• Allow the Affordable Care Act in Indiana
    The Governor and state legislature of Indiana are trying to prevent access to the Affordable Care Act. They are denying the State of Indiana an opportunity to become a healthier and more productive state by preventing access to this health care plan. This is just one example of many coordinated attacks by our State Government on Indiana’s middle class!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George R Roesly Jr
  • Let good Samaritans Donate Life!
    Most Hospitals that perform Living Donor Liver Transplants will allow a healthy individual that meets all other health, age, and lifestyle requirements to donate a portion off their liver to a needy recipient. In fact, there are many non-profit organizations, services, and websites that exist to match donors and recipients. This saves thousands of lives each year. Stanford University Hospital is an exception. The policy stated on page 6 of the Liver Transplant Program handbook states that "A potential donor must: Have an established relationship with the recipient". This is costing thousands of people their lives every year because they cannot utilize the programs out there to find a donor due to this policy. Please sign this petition to tell Stanford Hospital to please consider changing their policy, thus saving thousands of lives in the process.
    224 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Brandi Reynolds-Casey
  • Stricter Tanning Regulations for Teens
    Please support Governor Herbert insigning this bill to amend Utah Health Code provisions regulating tanning facilities. This law will make it unlawful for any operator of a tanning facility to allow a person younger than18 years old to use a tanning device unless the minor's parent or legal guardian: (a) appears in person at the tanning facility the first time that the minor uses a tanning device, and at least once each 12 month period thereafter in which the minor uses the tanning device; and (b) signs the consent form required.
    323 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Sancy Leachman, MD
  • Health Care For All~Dr Accountability!
    We can no longer put greed before people's lives! All of us deserve quality affordable health care without discrimination due to lack of finances, chronic illness, disability, age, sex, race, or religion. Veterans First! Doctors and hospitals held accountable for patients safety! Decisions made by Patients and Doctors not insurance CEO's! ! , orientation! Non profit orginizatipns not government should be involved in our health care or be allowed to invade our privacy! Our veterans need to be top priority! Patients & Dr's need to make decisions together not CEO's of HMO's. Our hospitals & clinics can no longer be run by corporations who make life and death decisions for patients! Dr's and hospitals need to be held accountabile for the care & safety of their patients!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gail Dechter
  • End Defensive Medicine
    Kitzhaber wants to change the Oregon Health Plan — the state's version of Medicaid that serves low-income patients — to improve coordination of health care and focus on preventing expensive hospital stays. But defensive medicine has been proven to INCREASE costs of medical care to seniors and people with disabilities.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shayla Rogers
  • Request for Initiation of a Medical Marajuana Law
    The ability for people in our state to be able to get and use medical marajuana for severe medical conditions. Many states have initiated medical marajuana laws, for people that get no relief from conventional medications. Everyone deserves the right of choice, and it has been proven that this treatment works well for most people.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Warnell
  • H.R.1434 -- We Owe Our Women Act of 2012 -- BirthControlTax.com
    A petition in relation to H.R. 1434, referred to as the; "We Owe Our Women Act of 2012" -- available for viewing at http://www.BirthControlTax.com
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Rys
  • War On Women
    My petition is about the attack that women have endured over the last few months with the disgusting comments made by Rush Limbaugh. All americans should sign this petition to stand upto the GOP and protect a womens right to healthcare.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stacy
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MIKE GLICK
  • Stop the government takeover of K-12 health care
    Senate Bill 6442, sponsored by Sen. Steve Hobbs, eliminates K-12 school employees’ current health care system and forces everyone into a costly new plan run by the state health care bureaucracy. It will cost Washington taxpayers $45 million in new cost, increase school employees' insurance costs and reduce their health care benefits. It also eliminates employer health care coverage for K-12 employees who work less than half time.
    3,618 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Teri Staudinger
  • Medicaid Restoration
    Restoring the cuts to Medicaid made by former Gov. Matt Blunt.Especially the dental coverage for adults.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sara Richard
  • Remove Rush Limbaugh
    Limbough is a racist who does not have human decency to be allowed to use public owned airwaves.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Kolzet