• Require Health Insurance Companies to pay a realistic amount for Out-of-Network Service
    Health insurance companies reached a settlement in 2009 with NYS requiring them to set up a data base to determine how much to reimburse for those policies that provided for out-of-network service. The insurance industry spent $90 million to create this data base. But since they were not obligated to use it, they are now basing their reimbursement amounts on Medicare rates, which are much lower.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laurence Mark, M.D.
  • Start California toward Single Payer Healthcare
    6 CA Democratic state senators killed the CA Universal Healthcare Act - SB 810 (Leno). SB 810 provides Single Payer healthcare for 7 million uninsured Californians, while saving CA families $34 billion annually. Sen. Rod Wright is the only 1 of the SELLOUT 6 running for re-election against SB 810 supporter Paul Butterfield (Dem). Teach ConservaDems a lesson by visiting http://butterfield4senate.com/
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by King Reilly
  • Preemie Medical Leave
    When a woman has a preemie, her maternity leave is usually used going back and forth to the hospital to see her baby. By the time the child comes home from the hospital, the mother's maternity leave is over. The mother now has to figure out what to do with what is the equivalent of a newborn baby that most day cares will not take and the many required doctors' appointments. Preemie medical leave should be six weeks paid time off to be used when the preemie comes home from the hospital.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Danielle Ruffin
  • NY Legislature: Stop Insurance Companies From Bankrupting Consumers
    We must act now to tell New York that we will not stand by as insurance companies bankrupt consumers from oftentimes vital and life-saving out-of-network healthcare coverage.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Colbert, MD
  • Medicare Part E ("E" for everybody)
    Let's make healthcare in America a right of citizenship and not just for the privileged who can afford it.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark A. Haugaard
  • Congressional Mandate for Healthcare
    All elected to Congress and appointed to or by Congress are required to enter Social Security and Medicare Programs. Entitling those to the same rights and benefits of the Programs as applicable to their earnings. They may opt-out and provide their own coverage at their own expense.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wayne Glessner Sr
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Pagliaro
  • Congressional Health Care
    All Senators and Representatives, both serving and retired shall have the same access to health insurance as constituents as stated under the Health Care Reform Act.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by B. Mitchell
    Legitimate pain patients in Florida and states across the nation are having difficulties getting their medications filled. Pharmacies are profiling and discrimination is happening against pain patients. The Institute of medicine has reported that 100 million people are living in chronic pain on a daily basis not including veterans, pallative care(nursing homes) and people under the age of 18. The state has the pharmacies in such fear that they are afraid to fill legal and legtitmate prescriptions for the vital pain medications. They are needed for these people to try and live functional lives without having to be bedridden by pain. Patients that are employed will have to quit their jobs and go on SSDI because they won't be able to take the pain anymore. They won't be able to work to support their families. This has gone past a crisis. This is a major health concern for everyone that's involved with a chronic pain patient. Small independent pharmacies are refusing to accept insurance for payment of these medications and chain phamacies are refusing to fill for patients. They are claiming there are allotments for these medications but the Department of Health says there is not. Something is not right here. Too many excuses and not enough caring of humanity happening here. The economy has been hit very hard on all Americans, housing, unemployment, food and gas prices. Patients need to be able to see their doctors, get their prescriptions and go on with their lives. People in pain can not get in and out cars going from one pharmacy to another trying to fill their medicine. They can not do this in pain. They shouldn't have to do this at all! Where has the all compassion and humanity gone?The discrimination of legitimate pain patients has to STOP NOW!! It has been made clear that our state government does not care about these people. I have the email responses from them to prove this. Many other patients have them too. The state has law enforcement harrassing people coming out of the doctor offices and pulling people over for no good reason. The pill mill problem was the state's fault, but they are gone now. They let these continue for years and did nothing, now we have a very lopsided approach to handling the situation. Legitimate chronic pain patients are not addicts and they should not be treated as such. This is inhumane and according to the Constitution, the rights of pain patients are being violated. The pendulmn has swung too far and this has to STOP. The conversation about pain needs to change! Old news and old statistics need to be history. We are now down to only legitimate pain patients having to suffer. They have RIGHTS to timely, effective pain care. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3xGcENVYM0&feature=share
    1,682 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Donna Ratliff
  • Rescind taxpayer funded health insurance for members of Congress and the Supreme Court
    Because (most) members of Congress and the Supreme Court have become so removed from the many struggles of everyday Americans (in this case, specifically health care), it is our duty to remind them how that struggle feels. As such, their taxpayer funded health insurance should be rescinded, and they should be required to fully pay for that healthcare themselves.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raffi Boyadjian
  • Health care for all
    Surely in this day and age we can see what works best . Would the congress take a keener look ,if their health coverage was either paid for from their own pockets, or was as good as the least well covered from their constituency.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Netta kennedy
  • End Daylight Savings Time
    Stabilize America. Make roads safer. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199810153391617 Save Fuel: Daylight Saving increases gasoline consumption, something the petroleum industry has known since 1930. Less Heart Attacks And Fatal Collisions, according to , Charles Czeisler, M.D. Ph.D., of Harvard University, "We may not worry about cutting just one hour of sleep, he explains, but, as you'll hear in the video, "springing forward" significantly increases the risk of fatal car crashes and heart attacks." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/11/daylight-saving-time-health_n_1327202.html According to Gwen Dewer, Phd: "In 2009, German researchers published a study measuring daytime sleepiness in adolescents before and after the shift to DST. Not surprisingly, kids reported more daytime sleepiness the day after they set their clocks forward, and “night owls” had the most trouble. But here’s what’s interesting. The effect didn’t last for just a day or two. These kids suffered from the negative effects of daylight saving time for two weeks. What does this mean? The researchers figure that “class and school performance tests should not take place in the first week(s) after the transition into DST.” And if we we’re concerned about the effects of daytime sleepiness on adolescent test performance, what about the rest of it? What about learning new things in the classroom? Making everyday decisions? Getting along with your friends and family? Handling emotionally difficult events? We know that sleeplessness impacts all of those things, for kids and adults. If daylight saving time can disrupt our sleep patterns for up to two weeks, how much trouble does that cause altogether?" http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=7779869 And the list goes on.
    7,282 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Dara Paprock