• Thank you, Sandra Fluke!
    The President can do it, so can we. Please sign this petition to thank Sandra Fluke for standing up for women's health care in the face of shameful and unwarranted attacks by the right-wing media.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by R
  • H.64- Improve the Health and Prosperity of Vermonters with CAM
    Reduce the amount Vermonters and Vermont’s employers pay for health care by passing H.64 (http://tinyurl.com/PreventionSavings). With health care costs spiraling out of control, H.64 will allow for insurance coverage of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) (www.CAMaVT.org), to prevent disease before disease actually arises. It has been shown that there is an increasing rate of return by investing in preventative medicines over investing in the current medical system. H.64 Draft: “This bill proposes to require health insurance plans, including Medicaid, to provide coverage for all health care services, including complementary and alternative treatments, if at least two studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals find such services to be safe, to be directly related to statistically significant improvements in individuals’ health status, and to reduce associated medical costs.”
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Hall
  • Please convene a "State of the South Task Force" to address the HIV crisis in the Southeast.
    More people are living with and dying from HIV in the South than in any other region of the Country. We need urgent action to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Southeast.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Southern HIV/AIDS Strategy Initiative
  • Support the Gatewood Galbraith Memorial Medical Marijuana Act
    State Senator Perry Clark has submitted a bill to legalize the use of Marijuana for medical purposes in the state of Kentucky. With the advent of research done all over the globe on this issue and the findings that medical Marijuana is in fact beneficial for treating a variety of ailments, we are urging passage of this bill.
    4,476 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Ron Moore / Keith Rouda
  • Fire Rush Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh has now gone too far. There are many who use birth control for health reasons other than the prevention of birth. Some for life threatening issues like heart conditions, bleeding, menopause, ovarian cysts etc... No amount of apologies will make up for the infuriating attack on women, some of them MARRIED who use and need affordable access to birth control. This is not a religious issue it is an issue about control of women.
    1,140 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by DeAnn Padelo
  • County Mental Health Center A Necessity
    We, the undersigned, recognize the need to keep the County Mental Health Center Open. In their own mission statement, it says: "The Community Mental Health Center of Lancaster County is dedicated to providing quality mental health care and rehabilitation services for adults who experience acute physhological distress or serious mental illness." We all know someone who is in need of these services. Knowing that this facility is closing has our friends, family members, neighbors and those we do not know, but who live in Lancaster County, in a frenzy. They are frightened as to what will happen to them.How will they get the treatment and medications that they so desperately need. A trait of all people, especially those with mental problems, is the need for community support. Without this support, many will end up in jail, on drugs, or living on the streets. The Mental Health Center is a lifeline for people with problems. How can we turn our backs on our neighbors, friends, relatives and people in need? Signing this petition let's the county know that the County Mental Health Center is a necessity and should remain open. Correction: "No county money was spent to re-dig the geothermal well holes. That was the responsibility of the contractor that dug them wrong in the first place. The subcontractor had bond money posted prior to going out of business. The contractor fulfilled its legal and financial obligation of re-digging the 149 wells at no cost to the county." per Jane Raybould (District #1), Board of County Commissioners We still need to keep the Community Mental Health Center open and functioning.
    535 of 600 Signatures
    Created by moveon-Lincoln Council
  • URGENT: Floridians, your freedom is at risk!!
    Governor Scott wants to funnel $$$ to his hospital friends by forcing you to the ER within 72 hours of an accident. If you don't report to the hospital, you forfeit your rights to receive care for injuries sustained in the accident. Does that sound like freedom to you? To view bill information: http://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2012/119 If you want to keep your right to choose your medical provider, and the type of care you receive after an auto accident, please sign this petition:
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Deborah E. Springer
  • Governor Quinn Do Not Cut Our Health Insurance!!!
    In his 2013 budget, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn proposes to "zero out" the state's contribution to the Retired Teachers Health Insurance Program (TRIP and CIP). Active teachers and their districts contribute every pay check to this insurance program, while retired teachers have paid a substantial premium every month. But now without warning Governor Quinn has unilaterally proposed to slash state support. As a result, retired teachers' health insurance costs will significantly increase. Governor Quinn is breaking the state's promise to the men and women who spent 35 years teaching the children of Illinois. Tell Governor Quinn this is no way to support teachers!
    28,711 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Bob Haisman
  • Please Defeat HB2570!
    Defeat HB2570: The Health and Wellness of Hawaiian Residents Depends on It!
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Landry Fuller
  • PIP Reform: Fighting Fraud or Insurance Industry Handout
    Floridians are required by law to purchase car insurance with personal injury protection (PIP) to cover medical expenses in the event of an accident. House Bill 119 (HB 119), sponsored by Rep. Jim Boyd and supported by Gov. Rick Scott, seeks to "reform" PIP insurance and will limit consumers’ right to choose their doctors. HB 119 requires every person injured in a car accident to be seen by ER physicians within 72 hours of their accident and eliminates access to conservative, drug-free, cost-effective treatment by chiropractic physicians, acupuncturists, and massage therapists. Despite strong objections by the provider community, attorneys and consumer groups, HB 119 has passed every House sub-committee on PIP/No-Fault reform on a straight party-line vote. In addition to overwhelming already overburdened emergency rooms, injured parties will suffer with limited treatment options, increased pain medication use, high medical bills from ER visits, and difficulty finding legal representation for those with permanent injuries. We're calling on Governor Rick Scott (a former hospital executive), Rep. Boyd (an insurance agent by profession), and the members of the Florida State Legislature to stand-up for consumers rights and VOTE NO on HOUSE BILL 119 or any piece of legislation limiting consumers rights to equal access among health care providers.
    2,074 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dr. J. Adam Metzger
  • Waive 6-Month Uninsured Requirement to Join High-Risk Pool
    Open the High-Risk Pool to all Americans without health insurance—and Waive the Requirement that One Must Be Uninsured for at Least 6 Months In Order to Join.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Rosen
  • Restore Federal Funding for Syringe Access
    Syringe access and exchange programs became a financial priority of the SF Department of Public Health in the 90's as a way of reducing and controlling the spread of HepC and HIV. These programs are mainly run by volunteers, who distribute clean needles, safer sex tools, and other safe drug usage items (ie caps for crack pipes, sterile water and tourniquets, to name a few) to those who want them. Over the years, studies show that the epidemic of new outbreaks has come to a very low and steady number, which can be directly attributed to the success of these programs and the awareness they share. Syringe access programs can be found scattered nationwide, however, they are very few and far between. In 2009, after decades of fighting for federal funds, a ban was lifted, granting limited funding to programs nationwide. This was a huge success, and opened the doors for more safe access sites where they were needed. Unfortunately, in December of last year (2011), the ban was put back into effect with the government's fear of condoning drug use.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katie