There is an IMMEDIATE need to obtain a Bay Bottom Lease for the Veterans Fish Camp Card Sound Road, in the Florida Keys. The below states an important factors to reduce suicides and the Bay Bottom Lease would help with these: According to the World Health Organization, having a safe, supportive environment plays a large role in suicide prevention. When people feel secure in their surroundings, they experience less anxiety and depression, improve their physical health, have fewer instances of substance abuse and experience an overall improved quality of life and life expectancy. According to the Mayo Clinic, “most often, suicidal thoughts are the result of feeling like you can’t cope when you’re faced with what seems to be an overwhelming life situation.” Immediate Action is needed
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Verday
  • Save 10th & Kiwanis Hyvee!
    The people who live in the neighborhoods surrounding this store do not have many options for groceries or other necessities provided by this store. It previously was a locally owned Sunshine at least since 1995 serving this neighborhood. Having a community centered grocery is something valued in Sioux Falls as we see with stores like Sunshine, Franklin, and Andy's as well as Hyvee and other larger grocery chains. From a Sioux Falls resident Tray: "Creating food deserts is a part of systemic racism. The group of folks who were let go from Kmart apply to this Hy-Vee only to be moved farther from their homes. I grew up eating here when I was younger and it was Sunshine and now I shop here as an adult. This is disheartening." The people that surround this store will have less options that are accessible for healthy food. We as a community need to know how their needs will be met. Update 12/13/21 from community members: We feel this will be a LASTING impression on ALL the residents of Sioux Falls as to how a well known business as Hyvee responds to the pleas of the disadvantaged and handicapped in the community. Hyvee is removing access & affordability from those who truly need it. Almost 3 miles to travel to the nearest 26th Hyvee grocery will affect many who do not have transportation. Adding the rising cost of groceries and gas prices. Closing the store would place an extra burden on them. THE STORE IS PROFITABLE: Mayor TenHaken said:"Hy-Vee confirmed themselves they were running a profitable store; but it just doesn't fit into their portfolio services anymore. THOSE IMPACTED: THIS store important to the FIREFIGHTERS who need to cook for the first responders at their stations, as well as AIR NATIONAL GUARD troops who shop there. Hy-Vee closing creates a food desert and strains area NON PROFITS. MANY in the area WALK or bicycle, many have small CHILDREN, many are single mothers, elderly or disabled. APARTMENT OWNERS AND TENANTS An important must-have when apartment hunting often involves the presence of a grocery store within a few blocks. OWNERS AND TENANTS of the numerous apartment complexes which Kiwanis Hyvee serves would also feel the impact of this store closure. Those with no access to a vehichle, who walk to the store who WILL have NO way they can think of now to travel 3 miles to the closest grocery store if the Kiwanis store closes. Sioux Falls has 6 recognized food deserts by the U.S. Dept of Agriculture, where a grocery store is more than a mile away in a predominantly low-income neighborhood. Hy-Vee's store close will likely add another food desert in the nw-central neighborhoods based on high concentrations of low income rental properties. MICHELLE ERPENBACH Exec dir of Thrive, said: "..that neighborhood needs a reasonable grocery store and now they don't have it. It's ignoring them," "We're watching a gap open up in front of our eyes. What do we do about that as a community? Are we going to let that gap open and let people fall in? "There's absolutely going to be food inequity with this closure," Mayor Paul TenHaken said. "With this Hy-Vee closure, it leaves a very large gap.- question THERE SEEMS TO BE A CONFLICTING REASON FOR CLOSING THIS STORE , 2 PEOPLE QUOTED IN NEWS ARTICLES SAY 2 OPPOSING REASONS . I WONDER WHICH IS CORRECT: https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2021/12/08/food-deserts-could-increase-in-sioux-falls-after-hyvee-closure-feeding-south-dakota/8836062002/ 1."We know there is demand, and Hy-Vee confirmed themselves they were running a profitable store; but it just doesn't fit into their portfolio services anymore. That need will get filled in due time," TenHaken said. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/sioux-falls-hy-vee-to-close-will-be-repurposed-as-non-retail-site/ar-AARm36k 2. Tina Potthoff, senior vice president of communications for Hy-Vee. Unfortunately, this location did not consistently meet our financial expectations.” The change is due to increased growth and demand for pharmacy and baking service in Sioux Falls, Potthoff added."We need the additional space to keep up with demand," Potthoff said in an emailed statement. "We want sales to reflect the quality of value we’re bringing to the store and the customer service we’re providing. Unfortunately, this location did not consistently meet our financial expectations.” Potthoff did acknowledge that closing the Kiwanis location would widen food deserts in the northwestern part of Sioux Falls. She said that Aisles Online accepts EBT payments and said that Hy-Vee will "look at ways to further address" the issue. ...Sounds kind of vague...I wonder what ways they are looking at and at what time on the future???
