• Protect Puget Sound from Toxic Development
    Toxics from waste buried on site are leaching into groundwater aquifers threatening the public health, and contaminated stormwater is entering the ecologically sensitive watersheds of Green Cove and Butler Creeks, which drain into the federally impaired waters of Budd and Eld Inlets of Puget Sound, habitat for endangered Salmon and Orcas. The Squaxin Island tribe has provided comment that notes a development overlying these contaminated soils would make contamination of soil, water, wetlands and groundwater permanent, adversely affecting their treaty rights. This proposal has met with years of overwhelming public opposition, yet the City of Olympia continues to review it despite the Applicant's continued failure to comply with agreements to provide information to the City, the Department of Ecology, and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) which are needed to perform an adequate review. The Applicant, Jerry Mahan of John L. Scott Realty, has obtained numerous extensions of time to provide this data, but has failed or refused to do so, violating the terms of the agreement to obtain an extension. Therefore, by failing to comply with these agreements and the laws which require information that would allow consideration of adverse environmental impacts which are foreseeably likely to be leading from this project, Applicant is acting in bad faith. The City should inform Applicant that he has not performed pursuant to the terms of his agreement granting a 6 month extension, and the project can no longer be considered until a new complete application is submitted. We request that the City of Olympia return this application as incomplete and void, as required by the terms of the extension agreement. Any new application must provide the information required by the City, Ecology and DNR so that they can do their job to safeguard public health and the environment.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Grace Kronenberg
  • Tell the Senate: #RepealHelms
    Texas recently enacted the most restrictive anti-abortion law in the country, outlawing all abortions after 6 weeks with no exceptions. Mississippi is taking their own anti-abortion law to the Supreme Court — a case that could overturn Roe v. Wade and put dozens of new anti-reproductive healthcare laws on the map. And while it may not surprise you that racism and misogyny have run rampant within the United States for decades, you might not realize we’ve been exporting it too. For nearly 50 years, the Helms Amendment has blocked people around the world from having control over their own reproductive healthcare. It’s the worst of a paternalistic U.S. foreign policy at work: spreading harmful ideology under the guise of humanitarian assistance. But that could change soon. For the first time since 1973, the House passed an appropriations bill that DOESN’T include the Helms Amendment. And IF it passes the Senate, we can make 2021 the year we finally wipe this outdated, imperialist policy from our books and build a world where people can create their families — and build their futures — in the ways that work for them. Add your name to tell the Senate: It’s time to #RepealHelms
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Vote of No Confidence - Republican Party
    This country cannot move forward while Blue and Red continue infighting. Something must be done. Republican Senate leaders have been known to say they will not vote for anything just because the Democrats put it forth. This, coming from a man as old as Mitch McConnell, and being agreed to by the others in the same party, is ludicrous. We did not elect them to play games. The censuring of senators for not voting the way they want them to (for having minds of their own) is also a very telling indicator that the Republican party is more concerned that their members play "follow the leader" than think for themselves. The people who voted for each senator did so for the purpose of looking out for their interest... Not so they can sit around, smoking cigars, drinking whiskey, and thinking about how they can get back at the unpopular members of their group, or play tit-for-tat with the Dems. Pointing fingers, blaming each other, and threatening "if you do that, we'll do this" makes every single one of you look like a playground bully!
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Mastro
    We need our future generation to be healthy. The obesity rates right now are sky-rocketing. The United States consumes the most fast food in the world. The life expectancy rate has gone way down due to obesity. 16% of young adults aged 18 to 24 eat out at least once weekly. Children see about 13 advertisements every single day while teens see about 16. Only 1 out of 10 food advertisements are about fruits or vegetables. Children who are exposed to advertisements for unhealthy food have a 30% higher likelihood of eating unhealthy food. To eat healthily, be sure to have vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, and a variety of foods with protein. Dr.Mimi Tatlow-Golden, a Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology and Childhood, on the Safefood Podcast she said this about children and young people, "not only do they eat more after viewing ads immediately or in general in their lives, but they don’t compensate for that eating later on in the day, so they don’t sort of have an extra snack, and then eat less at dinner, they just eat a little bit more." References: https://supplements101.net/fast-food-statistic/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31329232 https://uconnruddcenter.org/research/food-marketing/#, https://www.obesityaction.org/community/article-library/food-marketing-to-children-a-wolf-in-sheeps-clothing/, https://health.gov/myhealthfinder/topics/health-conditions/diabetes/eat-healthy,https://www.safefood.net/Professional/Nutrition/Nutrition-podcasts/Marketing-of-unhealthy-food-to-children/Transcript-Marketing-unhealthy-food-to-children
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aubs Heel
  • Utah Reproductive Rights *** Derechos Reproductivos de Utahns
    Women and anyone with a uterus deserve the right over their own bodies as much as any man. Human Equality doesn’t stop at equal pay, equal voting and equal treatment, but extends into our homes, doctor’s offices and our own minds. * * * Mujeres y cualquier persona con un útero merece el derecho sobre su propio cuerpo al igual que cualquier hombre. La igualdad humana no se limita a la igualdad de remuneración, la igualdad de voto y la igualdad de trato, sino que se extiende a nuestros hogares, consultorios médicos y nuestras propias mentes.
