HEALTH INSURANCE!!!!I am scared to death when it comes to health care. I really LOVE the Obama Care idea. I have had my back fused from T3 to L2 and live in pain every day of my life. This past year I have spent fighting Breast Cancer. I am going through a divorce and will be losing my insurance. I am not working and afraid of being pre existing. I am afraid insurance might cost for me. I am afraid already for the day I lose my husbands insurance. PLEASE!! Think about people like me in regards to health insurance.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Adams
Healthy People Against 15 Minute AppointmentsFifteen minute appointments for primary care visits are in most cases not safe and unethical. We the people, patients and primary care practitioners need more time to address chronic health problems and disease management. We are asking Congress to demand health insurance companies and Medicare / Medicaid reimburse and allot for 30 minute visit minimums for any patient with 1 or more chronic health conditions or risk factors.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicole Casbarro
Veterans vs. ConvictsWhy don't military veterans get dental benefits? Convicts get dental benefits but a veteran does not. Do we value convicts more than veterans?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mike Hicks
Veterans vs. ConvictsWhy don't military veterans get dental benefits? Convicts get dental benefits but a veteran does not. Do we valve convicts more than veterans?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mike Hicks
Justice starts with YOU.. AlabamaPetition against unfair funding to under priviledged schools around Alabama, against the immigration law and against medicaid for our beloved senior citizens. Join THE FIGHT2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ebony Jones
Grant tax benefits or financial assistance to support healthy eating.Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in America. The leading cause? Poor diet. Signing this petition will not only change a major issue with our health care, but it will SAVE LIVES! There is no deadline, this petition should be open until someone in our government fixes this major issue.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chad Earlywine
HealthIf we were ABLE to eat healthy we wouldn't NEED to be HURT by all the medicine and drugs doctors provide us.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sam Sinnott
Medical Treatment-Only for Some AmericansImagine yourself terrified, all alone, feeling ill and not knowing why. Cast away from one hospital, then another, on to another where your uncertainty and fear leads you to demand that you be treated like a human being. That the institution that is supposed to assist persons who are ill assist you with determining the source of your illness. Unfamiliar with the process(es) that you are subjegated too, yet knowing that your pain continues and something is wrong. Being told to leave despite the fact that the pain continues. Your continued protest despite the fact that you are being wheeled out in handcuffs. Thrown into a cell despite your protests because you are in pain and are terrified. You are sick and you don't know why. The excrutiating pain caused by the arrival of the blood clots to your lungs. As you lay dying the disbelief that washes over you. You are in the care of the authories. The persons who are supposed to be responsibile for your safety and well being. Aren't they all trained professionals? Haven't they all taken one oath or another? You are crying because you know that you are probably dying. You will never see your children again and no one gives a damn. This would have been your thoughts had you been Anna Brown.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eddie Bryant
Maine (Doesn't) CareThis petition is about Chronic Pain Sufferers, the elderly and the disabled in the State of Maine. These are the "disenfranchised" citizens of this once-great State who are systematically being thrown to the curb... who, in a sense, and with this law, are being "Euthanized" on the installment plan, as it were.33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bob Bailey
Don't veto healthcare for allThe California state legislature has repeatedly passed bills to create healthcare for everyone, a single-payer healthcare system that would give everyone in the state care, regardless of their ability to pay. Consecutive governors have vetoed these bills, and Jerry Brown has vowed to do the same.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christine Lee
Arizona House bill 2800Let's leave religion and politics as separate issues. We do NOT all have the same religious beliefs. Leave planned parenthood alone. Women should be able to seek health care where they want. If it is a Catholic hospital then they should have the right not to be forced to do things that violate their beliefs. We will remember1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tevis ross
Coloradans Need Health Care NOW! Full Care, For All, For LessIn Colorado, spending what we do now or less, we can have full health care for everyone, with better outcomes. Coloradans deserves to have affordable, quality health care. Every taxpayer and business needs relief from escalating insurance costs. We need to pay for our health care in a way that is efficient, transparent and accountable to us - the residents of Colorado. We need Colorado money to stay in Colorado and to create Colorado jobs. The Federal health reform legislation won't get us there. Coloradans need to take health reform into our own hands. Vermont is creating a universal, affordable health care system, and Colorado can also if we all work together. We need to tell the governor and legislators that Coloradans need more than incremental improvements. Tell them that we'll help them do what's right: affordable, quality, sustainable health care for all Colorado residents. For more information: HealthCareforAllforLess.org622 of 800 SignaturesCreated by William Semple