    1,852 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Julia Tasuil
    Residents that live in Greenburgh Housing Authority and Greenburgh Heights, LLC complexes have a right to health protection during this pandemic.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mechelle Brown Picture
  • Tell California officials: No drilling where we're living!
    Right now, more than 2 million Californians are living and breathing the toxic health impacts of oil and gas drilling sites in their neighborhoods. An end to chronic asthma and cancer in our neighborhoods is in sight. Just last month, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a draft regulation to stop new drilling within 3,200 feet of homes, hospitals, schools, and other sensitive receptors. Now, a 60 day comment period allows the public to raise our voices to: 1) SUPPORT the 3,200-foot setback for new wells 2) DEMAND that the setback rule applies to existing wells, not just new wells 3) URGE the Governor's administration and CalGEM to take emergency action to ban all new permits within the setback until the final rule is in effect.
    5,493 of 6,000 Signatures
  • Governor of Florida (Ron DeSantis): Remove the nomination of Joseph Ladapo as Surgeon General
    I would ask everyone in Florida and around the nation to join me in sending a message to the Governor of Florida that the people of Florida deserve a qualified, level-headed surgeon general that will be an advocate for the health and well-being of all Floridians.
    3,077 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Laurie Woodward Garcia Picture
  • Demand the extension of Assembly Bill 31 to remove luxury taxes on period products in California
    There exists unreasonably high luxury taxes on menstrual products. Luxury taxes are taxes placed on items that are considered non-essential. People who menstruate do not have control over their periods, and therefore pads, tampons, panty-liners, and diva cups are absolutely essential. They are not luxuries. The price increase in these products has created a phenomenon of menstrual inequity among homeless and low-income women, we call this “period poverty”. In California, women pay $20 million in taxes on menstrual products annually. USA Today estimates that women have to spend anywhere between $150 to $300 annually on period products.This is a detrimental price for low income and homeless women, who often have to choose between essentials like food and clothes, or having menstrual products. Period poverty is especially relevant to Los Angeles, where 20,671 women are currently experiencing homeless, a disproportionate amount being women of color. To put this into perspective, a box of tampons cost $7 at a common retailer; this often means homeless menstruators are forced to choose between their next meal or these products. Additionally, many homeless shelters in Los Angeles are constantly in need of sufficient menstrual products to distribute to the people there. This is due to the stigma around periods that makes people potentially uncomfortable when donating these products, which just proves the need for greater financial accessibility to period products.
    395 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Alyzee Sosa
  • Justice for Vanessa Gutierrez: Demand Compassion and Support from VCA for All Veterinary Staff
    Working in veterinary medicine is an incredibly stressful and often thankless job. For credentialed Veterinary Technicians, Veterinary Assistants, Customer Service Representatives, and all veterinary support staff there are added issues of low wages and substandard benefits. When these stresses are paired with incompetent and/or uncaring leadership, the result is both tragic and unsurprising. From a study published in 2019 by Dr. Witte, et al. (https://tinyurl.com/vetstaffsuicide) we know that veterinary support staff members have a 2.3 - 5 times higher risk of suicide when compared to the general population. Vanessa’s situation will occur again and again until something in the veterinary industry changes, and the importance of mental health is paid more than lip service for PR purposes.
