• Do No Harm: Female Healthcare Workers and Their Supporters Against Intimate Partner Violence
    Physicians perpetrating violence against women, co-workers, and intimate partners need to be held accountable by the institutions created to do so. We cannot continue to condone domestic violence within our own licensing practices. The Texas Medical Board must act! For additional updates, engagement and access to the recent media coverage, please go to the "Do No Harm" website at: https://www.theuncooperative.org or follow RESPOND Against Violence on Instagram. Consider showing additional support on January 18th, as we support Domestic Violence Awareness by wearing Purple! If you or someone you know may be experiencing domestic violence, please know the resources. The Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224. and the website includes valuable resources: https://www.thehotline.org
    545 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Jessica Wilson
  • End indigenous homelessness in Minneapolis
    Our community is suffering from an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that we haven’t seen since the Indian removal act. The opioid and mental health problems our indigenous relatives are experiencing is killing our children and young adults in our native communities every single day. We must create a safe and culturally healthy space to heal. Western “treatment” is not working for the historical trauma that is the cause for most of the addiction and mental health issues we are facing today. To heal properly, my people must return to our traditional ways of healing and living the best we can in this artificial environment that has been created by the colonists and settlers. This little 6 acre park is perfectly located in the Minneapolis Indian community. The park is only blocks away from the Native American Community Clinic, Indian Health board and the Takota Institute for higher education. This historic move would all but eliminate the homeless encampments in south Minneapolis. Our relatives would be able to be housed with dignity and heal within the community instead of always being “sent away” to get treated and fixed. So please join our historic endeavor to get stolen Indian Landback and create our Red Road Village…
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mike Forcia Picture
  • Menstruation & Adverse Educational Impacts in Nigeria
    Tangible challenges such as inadequate materials, lack of access to sanitation products and inadequate facilities, coupled with psychological challenges such as the lack of menarche education, fear and cultural stigmatization put secondary school girls and menstruating youth in Nigeria at a disproportionate risk for adverse educational impacts and other negative outcomes.
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elena Chiavacci
  • Protect LGBTQ+ marriage equality and interracial marriage from Republican attacks NOW!
    Republicans, who have won the presidential popular vote only once in the last 34 years, have engaged in a concerted effort to pack the Supreme Court with right-wing extremist judges, who have stripped us of our rights over and over again. And though the Respect for Marriage Act passed in the U.S. House of Representatives, 157 House Republicans voted against it. That’s right: 157 Republicans voted against protecting interracial marriage and same-sex marriage. And ONLY 5 Republicans in the U.S. Senate have publicly said they would vote to pass the bill. It’s unacceptable, but part of the Republican agenda has been to relentlessly attack the LGBTQ+ community. Republicans have not minced words: Florida Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (who is up for re-election in November) said that voting to protect interracial and LGBTQ+ marriage equality was a “stupid waste of time.” And when Indiana Republican U.S. Senator Mike Braun was asked if he would be okay with the Supreme Court leaving the question of interracial marriage to the states, he said “Yes.” It’s disgusting. After Roe v. Wade was overturned, LGBTQ+ couples and families have been anxiously rushing to the courts to get married, completing second parent adoptions with their partners, worrying about whether or not their partners and families will be covered by their health insurance in the future, and so much more to protect their families from these attacks. It’s heartbreaking. No one should have to worry that their rights (that so many have fought and died for) will be stripped away at the hands of corrupt, illegitimate, and unelected Supreme Court justices that do not represent the people. The U.S. Senate needs to act before it’s too late. It’s time to pass the Respect for Marriage Act to protect interracial and LGBTQ+ marriage NOW.
    128,240 of 200,000 Signatures
  • Call on U.S. Surgeon General to fight abortion misinformation
    The overturning of Roe v. Wade requires bold action. It is important for the Surgeon General to issue a letter to every American household giving them complete and accurate information about medication abortion, to increase knowledge and availability of this safe and effective process.
    455 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Paula Tavrow
  • Reproductive Justice & the Media
    The language the media uses requires accuracy.
    303 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Miriam Hipsh
  • Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok: Stop Showing Abortion Disinformation Ads to Teens
    These organizations aggressively lie to teens in their most vulnerable moments – telling them abortion is dangerous, that ultrasounds or other procedures are required when they aren’t, and that local clinics don’t have appointments available when they do. This creates a significant public health risk. Some experts estimate abortion bans will increase maternal mortality in women and girls of color by 33%, the same population most likely to see abortion services from a deceitful center. By profiting from these centers’ advertisements, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat are spreading misinformation about critical health issues to vulnerable kids.
    41,885 of 45,000 Signatures
  • Approve Ketamine to Help Reduce Suicides!
    Ketamine works for Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD, Bi-Polar Disorder, and other mental health disorders. It stops suicide cold, in just a few hours. Clinicians have been administering these infusions for many years. It is safe and effective. The initial course of therapy is six infusions over three weeks, and costs up to $500 per infusion. People on Medicare and Medicaid typically have low incomes and many cannot afford the cost because CMS has not approved it for coverage. It is immoral to have Americans resorting to suicide when there is medication therapy that can help! The medication should not be out of reach because of cost. Many other FDA-approved drugs are routinely used off-label and approved by CMS. Ketamine is FDA-approved. Ketamine is safe. Ketamine SAVES LIVES!
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Treatment Assistance Fund
  • San Antonio Must Consider an Abortion Protection Act
    The right to an abortion has been proven to lower the risk of death and injury. San Antonio must be dedicated to protecting the safety of its people. San Antonio must continue to honor the rights of pregnant people to bodily autonomy and private medical decisions.
    284 of 300 Signatures
    Created by J M
    This amendment bars the use of federal funds for abortion healthcare. This means that medicaid recipients, service members, and young people who are most dependant on federally-funded health services cannot access abortion services through their healthcare plan and are left to find the money and resources to seek out this procedure on their own. For many people, this is equivalent to an abortion ban. This amendment unfairly targets our most vulnerable citizens. Abortion healthcare and bodily autonomy should be a human right, not a luxury that only the privileged can afford. We believe all pregnant people deserve access to abortion healcare regardless of their financial status, and demand that this amendment be excluded from the next federal budget.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Keller
  • "The People's Mandate" (includes abolishing the filibuster and codifying Roe)
    This is important because the people of the United States cannot allow a currently undemocratic institution like the Supreme Court to make incredibly dangerous population-wide decisions which go against facts, logic, and the will of the people.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by People's Mandate Picture
  • Increase Mental Health Benefits for Medicare Recipients
     With 2.9% of every company's earnings contributing to the SSA, I am urging the decision-makers to consider the welfare of such a diverse community of citizens who are so in need of a hope to hold on to. By making one small step for man, we can rest assured that addressing this issue head-on is the most important leap for mankind during this prevailing crisis. By increasing policies to aid the crisis itself, I believe that taking action will create a domino effect in which others will want to be apart of. It is not too late to make a difference, sign this petition to propel this initiative forward and enact change in our country today. 
    404 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Kaysha Florvil Picture