• Petition to get Medication for free for ALL Cardiac patient's!
    Because no parent of a child who has ALREADY been through Open Heart Surgery should have to worry if their child will survive after discharge because insurance will not pay for the medicine and they can not afford THOUSANDS or more for one month of one medicine!
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kayla Stratton
  • Keep universal masking in place in Hamden Public Schools
    MASKING SAVES LIVES. Join us in asking our schools to follow scientific recommendations about how to protect children, families, and educators in Hamden from COVID-19.
    418 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Madeline Ravich
  • Restore Essex County Public School's COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies and Protocols
    The health and safety of the Essex County Public School students, teachers and staff is of the utmost importance. Essex County Public Schools had to release students early on February 4, 2022, due to a staff shortage. Many teachers and staff members believe the learning environment is unsafe and do not want to put themselves at risk of contracting COVID-19. An Essex High School student was sent to the principal on February 3, 2022, after a teacher discovered a flyer organizing a student walkout. The flyer read, “Covid-19 is real. We lost too many lives," and asked students to walk out for 16 minutes in honor of the 16,412 people who lost their lives due COVID-19 in Virginia. A parent of a special needs student who is nonverbal and wheelchair bound, said she took her daughter out of school because of health and safety concerns. Signing this petition is important because we cannot allow elected officials to put the health and safety of our children and community at-risk. By prematurely ending COVID-19 mitigation strategies and protocols, the school district is unable to provide a safe environment for students to receive a free appropriate public education.
    914 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ronnie Sidney II
  • Illinois Funeral & Burial Assistance Program for Murdered Children Act
    Nobody plans to bury their murdered child – it’s among the worst possible unexpected expenses, yet thousands of Illinois families are paying it. They are depending on your help during some of the most tragic and painful times of their lives. We look forward to working with the Illinois General Assembly to ease some of their pain.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Nayak Picture
  • Tell the Maryland General Assembly to Protect Abortion Rights by Amending the State Constitution
    The 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade made access to safe and legal abortion a constitutional right. Today, that freedom is at risk like never before. In 2021, states introduced 663 abortion restrictions and enacted 108 of them — a record number since 1973. Meanwhile, 80% of Americans want abortion to be legal. We are the majority, and in this unprecedented time where the federal right to abortion may be no more, it is up to state governments to step in and ensure our laws reflect that. Passing a constitutional amendment to protect reproductive rights NOW is one of the most concrete measures we can take before it is too late. That’s why I am calling on the Maryland General Assembly to amend the state constitution to protect personal reproductive liberty and guarantee the right to an abortion. Add your name to show your support!
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Doug Gansler
  • Tell Amazon: Stop the spread of covid, reinstate free testing for workers
    Under the highly contagious Omicron Covid variant, Amazon should be making testing easier for employees in order to stop its spread. But the world’s largest employer is failing their workers by stopping free onsite warehouse testing and scaling back paid leave from two weeks to one. Sick workers are scrambling to find free testing and support from Amazon.¹ Tell Andy Jassy, Amazon CEO (who replaced Jeff Bezos last July), to reinstate free Covid testing, longer quarantining, and sick days for their workers. Amazon is making billions off the pandemic. The tech giant, with profits that rose over 220% during Covid,² can afford to reinstate onsite testing. This isn’t the first time Amazon has brazenly risked public health and their workers’ lives. In November, Amazon settled a case with the California attorney general over claims that it concealed Covid-19 case numbers. As part of the settlement (still subject to court approval), Amazon must notify workers within 24 hours of new Covid cases and notify local health agencies within 48 hours.³ But if workers are struggling to get tests or test results, then Amazon doesn’t have anything to report — and infected employees could keep on working and spreading the virus. Take action now. Sign the petition to tell Amazon’s CEO, Andy Jassy, to stop risking lives and reinstate free warehouse Covid testing for their workers. Sources: 1. “Ailing Amazon workers struggle to find Covid tests themselves,” NBC News, Jan 13, 2022. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/ailing-amazon-workers-struggle-find-covid-tests-rcna11942 2. “Amazon's profit soars 220 percent as pandemic drives shopping online,” The New York Times, May 12, 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/29/technology/amazons-profits-triple.html 3. “Amazon settles claims it concealed Covid-19 cases from workers,” CNBC, November 15, 2021. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/15/amazon-settles-claims-it-concealed-covid-19-cases-from-workers.html
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Granate Kim
  • California can lead the nation in healthcare justice by passing AB1400
    CalCare, AB1400, is supported by The Physicians for a National Health Program, who rely on gold-standard evidence-based data published in peer-reviewed journals to show that it will cover more, for less, with better health outcomes: https://pnhp.org/news/california-single-payer-legislation-ab-1400/ CalCare is also supported by the respected California Nurses Association (https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/press/california-nurses-association-holds-calcare-day-of-action), and the California Teachers Association. Likewise, a systematic review in PLOS Medicine of 22 studies over a 30-year period show single-payer healthcare to reduce costs, cover everyone, and provide more comprehensive coverage than private health insurance: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003013 But perhaps more importantly, we all know family, friends, and neighbors who are unnecessarily stressed by rising medical costs, medical debt, bankruptcy, insufficient medical coverage or no coverage at all. Therefore, we the undersigned respectfully call on you to support AB1400, CalCare, Guaranteed Healthcare for All, as it will strengthen our school budgets, help businesses, both small and large, cut rising employee healthcare costs, save thousands of dollars yearly to families and individuals, and provide a more just and compassionate healthcare system for all Californians.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jim Hesson
  • Governor Newsom: Follow the science—protect CA healthcare workers and our patients!