    4,453 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by National Veterinary Professionals Union Picture
  • Veterinary Services after hours Santa Fe
    Unsafe situation for pets in Santa Fe, New Mexico
    381 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Diane Johnston
  • Congress: Mold and Water-Damaged Buildings Are Affecting Our Public Health
    It's estimated that 47% of ALL U.S. homes have visible dampness and mold. People spend 90% of their time indoors, yet a lack of emphasis is put on indoor air quality and how that affects our health every day. The recent peer-reviewed medical journal “A Comprehensive Review of Mold Research Literature From 2011 – 2018” published in Internal Medicine Review concluded that 112 of 114 (98.2%) of epidemiological articles published between 2011 and 2018 supported the proposition that inhaled mold, mold fragments, toxins and various pathogenic inflammagen, or other components of the air in water-damaged buildings (WDB), cause single and multi-system illness in humans. Symptoms include chronic and daily manifestations of fatigue, pain, nonrestorative sleep, cognitive deficits, neuropathic pains, gastrointestinal issues, musculoskeletal compromise, post-exertional malaise, dermatological, ophthalmic, endocrine, and other chronic multisystem symptoms for those suffering. These studies included 273,000 subjects from over 30 countries and 5 continents! The time for adequate funding for research and awareness on this overlooked public health issue is long overdue.
    1,089 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Chappo
  • Protect Puget Sound from Toxic Development
    Toxics from waste buried on site are leaching into groundwater aquifers threatening the public health, and contaminated stormwater is entering the ecologically sensitive watersheds of Green Cove and Butler Creeks, which drain into the federally impaired waters of Budd and Eld Inlets of Puget Sound, habitat for endangered Salmon and Orcas. The Squaxin Island tribe has provided comment that notes a development overlying these contaminated soils would make contamination of soil, water, wetlands and groundwater permanent, adversely affecting their treaty rights. This proposal has met with years of overwhelming public opposition, yet the City of Olympia continues to review it despite the Applicant's continued failure to comply with agreements to provide information to the City, the Department of Ecology, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) which are needed to perform an adequate review. The Applicant, Jerry Mahan of John L. Scott Realty, has obtained numerous extensions of time to provide this data, but has failed or refused to do so, violating the terms of the agreement to obtain an extension. Therefore, by failing to comply with these agreements and the laws which require information that would allow consideration of adverse environmental impacts which are foreseeably likely to be leading from this project, Applicant is acting in bad faith. The City should inform Applicant that he has not performed pursuant to the terms of his agreement granting a 6 month extension, and the project can no longer be considered until a new complete application is submitted. We request that the City of Olympia return this application as incomplete and void, as required by the terms of the extension agreement. Any new application must provide the information required by the City, Ecology and DNR so that they can do their job to safeguard public health and the environment.
    128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Grace Kronenberg
  • Tell the Senate: #RepealHelms
    Texas recently enacted the most restrictive anti-abortion law in the country, outlawing all abortions after 6 weeks with no exceptions. Mississippi is taking their own anti-abortion law to the Supreme Court — a case that could overturn Roe v. Wade and put dozens of new anti-reproductive healthcare laws on the map. And while it may not surprise you that racism and misogyny have run rampant within the United States for decades, you might not realize we’ve been exporting it too. For nearly 50 years, the Helms Amendment has blocked people around the world from having control over their own reproductive healthcare. It’s the worst of a paternalistic U.S. foreign policy at work: spreading harmful ideology under the guise of humanitarian assistance. But that could change soon. For the first time since 1973, the House passed an appropriations bill that DOESN’T include the Helms Amendment. And IF it passes the Senate, we can make 2021 the year we finally wipe this outdated, imperialist policy from our books and build a world where people can create their families — and build their futures — in the ways that work for them. Add your name to tell the Senate: It’s time to #RepealHelms
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Vote of No Confidence - Republican Party
    This country cannot move forward while Blue and Red continue infighting. Something must be done. Republican Senate leaders have been known to say they will not vote for anything just because the Democrats put it forth. This, coming from a man as old as Mitch McConnell, and being agreed to by the others in the same party, is ludicrous. We did not elect them to play games. The censuring of senators for not voting the way they want them to (for having minds of their own) is also a very telling indicator that the Republican party is more concerned that their members play "follow the leader" than think for themselves. The people who voted for each senator did so for the purpose of looking out for their interest... Not so they can sit around, smoking cigars, drinking whiskey, and thinking about how they can get back at the unpopular members of their group, or play tit-for-tat with the Dems. Pointing fingers, blaming each other, and threatening "if you do that, we'll do this" makes every single one of you look like a playground bully!
    147 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Mastro