    1,168 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Brianna Green
  • Help PPP for Human Rights
    WHAT IF YOU NEEDED POWER TO LIVE AND YOUR POWER WAS DISCONNECTED OVER $79. Then your utility distributor refused to restore service unless you paid an additional $75 in reconnect fees (while knowing you need power to live)! We are NOT asking not to pay. We are only asking for adequate reasonable accommodations or protections to Griffin Utilities policies and procedures so customers who need power to live are NOT AT RISK of disconnection; or Risk LOSS OF LIFE DUE TO DISCONNECTIONS. THE RESOLUTION ADA Reasonable Accommodations and/or Protections to Griffin Utilities Policies & Procedures to Protect Power-dependent Patients (PPP). A. Payment Extensions - Consider offering Payment Extensions prior to an account becoming delinquent for power-dependent individual customers. B. Grace Period - there are NO grace periods. Consider establishing a delinquent payment grace period. Provide this delinquent account Grace Period prior to sending a disconnect notice or warning of disconnection to power-dependent individual customers. C. Late Fees - Waive Late Fees or allow fees to be distributed over time without fear of disconnection for power-dependent individual customers. D. Reconnect Fees - Waive Reconnect Fees or allow fees to be distributed over time without fear of disconnection for power-dependent individual customers. E. Budget Billing - Consider the establishment of Budget Billing for power-dependent individual customers. F. Advance Notice of Disconnection - Provide a 24 to 72 hour advance notice of disconnection. G. Priority List - Maintain separate data or a Priority List of Griffin Utilities power-dependent individual customers. Consider adding Power-Dependent Individual Services to the current Priority List; and at a heightened state such as major medical facilities, nursing homes, and hospices. H. Scheduled Outages - Advance notice of scheduled outages/rolling blackouts for power-dependent individual customers. Help us advocate to PPP (PROTECT POWER-DEPENDENT PATIENTS); for some of the most vulnerable on local and state levels. Please sign this Petition.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MoveOn member
  • Findlay City Schools Mask Mandate
    The mask policies are working to limit the spread. In Ohio school districts where masks are optional, case rates are higher than in districts that require some masking, and we see better week-to-week trends in schools where everyone wears a mask. Most importantly, there have been fewer quarantines in schools where everyone wears a mask, helping us towards meeting the goal of keeping Ohio children in the classroom.
    269 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lee Ann Ireland
  • Expand the Supreme Court
    New state laws restricting voter access, and gerrymandered districts both suppress voting and threaten democracy. Overly restrictive abortion laws make access to abortions unjustifiably difficult, threatening women’s right of choice. Overpriced drugs and medications and the inability to reduce their prices through government negotiations, together with other medical services, maintain a severe financial burden for millions of Americans. Tax loopholes and havens inaccessible to all but the very rich allow the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. This places an unfair burden and financial hardship on the poor and middle classes as they are forced to pay in taxes what the rich should be paying.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Lever Picture
  • CVS Health Stop Donating To Anti-Trans, Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Reproductive Rights Politicians
    CVS Health is a Fortune 4 Company and integrated into every aspect of the US Healthcare System. CVS Health is the parent company of CVS Pharmacy, Aetna, Caremark and many others according to their SEC filings. https://twitter.com/BATransAdvocate https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/558610-cvs-att-comcast-and-others-donated-to-anti-lgbtq https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/14/corporations-anti-lgbtq-politicians-donations-study https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2021/04/02/the-pro-lgbtq-companies-that-helped-elect-arkansas-anti-trans-bill-sponsors/ https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2021/04/16/businesses-and-trade-groups-bankrolled-sponsors-of-texas-cruel-anti-trans-bill/ https://upriseri.com/the-women-project-v-cvs/
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Trans Healthcare Advocates @BATransAdvocate Picture
  • Mask Mandate for All in the Storm Lake Community School District