    CDPH's plan to return COVID-exposed or positive healthcare workers, without isolation or a negative test, does not follow sound science. Given what is known about the transmissibility of the new variant, it will likely put healthcare workers and patients at unnecessary risk. Our elected leaders should listen to frontline nurses and other healthcare workers.
    1,591 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by SEIU 121RN
  • Teays Valley Petition for Covid Protocols to Protect Students, Teachers, Staff and our Families
    Our Teays Valley community is dependent upon the decisions made by our school district. Ohio Covid cases are at an all time high and with new variants like Omicron emerging we need to put efforts into decreasing spread and protecting our kids and the vulnerable among us. Masking at the beginning when winter break is over and school returns is the perfect time to mitigate the surge of Covid cases that we all know and have been warned by experts is going to happen. Reported pediatric Covid-related cases have tripled, vulnerable students are not able to attend in person learning due to the lack of protocol by the district, family members are being infected and hospitalized and children will end up returning to remote learning if school infection rates are not controlled. No Covid protocol in Teays Valley can only lead to what the experts who wrote the letter to the district are warning about; kids getting sick, increased spread, hospitals at capacity and communities suffering. That is NOT helping our children have a "normal" school experience, it is hurting them and everyone around them. Masking is a small effort with an impact. It is the least we should expect from our schools.
    176 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Holsinger
  • A Call For Safer Travels and Safer Schools
    1- Prior to July 8th all travelers were required to test in order to bypass a 10-day quarantine. While this did not prevent COVID19 from entering Hawai'i, it did help slow the amount of cases entering the state. We need to bring back required travel testing for both vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers NOW. Most travelers arriving are not tested and while vaccinated people may have less severe disease it is now obvious that they could very likely be carriers. 2- Government officials have touted “personal responsibility” as the way to contain the spread of COVID, but they have not provided our community with the tools and information necessary to protect ourselves in the best way possible. One of the best mitigation measures and self-protection tools is the use of a high quality mask. We are asking the counties and the state to provide a supply of high quality masks (N95, KN95, KF94) to students and staff at every public school, and to emphasize the importance of their use. 3- Many members of our community have health concerns and need to have access to the highest level of protection. For many people, catching COVID poses a significant risk of death or permanent disability to themselves or a household member. We ask that the state and county governments adopt policies of encouraging teleworking whenever feasible, and encourage private employers to do so as well. We also ask the Board of Education to adopt a policy that no parent will be harassed, penalized or punished if they feel they need to keep their child home to reduce the risk that the child will catch COVID and bring it home to their household.
    779 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cara Flores
  • Tell Governor Carney to Address Women's Reentry Now!!
    We need to address generational curses and Women's Reentry, Child Mental Health, State and Local Police Conduct, Prosecutorial Conduct and Taxation without Representation for Ex-Offenders. While there has been some improvement, more needs to be done today!! Join setuptofail.org in our quest for Justice and Responsibility.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Greenwood
  • Petition to put Michigan State University classes online
    The current surge in Covid-19 around the country, and in Michigan in particular, make a surge inevitable at MSU. The physical and mental health of the MSU students, faculty, and staff must not be put at unnecessary risk, and a shift to online classes is needed to prevent another disaster within our community.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MSU Faculty 2022