Stop the Oppression in Montana!Oppression runs rampant in Montana this year. Since the inception of Senate Bill 423 on July 1, 2011 medical cannabis patients in Montana have faced severe consequences for their healthcare decisions. Please - sign the petition and voice your displeasure with the law. Please stand up for Patients rights. It's time to ends the lies. Stop the Oppression!125 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Hiedi Handford
Lower Health Care Costs for Postdocs with DependentsThe purpose of this petition is to bring to your attention the dramatic increase in health care insurance premiums that disproportionately affects a subset of the postdoctoral community, namely those who insure a spouse and/or children.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Koji Takahashi
single payer health care insuranceIf we all can start from the same place regarding the source of our health insurance, health insurance will become more user friendly and allow us to purchase insurance according to our specific needs.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alice Weiner
We need ObamaCareI implore you fine ladies and gentlemen, to pass the heath care Bill. Two years ago, I was working for DNC at Yosemite National Park, as a Chef. I have worked for the company for a year and half in the year 2008, and I decided that I love cooking so much I was going to get my Culinary Degree. First I had a Criminal Justice degree, and I went out there to work for the security, for the park. The jobs were full and I got a dishwashing job, and in three months I was a Chef at the Ahwahnee Hotel. Then in five months I became a asst. manager at the Degnan's pizza loft. The Executive Chef Percy, took me under his wing. I went back to Tennessee, which is my home state, and I started my Culinary Degree. I went back to Yosemite National Park to do my externship, but they couldn't hire me until the fall of 2010. I got a job at White Wolf High Camp as a Chef for the summer. The company does not give insurance until you work for them in six months. I lost all my seniority after being gone for over a year. I was three days away from doing my externship and the unimaginable happened. I fractured my left ankle and foot. It’s been two years now and I am still in horrible pain. The doctors keep telling to go to a pain clinic, but I don’t want to get hooked on pain pills. I want my left ankle fixed, so I go back to work. I can’t stand over five minutes without putting my foot up or taking off my shoes. I sit and watch TV, and I am still in pain. The doctors said since I won’t go to the pain clinics, I should sign up for Disability. I have signed up in July, and I am still waiting for a approval, so I can get insurance to be fixed. I can't get a job, because I keep getting fired or forced to quit. They can see that am in horrible pain. If the ObamaCare was in effect in 2000, I would be fixed and back to work. That’s all I want. If I am on disability soon, I will be taking the tax payers money. I don’t want that, but I will do what I have to. Just to go back to cooking and I love to Cook. I have cooked since I was 15-years-old. I know that I need at least four surgeries, to be fixed and go back to work. This might take about one to two years and maybe a little more, and then I am back to work. I am not a lazy American, as you see I made it to management in five months. Chef Percy did what I did in five years, and I got the nickname little Chef Percy. Please consider Americans like me. If the bill does not pass, may I ask for your help and advise on how to get fixed and find help on getting insurance. I get denied every two months on TENNcare, the state insurance here. Please Help ME.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Casey Williams
"Broaden Our Access to Superior Mental Health Professionals"Currently the State of Kansas limits the training and hiring of mental health case managers, attendant care workers, and crisis responders to the area mental health centers. These workers have little to no education or specific training about our special needs children and adults and are paid minimally; thus, turnover is extremely high and often creates regression in the mental health treatment process. Additionally, our family members do not have a strong, trusting bond with these revolving caregivers, who are therefore, limited in their ability to de-escalate a crisis situation, very often leading to police involvement and hospitalization screenings/stays. We need Medicaid to give private agencies equal opportunity to utilize their expertise with the SED, MR/DD, and SPMI population, and open the crisis, case management, and attendant care codes, especially now that budget cuts have greatly impacted what services are offered at mental health centers.355 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Laura Ellison
raise the wageThere are a lot of minumum wage jobs in maryland with poor health benifits and no dental. raising the minumum wage would give a helping hand to those hard working residents of maryland.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Everett Montgomery
No help for the. elderlyOk i am PISSED, i get a call from the company that gave my dad a oxygen machine and tells me that he can't have it anymore because he can't afford it. i call the medicare provider who says oh well theres nothing that we can do by the way the provider for medicaid is wellcare the worst. the company that says there coming to take a life support system is extrakare,I told them that no way in hell is anyone taking this machine. Now i know with all the smart people i went to school with they have a idea what can be done, because if they take this machine he will not survive. He has copd,asthma,and empazema.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ricky wilbanks
no kill SheltersHelp for Animals210 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Elly Gilmore
Require Animal Cruelty to be a felony in all states.Do you abhor animal abuse and cruelty. Do you know if your state has felony laws against cruelty to animals? Let's stand together to get all states to make it a felony offense and to ban pet ownership for any felon convicted of animal abuse no matter what state they live in.184 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Cheryl Ross
Bring Single Payer Health Care to New York StateLiving in New York is expensive and more employers are buying health insurance that has much more limited coverage. Even big unions are doing this--AND getting exceptions approved to not cover important things. If we had single-payer health care, we would not have to worry about these things. It would be like Medicare for All.99 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ms. Billie M. Spaight
Support Bill 409A medical marijuana bill is headed for a vote in the Senate after a committee unanimously voted to support the measure. Our Governor, John Lynch can veto the bill, but that veto can be overruled with enough legislative support.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Davenport
Tell Cuccinelli and McDonnell: Stop Playing Politics With Virginia's Health CareThe U.S. Supreme Court is hearing legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act this week. A decision to overturn the law or any of its provisions could result in the loss of benefits to seniors, women, children and families. Recently, Attorney General Cuccinelli stated that unless there are criminal penalties, he would be comfortable breaking the law by not implementing the health care law —regardless of what the Supreme Court decides. After the embarrassment over his global warming lawsuit against UVA professors, we would have thought that the Attorney General would lick his wounds and lay low for a while. But he is continuing his crusade against the health care law. Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010, Attorney General Cuccinelli has consistently opposed the new law with several lower court challenges. Instead of fighting foreclosure fraud and holding big banks accountable, Attorney General Cuccinelli has wasted time and taxpayer dollars fighting a law which already provides free preventive care, protection against discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, help with prescription drug costs, and a ban on lifetime coverage limits to hundreds of thousands of Virginians. And make no mistake about it; he has the full support of Governor Bob McDonnell. In fact, the Governor has found his own way to block the health care law by calling on the General Assembly to halt implementation of the Health Benefits Exchange—a critical part of the Affordable Care Act. Attorney General Cuccinelli calls his blocking of the health care law a “power struggle” between himself and the federal government. We call it: playing politics with the health care of millions of Virginians. And we want it to stop.3,816 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Julie Blust