsen TV, big pharma spent $2.4 BILLION dollars on TV advertisements in 2011. If drug companies could no longer advertise prescription drugs on TV, drug costs would go down for everyone. Who pays for these ads? We do, through higher drug prices! It makes no sense to advertise directly to consumers when these drugs are only available with a doctor's prescription. The United States is virtually alone in allowing for this type of advertising.142 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Aaron Powell
Medicare Coverage for the Omni Pod Insulin PumpThere are many Diabetics in this Country! A PARTICULARLY Large Number of us are Insulin Dependent! The Insulet Corporation in Bedford,Ma 01730,tel#1-800-591-3455! The CCO is Peter Devlin! This Insulin Pump is easy to use! You can take a shower with it on,you can swim with it! Many of the other Pumps on the Market are a living nightmare for women! These other pumps have a syringe that is filled with insulin a particularly long plastic tube hangs down and one wrong move and it it's dislodged! These other Insulin Pumps cannot be worn in the tub,or the shower or a swimming pool or lake! The US Congress assigned the Code Numbers:PodA 9274 & PDME:0784 therefor the Omni Pod cannot be covered by Medicare because the assigned numbers make it a disposable item8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jean D Haight
Healthcare Providers: Publish Your PricesHealthcare Providers are not required by law to post their prices. Thus, e.g., a patient cannot know the cost covered for an X-ray. it is vital to know how much a patient may have to put out him/herself.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by SHEILA MCCAHEY
Fair Standards for Health CareHealth Care I am finding it hard to pay for ever increasing health care costs even though I have worked for over 50 years. I think congress should have to be given the same choices that the American people are. They do the voting. if this was the case, we would save money and they would vote for better care for us all.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by susan syracuse
Tell Mitt Romney: The Uninsured DO DiePeople do die from lack of proper medical care because they have no insurance and cannot pay out-of-pocket.125 of 200 SignaturesCreated by RICHARD C SILVESTRI
Require labeling of all GMO/biotech foodsConsumers deserve to know if our food contains potentially harmful genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Thirty countries have placed restrictions on GMOs, but the U.S. doesn't even require a labeling system, much less regulate them, due to a powerful, wealthy biotech lobby.7,595 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Lapierre