• Health care
    Dental and eyes to be added to ssi medical care
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Reece
  • Time for the Implementation of Single Payer/"Medicare for All" Health Insurance
    ALL AMERICANS will have health insurance coverage under Single Payer/"Medicare for All". It provides lifesaving/economic benefits for people, employers and health institutions, and competition for a currently unchallenged market. Retention of health insurance after job loss is a huge benefit. Purchase of private insurance optional. Healthcare is a right not a privilege.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne and Johnny Langland
  • Petition to Stop Mandatory Enrollment of People with Disabilities and Senior Citizens into Manage...
    Petition Summary: California currently has 1.9 million seniors and persons with disabilities who are enrolled in California’s Medicaid program (Medi-Cal). The majority of Seniors and People with Disabilities, are eligible for Medi-Cal and Medicare. The State of California has determined that the current financial and program structure for delivering health care Long Term Service and Support LTSS, that includes Home Community Based Services --- In Home Supportive Services to SPDs is fragmented. To address these issues, Governor Jerry Brown proposes as part of California’s 2012-13 budget, the (Managed) Care Coordination Initiative to integrate health care LTSS, Home Community Based Services --- In Home Supportive Services into Managed Care for all SPD’s who are dual eligible statewide beginning in January 2013. Managed Care in California has been an unsuccessful health policy, as it has contributed to higher health care costs of about 25-33% higher over current state spending. Managed Care will undermine patients' access to health care by: restricting patients' choice and access to physicians’ treatment and medication. Under Managed Care SPD’s may lose or receive inadequate home care services and hours. Finally they will no longer have the right to hire train set work schedules or fire their personal care attendance.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by audrey harthorn
  • Stop Behavioralism and Pharmocology from ruining our country
    Psychiatry, behaviorlists, and big coorporations who create "disorders" and sell Drugs should be regulated. Allopathic medicine should be held in the same light as Integrative Medicine and Complimentary "Alternative" Medicine (CAM). This industry should be regulated by a panel of doctors from many methods of practice. This would enhance our countries Health Care programs and focus on Preventitive Health as well as overall lifestyle choices.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Byron Robertson
  • Speaker Howell: Help Protect Patients From Deadly Septic Shock Infection
    This petition is in hopes to acquire a law that requires every Virginia hospital to report all cases of the deadly blood infection known as Septic Shock. Most people have no idea the state of Virginia is not among the states that are required to collect or report any information regarding incidents of septic shock. My hope is if this petition is signed it might prevent some of the fatal traumatic incidents of Septic Shock at Virginia hospitals. I aquired this deadly infection while in a Virginia hospital and once I was released no one in the healthcare profession seemed to care. This is a scary thought because 40-50% of patients that acquire this blood infection die. This is an outrage! This fatal desease must be controlled to prevent further families from loosing love ones. Hospitals and staff should be held accountable for their mistakes.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renita Kilby
    I see too many people who are in need of dental care. Teeth not cared for can actually cause death. It's a terrible thing to see woman especially , who feel so bad about their teeth. It's not like this in European countries. I think we should support the dental schools, like UCLA School of Dentistry, by Allowing people to come to them for prepaid dental care.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Fitzpatrick
  • Health Care For Everyone - For FREE
    Obamacare is not enough. We are the ONLY 1st World country that does NOT mandate cradle-to-grave health care as an Inalienable Right. The Declaration of Independence says, "...Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"! GOP-ers are IGNORING this Right of Citizens to a HEALTHY Life. Please Demand SINGLE PAYER Health Care for EVERYONE!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reverend David A. Bozek
  • Healthy Families Act
    To allow Americans to earn paid sick time so that they can address their own health needs and the health needs of their families.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim
  • Recognize HTLV as a public health threat
    HTLV is rampantly spreading because of lack of public awareness, education, and medical testing. Just as HIV testing is recommended as part of a regular medical exam, so should HTLV testing.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by G L
  • Save the Michaels of the World
    My 20 year old Son Michael David Israel took his life after becoming addicted to prescription pain medication as prescriped to him by his physicians for Crohn's Disease. His physicians never advised him as to the danger and addictive nature of the pills. Visit our FaceBook Page: Save the Michaels of the World.
    509 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Avi Israel
  • Save the Michaels of the World
    My 20 year old Son Michael David Israel took his life after becoming addicted to prescription pain medication as prescriped to him by his physicians for Crohn's Disease. His physicians never advised him as to the danger and addictive nature of the pills. Visit our FaceBook Page: Save the Michaels of the World.
    406 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Avi Israel
  • Contingency for the Improvement of Quality of Life in Coal-Mining Communities
    "Coal-mining areas are characterized by greater socioeconomic disadvantage, riskier health behaviors, and environmental degradation that are associated with reduced [Health Related Quality of Life]." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20597455
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexis D Justice