Protect our reproductive rights from MAGA attacks!More than half of US states are almost certain or likely to ban abortion now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade. Several states already have abortion bans on the books, which are now put in motion with the federal government no longer protecting reproductive rights. With new and proposed abortion bans, tens of millions of people have lost access to this fundamental healthcare. We need to ensure that our Congressman does everything he can to preserve women's rights to bodily autonomy.900 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Emily Feiner
No New Fossil Fuel Heating for Philadelphia's Historic BuildingsRecent scientific analysis shows that the Earth is at a critical tipping point and needs to make a quick shift to sustainable energy sources. Installing new fossil fuel equipment is the wrong decision for the planet -- and for Philadelphia. Our city is the 28th most polluted area in the country, according to the American Lung Association's 2023 State of Air report. Local entities, such as the National Park Service, need to demonstrate their concern for the health of Philadelphians living near their facilities. Currently, the Steam Loop, managed by Vicinity Energy, provides heat to the historic buildings and the station. Vicinity Energy has committed to moving toward sustainable energy in the near future. If the National Park Service would stay on with the Steam Loop, they would eventually go green without making additional investments. Other options, such as solar and geothermal, deserve consideration as well.163 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kate Rojas
Tell AmerisourceBergen: Distribute medication abortion in all states where abortion is legal!Recent reports reveal that AmerisourceBergen—the country's sole distributor of mifepristone, the safe and vital abortion pill-—circulated a list to corporate clients of 31 states where it will not distribute the pill to pharmacies. Mifepristone is still legal, and it's critical for health care—we can't let right-wing tactics limit access to this medication. It's a cruel plan that, if implemented, will have devastating consequences on people of color, people with low incomes, disabled people, immigrants, and those who live in medically underserved communities—all of whom already face barriers to receiving abortion care. Despite the lies of anti-abortion extremists, mifepristone, which has been widely and safely used by millions of people for 23 years, accounts for more than half of all abortions in the U.S. and is a necessary medication for those experiencing miscarriages as well. It is supported by hundreds of studies and has a proven safety rating of 99%. And let's be clear: despite efforts of right-wing judges, it is still legal, as well as being safe, common, and essential. That's why we need to let the pharmaceutical giant know that we are onto it and will not let up the pressure until it answers to public health needs rather than extremist bullies.631 of 800 Signatures
Restore SNAP Food Benefits to Disabled Medicaid Clients!My family is among those caregiving families that have been heavily impacted by the loss of SNAP food benefits. My spouse, Jon, is profoundly disabled with ALS and several other serious medical conditions. He requires continual care which precludes any outside employment by myself. We have struggled to make ends meet solely on Jon’s monthly disability payment. In January, we were notified that our monthly SNAP benefit would be reduced from $516 to $13. This cut in benefits represents a 97.5% reduction in SNAP benefits and is nearly 30% of our monthly income! This severe benefit cut dramatically increases the risks to my ability to continue to care for Jon at home. To avoid Jon's forced return to institutionalized care, we have been forced to depend upon a GoFundMe campaign to replace our lost food benefits. While our story is deeply personal, it is also illustrative of the injury being inflicted upon the many families caring for disabled loved ones nationwide. (To learn more about this issue, our personal story, and our GoFundMe effort; please see the excellent recent video and print article that appeared on Scripps News via the following link: https://scrippsnews.com/stories/families-are-struggling-with-reduced-snap-benefits/ ) I have started this petition out of a deep conviction that no family already struggling under the strain of providing care to a seriously ill or injured loved one should ever have the additional worry about how to put food on the table! Please join me in telling President Biden to take immediate action to make this crucial change in SNAP benefit rules to to end this cruel food insecurity and support low-income disabled persons and their caregiving families. Thank you so very much for your support of this petition! (and please share it on your social media platforms.)92 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Gossett
Ending Obstetric Violence Against Indigenous Women in Latin America: An Urgent Appeal*English version* Signing the open letter is important as it raises awareness, shows solidarity with Indigenous women, and amplifies the call to end obstetric violence. By signing, individuals demonstrate their commitment to addressing this urgent issue, and their collective voices can exert pressure on policymakers, media, and influential figures to take action and ensure that Indigenous women receive the safe and respectful maternal care they deserve. *Versión en español* La firma de la carta abierta es importante porque crea conciencia, muestra solidaridad con las mujeres indígenas y amplifica el llamamiento para poner fin a la violencia obstétrica. Con su firma, las personas demuestran su compromiso de abordar este problema urgente, y sus voces colectivas pueden ejercer presión sobre los responsables políticos, los medios de comunicación y las personalidades influyentes para que actúen y garanticen que las mujeres indígenas reciben la atención materna segura y respetuosa que merecen.68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mariana Apaza
USA Hockey: Move Nationals Out of FloridaHosting the Adult National Tournaments in Florida is inconsistent with our values. Every day the number of people and organizations boycotting Florida grows. Equality Florida has instituted a travel advisory and the NAACP has raised grave concerns over laws that block teaching of African American studies. From education to immigration to human rights, legislation in Florida has begun to promote hatred and division.2,116 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Mid Century Moderns Hockey Club .
Tell Google to Stop Collecting Location Data and Aiding Abortion ProsecutorsAfter Roe v. Wade was overturned, Google promised in July 2022 to protect sensitive health data by deleting the Location History of users who visited abortion clinics. However, Accountable Tech’s latest experiment shows that the Location History for a short trip to an abortion clinic — like someone dropping off a friend or family member — is still collected and retained if a user has Location History enabled on their Google Account. On top of that, Google is collecting and retaining location search queries for abortion clinics by default for 18 months. That means if you search for an abortion clinic on Google Maps, that information will be kept in your Google Account for 18 months, possibly putting you at risk. It’s unacceptable that Google made a promise to protect users in a post-Roe America and is still falling short. Join us in calling them out and demanding they stop aiding abortion prosecutors.41,260 of 45,000 SignaturesCreated by Accountable Tech
Rep. Schweikert: Hold an In Person Town HallRep. Schweikert votes on legislation on the issues. We all need to understand his positions on each issue and voice our own concerns. We aim for a better working relationship with our Congressman going forward.403 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Gail Griffin
Reverse the Mifepristone Decision—Protect & Expand Abortion AccessThe ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA ordering the FDA to withdraw its approval of mifepristone is unconscionable. Mifepristone—approved more than 20 years ago and used effectively by millions of people for medication abortion—is perfectly safe. Anti-abortion extremists are attempting to use the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access. That's why together we are asking higher courts to reverse this unprecedented and anti-abortion ruling and restore access to mifepristone—and asking Congress to act to protect and expand access to abortion care.89,151 of 100,000 Signatures
Hold a Town Hall Event in Tucson, Rep. CiscomaniBring Rep. Ciscomani to Tucson for a live town hall with his new constituents. We deserve to question our representative to Congress.282 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Michael Bryan
Help to stop the anti-trans bill in Florida from being passed against transgender cancer patientsIt's a cruel and ongoing bill that can take the lives away from trans people in the state of Florida who are diagnosed with breast cancer.901 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Aiden Lee
Tell Congress: Protect Our Kids’ FreedomYou can send a message to your Representative today! Do you know if your Representative supports trans rights? They need to hear from you no matter what: https://go.peoplepower.org/letter/sports-ban/40,623 of 45,000 SignaturesCreated by Destinee Dickson