    Dear Storm Lake Community School District Board and Superintendent: We, the concerned community members, teachers, and parents of Storm Lake Community School District urge the SLCSD school board to mandate masks for ALL people in Storm Lake Community School District buildings and crowded outdoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status for the following reasons: -The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend UNIVERSAL masking in schools.(1) (2) -Since Iowa is a place of high coronavirus spread, as identified by the CDC (3), it is actually recommended that ALL people wear masks, regardless of vaccination status, in all indoor public settings as well as crowded outdoor settings. So, everyone should be masking, not just those at schools. -There are teachers who are unvaccinated AND refusing to wear a mask. These teachers are endangering up to hundreds of students daily, as well as the family members of those students. If you ask everyone to mask, it is much easier for people to know if someone is not complying. -Vaccinated people can get sick with Covid-19, and they can spread coronavirus at the same rate as unvaccinated people at the beginning of their illness according to the CDC: “For people infected with the Delta variant, similar amounts of viral genetic material have been found among both unvaccinated and fully vaccinated people. However, like prior variants, the amount of viral genetic material may go down faster in fully vaccinated people when compared to unvaccinated people. This means fully vaccinated people will likely spread the virus for less time than unvaccinated people.” (4) -Some staff, especially the vaccinated, are getting minor symptoms of illness consistent with the symptoms of Covid-19, but believe it is “just a cold”, so they are not getting tested. They continue to go to work, potentially infecting people with Covid-19. -Our district has been asking unvaccinated people to wear masks all school year, which means all children under the age of 12 should be masking. This is not what we are seeing; very few children are masking. We need more children masking to get this under control and to make school a safe place for all. Simply asking is not working. A mandate is what we need. -This month we have had two reported Covid-19 deaths in our county, the first reported deaths in BV County since April. (5) -Our healthcare providers in Storm Lake are urging children to wear masks in school. In an interview with local media, two local doctors noted that although we have beds at BVRMC, other ICUs are full enough that sometimes people have to wait to be transported for a higher level of care. If we mandate universal masking at our schools, that is a very real way to lessen the burden for our healthcare providers. (6) Furthermore, we request that the school district follow the other recommendations as outlined in the American Academy of Pediatrics’ 2021 school guidelines, including mental health support, and testing resources. We should be spreading the word that BV County Public Health has free tests through Test Iowa. We understand that many people have pandemic fatigue, and that some people would be upset by a mask mandate, but the board has said it stands by science. The board is doing a great job of supporting the cause to vaccinate. Public health officials are also recommending masking. We ask that the board would listen to science in all aspects of the pandemic, rather than picking and choosing. In the August board meeting, the school board said their hands were tied due to the mask mandate ban. Well, the board’s hands have been at least momentarily untied. Please do what is BEST, not what is easiest, for our community, and mandate masks for all people at Storm Lake Community School District. After a federal judge blocked the mask mandate ban on Monday, September 13th, the district sent out an email stating they were seeking legal council, leading us to believe there will not be a timely decision. Two Iowa school districts have already announced they will be enforcing a mask mandate starting Wednesday, September 15th. If they can do it, so can we. We ask for a mask mandate vote to be made at the regular school board meeting on Wednesday, September 15th. Taking additional time to make this decision could cost us more lives in our community. We don’t want to live the rest of our lives in masks. Somewhat soon, we are hopeful that vaccines will be available for children under 12, and hopefully then (or maybe even before then!) we will see cases decrease dramatically in our county, state, and country, and we can all move on with our lives! But, as long as we are legally able, and until deaths and hospitalizations of Covid-19 are no more common than those of influenza in a usual year, we ask that the Storm Lake Community School District mandate masks for all people in schools and outside where distancing of 6 feet is not being practiced. Sincerely, and with great concern, The people of Storm Lake Community School District 1. https://www.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/aap/2021/american-academy-of-pediatrics-updates-recommendations-for-opening-schools-in-fall-2021/ 2. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/k-12-guidance.html 3. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view 4. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/variants/delta-variant.html 5. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/buena-vista-iowa-covid-cases.html 6. https://www.stormlakepilottribune.com/story/2902601.html
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ashley WolfTornabane
  • Cancel Student Debt for Nurses
    We urge President Joe Biden to cancel all federal student loan debt for all nurses and nursing students. In doing so, he can help solve the nursing shortage as more people will be inspired to go into nursing as a profession.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharman Hankins Picture
  • Be pastoral, not partisan
    As Catholics, we know that religious leaders cannot separate us from the love of God, and we will not let them abuse their power to score political points with the right wing.
    1,152 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Glenn Northern