• Ban Perscription Drug Advertizing
    Ban perscription drug advertizing and pass the millions of dollars saved onto the consumer, thus lowering medical cost for all.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Shepherd
  • health care
    Medicare for all. Our present insurance system is to expensive and makes us uncompetative in the world economy. We don't need insurance companys. Their CEO' s are the highest paid on Wallstreet.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Watson
  • Keep Planned Parenthood in Texas
    The Texas Legislature and Governor Rick Perry want to eliminate Planned Parenthood from the Women's Health program in the state of Texas. Thousands of Texas women rely on Planned Parenthood for breast exams, pap smears and other preventative care as well as birth control and prenatal care.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Ford
  • Help Prevent Medicaid Cuts In Maine
    Maine's decision to sue to drop people from Medicaid puts us on the front line in the battle for basic healthcare coverage for those of us who can't afford healthcare on our own. I have a family member that will be directly affected by Maine's attempt to drop people from Medicaid. She will not be able to afford her anti-seizure medication on her own leaving her very vulnerable life threatening grand mal seizures. This is an issue that might have consequences for the whole country while we fight to get everyone affordable healthcare. So lets show our elected officials that we do have a voice and will not be manipulated into giving up what the whole country has fought so hard to secure.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Boysenberry Payne
  • Stop the Medicaid Cuts
    Governor Lepage is planning to cut Medicaid from 36,000 young people and low income parents in order to "balance the budget". This effort is not only shortsighted but it will save any money. This cost will be shifted to the taxpayers and many more people will suffer from poor health.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annette Kowalik
  • Medicare to Medican't: The Divide and Conquer Approach
    I am a dialysis patient on disability at age 63. Except for this "entitlement" I would be dead. Now we hear about people 55 and older won't be affected by the Republican approach to Medicare, so what do I say? "To hell with those 54 and younger?" This is a despicable divide and conquer approach. Medicare is not something to be evaluated only on a fiscal basis though that’s important, it must me evaluated on a human basis. What kind of civilized society are we if only the “Pharaohs” benefit?
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William J Caniano
  • Cure Gulf War And Service Aquired Illnesses
    Do you like being sick? Are you ready to trust your health in government that denies our veterans who suffer with service aquired chronic infections, disease, and slow painful deaths? What about our childrens lives and the "unexplainable" medical conditions they aquired without any family history? I DEMAND A PETITION TO OFFICIALLY ACKNOWLEDGE OUR PAIN AND SUFFERING BY SERVICE AQUIRED PATHOGENS AND DISEASE!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richardson
  • MediCare 4 all DisabledWorkers
    Whereas, not all disabled workers are eligible for medicare until age 65 or older due to numerous admistrative laws/rules & encumbrances.. We the denied but ruled legally medically Disabled. Do hereby demand the removal of all encumbrances to our access to earned medical care & for the prevention of medical bankruptcy from predatory medical insurance complexes that benefit from workers injured in our global economic war & from the techinical encumbrances of insurers & goverment red tape with no regard for grievants socioEconomic family plight . Do hereby demand fair & full renumeration & back dated reinstatement (date of disability) of Medicare from this injustice of being profiled & denied the benefits of lost benefits/income from the past to present disabling injustice...rightNow !
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rolland w. cory
  • Reforming Nation's Eye Screening for Pre-K & Teens
    It's about break through 'new' technology that can diagnose and detect eye refractions and VIP disease within Preverbal infants 6-months and older within a second! The majority of educational data that is mentally recorded is pre-conceived by the eyes. As a seasoned advocate for children's issues, I find this project most critical in regaining our academic edge on a world level. We're currently doing math and reading at #27 globally. While our penal systems are over crowding with young adults hampered by long undiagnosed eye refractions that have crippled them for life! Figure for yourself how this underestimated health/educational issue contributes to our social and economic demise nation-wide!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Do It For the Children's Initiatives, Inc.
  • Nevada Needs Obamacare Funding
    Do not block Obamcare funding for the state of Nevada. Nevada is 48th in the nation for those without medical coverage and with Nevada also has among the highest unemployment rates in the nation, so these funds are needed more than ever.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Guerrero
  • stop cheating vets out of benifits at va hospitols
    The VA doctors down play and sometimes intentionally and negligently overlook serious conditions.A church member was treated for bronchitis for months then found out she had cancer and was giving six months to live. My doctor writes that patient is doing better when I keep telling him the stuff is not working and my stomach hurts everyday. Can't get another doctor though I have officially filed complaints twice and talked about it more than that with the patients advocate. He writes false reports to make it appear that his treatment is working. I have to tell him to send me to a specialist. The last time he sent me to a another Va doctor who claim to have found nothing when I know for a fact that he over looked some things and failed to mention them in his report. Many has claimed and stated that the NC veteran administration is racially bias in their decision and claims process. The facts of what percentages are approved by race and how long the process took will speak for itself.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John smith
  • Temporary disability parking for pregnant women and new mothers
    Have you watched a pregnant woman or mother of a newborh struggle to get to an office or hospital entrance, only to have to park at a distance and walk too far in that condition? Pregnant women and mothers with newborns need to be able to park as close as possible to doctors' offices, hospital entrances, etc. The DMVs should issue temporary "disabled" parking permits for the last 6 months of pregnancy and the anticipated first year of the newborn's life.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Halprin