URGENT: Floridians, your freedom is at risk!!Governor Scott wants to funnel $$$ to his hospital friends by forcing you to the ER within 72 hours of an accident. If you don't report to the hospital, you forfeit your rights to receive care for injuries sustained in the accident. Does that sound like freedom to you? To view bill information: http://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2012/119 If you want to keep your right to choose your medical provider, and the type of care you receive after an auto accident, please sign this petition:79 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. Deborah E. Springer
Governor Quinn Do Not Cut Our Health Insurance!!!In his 2013 budget, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn proposes to "zero out" the state's contribution to the Retired Teachers Health Insurance Program (TRIP and CIP). Active teachers and their districts contribute every pay check to this insurance program, while retired teachers have paid a substantial premium every month. But now without warning Governor Quinn has unilaterally proposed to slash state support. As a result, retired teachers' health insurance costs will significantly increase. Governor Quinn is breaking the state's promise to the men and women who spent 35 years teaching the children of Illinois. Tell Governor Quinn this is no way to support teachers!28,711 of 30,000 SignaturesCreated by Bob Haisman
Please Defeat HB2570!Defeat HB2570: The Health and Wellness of Hawaiian Residents Depends on It!101 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Landry Fuller
PIP Reform: Fighting Fraud or Insurance Industry HandoutFloridians are required by law to purchase car insurance with personal injury protection (PIP) to cover medical expenses in the event of an accident. House Bill 119 (HB 119), sponsored by Rep. Jim Boyd and supported by Gov. Rick Scott, seeks to "reform" PIP insurance and will limit consumers’ right to choose their doctors. HB 119 requires every person injured in a car accident to be seen by ER physicians within 72 hours of their accident and eliminates access to conservative, drug-free, cost-effective treatment by chiropractic physicians, acupuncturists, and massage therapists. Despite strong objections by the provider community, attorneys and consumer groups, HB 119 has passed every House sub-committee on PIP/No-Fault reform on a straight party-line vote. In addition to overwhelming already overburdened emergency rooms, injured parties will suffer with limited treatment options, increased pain medication use, high medical bills from ER visits, and difficulty finding legal representation for those with permanent injuries. We're calling on Governor Rick Scott (a former hospital executive), Rep. Boyd (an insurance agent by profession), and the members of the Florida State Legislature to stand-up for consumers rights and VOTE NO on HOUSE BILL 119 or any piece of legislation limiting consumers rights to equal access among health care providers.2,074 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Dr. J. Adam Metzger
Waive 6-Month Uninsured Requirement to Join High-Risk PoolOpen the High-Risk Pool to all Americans without health insurance—and Waive the Requirement that One Must Be Uninsured for at Least 6 Months In Order to Join.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Rosen
Restore Federal Funding for Syringe AccessSyringe access and exchange programs became a financial priority of the SF Department of Public Health in the 90's as a way of reducing and controlling the spread of HepC and HIV. These programs are mainly run by volunteers, who distribute clean needles, safer sex tools, and other safe drug usage items (ie caps for crack pipes, sterile water and tourniquets, to name a few) to those who want them. Over the years, studies show that the epidemic of new outbreaks has come to a very low and steady number, which can be directly attributed to the success of these programs and the awareness they share. Syringe access programs can be found scattered nationwide, however, they are very few and far between. In 2009, after decades of fighting for federal funds, a ban was lifted, granting limited funding to programs nationwide. This was a huge success, and opened the doors for more safe access sites where they were needed. Unfortunately, in December of last year (2011), the ban was put back into effect with the government's fear of condoning drug use.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katie
Governor Haley of South Carolina do your job .Governor Haley you was elected to work for the people of South Carolina. You was not put in there to take our rights away. And spend our tax dollars that we do not have.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joan Upchurch
Help Protect Women's Health in TexasTexas has signaled that it would rather lose $35 million annually in federal help to provide 130,000 poor women access to health care than allow Planned Parenthood to receive part of the funding. Health and Human Services Commissioner Tom Suehs signed a rule Thursday that officially bans Planned Parenthood and abortion provider affiliates from getting funding from Texas’ largely successful Women’s Health Program. We must call on the State Senate to repeal the law that makes this possible so that we may protect the health of women in Texas. Especially those who are unable to seek healthcare without state and federal aid.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brent Marley
Support Single Payer Health CareDelaware will have a single payer health care bill in our legislature this spring. This system will cut medical costs so much there will be enough money to pay not just for medical, but dental, vision, long term care, prisoners, aids you name it. For profit insurance companies take millions off the top for millionaire CEO's, advertising and shareholders who contribute not a cent towards health care.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by elizabeth allen
stop celling tobacco productsI would like the state of Connecticut to stop all tobacco products for concerns of americans health as well as children gettting second hand smoke.And no more Bill Boards with tobacco advertisments.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Holly Anne MacLean
Stop Pennsylvania's Mandatory Ultrasound Bill!The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is poised to pass HB 1077, the so-called "Women's Right to Know" Act. This bill operates under the guise that women aren't smart enough to understand their own bodies. It requires all women seeking an abortion to be subjected to a mandatory ultrasound at least 24 hours in advance. It requires the ultrasound screen to be aimed toward the woman's face but 'permits her to avert her eyes' and also requires that she deliver a print of the image to her physician in order to have the procedure. The PA Medical Society and other medical groups have already come out in opposition to this incredible invasion of the physician/patient relationship. Your Representative can stop this demeaning and unnecessary attack by voting NO on HB 1077, but we need your help!30,390 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates
health insurancealternative health care, we should be able to choose what ever care through our paid health insurance plan why can't we choose? why wouldn't an insurance company not want to pay less than more for let's say vitamin c infusion v.s. chemo the difference is $150.00 vit c to $1,000 chemo or more . insurance should pay for what WE want not what they want1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by christine penrose