• Protect Trans Kids in Idaho
    Transgender people across the US are under attack. Transgender children are vulnerable. Protecting their rights to affirming care is protecting their mental health and safety.
    194 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Felix Lovelace
  • Needed Telehealth for Psychotherapy
    Thousands of vulnerable individuals are at risk to lose Telehealth for psychotherapy as of February 28, 2023, as noted in detailed letter above. It should not be a choice between risking grave illness versus psychotherapy, whether patients or therapists. It should not be a choice between being poor and having access to psychotherapy through Telehealth.
    626 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Susan K Faron PhD
  • No price-gouging for the lifesaving, people-funded Moderna COVID-19 vaccine!
    In the last three years, nearly 1.1 million Americans have died from COVID-19 and over 100 million more have become ill. This huge, unnecessary price increase for the Moderna vaccine would have devastating impacts and will cause needless deaths and severe, long-term health challenges for so many due to millions of Americans not being able to afford the vaccine. It will make the vaccine unavailable and inaccessible for many millions of uninsured and underinsured Americans (especially low-income people, people with disabilities, and communities of color) who won’t be able to afford it. How many people will die from COVID-19 as a result of limited access to these life-saving vaccines? In the midst of a deadly pandemic, restricting access to this much-needed vaccine is unconscionable. The COVID-19 vaccines were jointly developed in partnership with scientists from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a U.S. government agency that is funded by U.S. taxpayers, and the federal government, who directly provided $1.7 billion to Moderna for research and development. If Moderna more than quadrupled the price of the vaccine, it would make it unaffordable to the very residents of this country who made the production of the vaccine possible, not to mention the fact that this decision will make the vaccine inaccessible to countries across the world. That is not acceptable. It will also have a significantly negative impact on the budgets of Medicaid, Medicare, and other government programs that will continue covering the vaccine without cost-sharing for patients. It will cost taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars, and the outrageous price boost will increase private health insurance premiums. And in the midst of the worst public health crisis in the U.S. over the last two years, Moderna made over $19 billion in profits and used those profits to provide incredibly extravagant compensation packages to the CEO and other top officials at the company. The Moderna CEO even became a multi-billionaire as a direct result of Moderna’s COVID vaccine, and several Moderna chairmen, co-founders, and investors are now billionaires, too. Let’s be clear: The purpose of the recent taxpayer investment in Moderna was to protect our health and lives, not to turn a handful of corporate executives and investors into multi-billionaires. This is why we are urgently calling for Moderna to NOT increase the price of the people-funded COVID-19 vaccine!
    177,156 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Senator Bernie Sanders Picture
  • Protect Medicare and Social Security, not the wealthy
    The United States government has hit the debt ceiling, which is the amount of money it is allowed to borrow. Without raising the debt ceiling, the federal government cannot pay its bills. We risk a global financial crisis, 6 million Americans losing their jobs, and devastating families who rely on lifesaving benefits. Instead of governing for the people, MAGA Republicans are holding our economy hostage at the expense of the working people who uphold it. Under McCarthy’s cowering leadership, they are refusing to vote to increase the debt ceiling—something they’ve done hundreds of times—unless major cuts are made to Social Security and Medicare. Instead of making the wealthy few pay their fair share in taxes to help fund the government, Republicans want to fill the pockets of the rich even more. This is their latest attempt to execute their decades-long agenda of gutting these programs under the guise of reducing spending. Millions of Americans, many of whom are already living paycheck to paycheck, rely on these programs to protect their livelihoods and families. Congress should work together to focus on strengthening and expanding popular programs like Social Security and Medicare that make our lives better. Millions of people will suffer and some will even die as a result of this callous greed. McCarthy traded everyday Americans’ health and survival to be speaker of the House. By conceding to the far-right Freedom Caucus’s demands, he committed to prioritizing tax cuts for the rich while gutting the programs that keep our families and communities able to survive. Our lives depend on fighting to save Social Security and Medicare. Congress must pass a clean debt ceiling increase immediately. Photo Credit: Al Drago / Bloomberg / Getty
    137,528 of 200,000 Signatures
  • Wyoming legislators: Expand Medicaid now!
    ~19,000 people in Wyoming would receive basic healthcare access from Medicaid expansion. Two-thirds of these folks work low-income jobs that don’t provide health benefits. These are ranchers, farmers and small business employees—many struggling in jobs without health benefits. Our rural hospitals are also struggling to serve their communities, because they lose millions providing services to people with no insurance. By expanding Medicaid, thousands of Wyomingites get access to affordable healthcare, rural hospitals get the funds they need to stay open, and millions of federal tax dollars come back to Wyoming, where they belong. All of our neighboring states have expanded Medicaid successfully. In Montana, it has greatly helped their economy, healthcare industry, and state budget. We need to do this too! Wyoming residents all pay federal income taxes. Those taxes go on to pay for expanded Medicaid services in 38 other states, but not Wyoming. It’s time to bring our tax money back to Wyoming to support our people and economy here.
    429 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Laura Packard Picture
  • No to a National Abortion Ban!
    Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, right-wing Republican laws have taken effect in state after state to ban abortion and criminalize those who seek and provide it. These harsh laws take away a fundamental right that had been guaranteed by the Constitution for nearly 50 years and fulfill an extremist vision of exerting control over our health, our bodies, and our autonomy. As a result, pregnant people—many of whom already faced challenges accessing the abortion care that should have been their right—are forced to travel long distances to seek care, or to carry to term pregnancies that could be harmful or fatal. And we see these same Republicans seeking to jail and punish people in cruel and outrageous ways. The Republican Party is now bringing these attacks to Congress, where their majority in the House of Representatives wasted no time in passing two anti-abortion bills. We know they won't stop there: They'll go after the right to contraception, limit access to self-managed abortion, and seek a full national abortion ban. We need to stop them at all costs. Democrats in the Senate and President Biden need to take every measure to defeat these bills. More than that, they need to continue the fight to codify the protections of Roe into law—and do away with the regressive filibuster, if necessary, to pass such a bill in the Senate. And as the House continues to vote on these bills, we need every member of Congress to hear from their constituents, to know that a vast, bipartisan majority of Americans support abortion rights, and that they will be held accountable for voting for any measure that seeks to limit those rights, including a national abortion ban.
    113,443 of 200,000 Signatures
  • Tell Biden to Protect Transgender Access to Healthcare
    It is outrageous to limit anyone’s access to life saving healthcare, and even moreso to raise the bar of access to 26 years old. This is clearly an attempt to eliminate transgender people by eliminating their access to health care. Please stand up for transgender people and tell President Biden to take action and enact Federal protections to access to gender affirming healthcare for transgender people before more states enact these hateful and harmful laws.
    513 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Miles Bergeson
    This is important to us Our department is 24hrs and mandatory overtime is constant daily because we are very short staff and we are working day evening and night shifts. Looking for parking and moving our cars every 2 hours is not possible. For those who have nights and weekend passes and are working multiple shifts. To receive citations is just unfair and their should be a compensation given back. Also what are we to do because we are not going to purchase two passes and we are still Z.S.F.G.H employee that even with a pass day or night the lots don't even have enough spaces for employees to park rather it be the parking lot on 23rd or our campus lot! It needs to be some type of resolution and accommodation for all employees and once again our department is a 24hr department and we work around the clock! we do need help fighting this!
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Felicia Pena
  • Reject Leasing Serenity Ridge Common Areas
    Why is this important? It seems that communities are being led to believe that fracking will be a golden goose while the real economic, human, and environmental impacts are being downplayed using tactics similar to the tobacco industry. Consider who would be impacted by the immediate and long-term adverse effects. We are concerned for our health, our reservoir, and our community and refuse to be the next Hinkley, Dimock, or Flint. We want clean water. We want clean air.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zofia Kozlowska
  • Reject Leasing Tallyn's Reach Common Area Mineral Rights
    We are in a drought. The human and environmental impacts are being downplayed using tactics similar to the tobacco industry. We are concerned for our health, our reservoir, and our community. We will not be the next Hinkley, Dimock, or Flint. We want clean water. We want clean air.
    377 of 400 Signatures
    Created by kevin chan
  • UCSC: Free Menstrual Products
    Join & sign our movement for change if you wish to support free menstrual products.
    424 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Berkley Kramer
  • RAE 4 - We need answers! Prioritize Latinx behavioral health!
    So, what’s the problem?  Though 43.2% of Pueblo’s residents are Hispanic or Latino and 17.8% are living in poverty, there are little to no affordable and accessible treatment services in Spanish without Servicios  48% of avoidable costs in RAE come from substance misuse  RAE 4 got a D grade in its outpatient treatment planning score per a recent audit  Community waits months to be seen. Servicios see everyone in 14 days or less.  Latinos are the second highest utilizers of illegal substances in Colorado. In some neighborhoods, drugs are easier to find than healthy meals.  Latino Coloradoans were the second highest utilizers of mental health services in the State representing 25.8% of all those seeking treatment Root causes to these health inequities include lack of access to bilingual therapists; strong corporate marketing to target poor and BIPOC communities; fear of institutions; lack of resources for immigrant/migrant and refugee communities; lack of transportation; language barriers; retention challenges due to experiencing homelessness; barriers to treatment specific to COVID-19; and stigma. What happens now: Servicios is funded to continue services in Pueblo until 4/30/2023. Health Colorado Inc went from funding us with almost $.5M in Cycle 1 to $0 in Cycle 2. Seeing the massive need for the very services that we expertly provide, we want to know how HCI intends to fill this critical gap in services, and in a culturally and linguistically responsive manner? What can you do: Speak up. La raza! Méjicano! Españo! Latino! Chicano! Or whatever we call ourselves, WE MATTER! When it comes to caring for community, money talks. When resources are taken away, it sends a clear message that our needs and our people just don’t matter and are not valued. Call Christina Brown, the Director of Community Engagement and Transformation at Health Colorado Inc and share your thoughts: (719) 621-8785. Our loved ones are dying and we cannot “wait on time” and expect things to get better by themselves.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Neva Martinez Ortega