Military retirees should have free health care.I enlisted in the US Navy in 1980 and was promised "free health care for life" if I retired from the military. In the late 80s, CHAMPUS was replaced by Tricare and different pricing structures were introduced. The latest proposal introduced in the Senate per military.com would make all levels of Tricare a pay service with increased deductibles. https://www.military.com/militaryadvantage/2018/06/15/senate-tricare-plan-would-dramatically-raise-some-retiree-costs.html56 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Carroll
Holocaust on Disabled Chronic Pain PatientsMy mother has been taken off of her pain medications by her dr of 28+ years, she is dying and no one addresses how many deaths, suicide's, and deadly strokes since the "Opiod Crisis" began.65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Natalia Kepler
Opioid cuts killing legit documented need chronic pain suffering patientsPresident Tumps poison pen has made a "Proclamation", not a legal congressional bill in an uninformed attempt to stop the horrible opioid overdoses, but "One size doesnt fit" everybody. BUT Chronic long term patients need some solution and quality of life now! I can tell you that some of these patients will turn to heroin and OD. The could mix it with cheap fentanyl (dumped in our country by China) and more OD's. The suicide rate will increase 10 fold because we're accused of being 'addicts' and restricted by Trumps poison pen. When did the rule change that doctors (especially pain mgmt drs) can't write proper scripts based on the individual patients needs?? What happened to the Doctors oath that they treat their patients with compassion and proper medications? Write the congress, your governor and even Trump and tell them you agree with me. There IS talk in Congress, organizations, the American Mddical Assn. and others that agree about changing the maximum milligram total of 90mg per day of the MME (morphine milligram equivalent ), go the proper chdonic pain suffers like us, with legitimate documented reasons. We, to be louder and actually make things r ight. DO something, not raising the MME from 90 to 120. The MME needs to be 200+ monthlg, without Medicare limits if required. The rule says to put those of us disabled patients in A group, then cut funding to insurance companies and stop paying the insurance from discriminating against us now. We've been boxed into a corner under this plan. We need help NOW !!! NOT a month or even longer and longer. We are under attack so are you ready to fight for your rights? Pass the word and sign this petition and Google our support groups. The longer we don't get this reversed, the worse it's going to get. STOP TRUMP AND HIS ILL INFORMED RULE and his poisonous pen. Seek out these groups and organizations and support them immediately. My med (have been cut by 2/3rd and I can't survive like this. No quality of life makes us react, but it has to go back the way it was. If you won't stand up, be loud and fight for YOURSELF, you'll likely end up overdosing on heroin and become addicted and possibly OD. You're worth more than that. We must make our voices loud and clear: Give us legit chronic pain sufferers the proper amounts of the medications we need, just to survive and return the freedom of trained pain specialists back to them. THEY Know their patients and their needs, not and not the prick in the W.H. DON'T WAIT.. ACT FOR YOURSELF. Nobody's gonna do it for you.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Koontz
Tell Your Senators: Stop Brett KavanaughLast year I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. The Affordable Care Act saved my life, and is why I am in remission today. President Trump's pick has come out publicly against the ACA, in his record and most recently in his speech to the Heritage Foundation. His record against women's healthcare is also clear. Our Senators must listen to us and vote NO on Kavanaugh. Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/brett-kavanaugh-could-take-an-ax-to-obamacare/2018/07/09/c8817c50-83df-11e8-8f6c-46cb43e3f306_story.html Slate: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/07/how-brett-kavanaugh-will-gut-roe-v-wade.html8,008 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Laura Packard
Landa's Legacy: Legalizing Medicinal Marijuana on the Federal LevelStacy's chemotherapy worked! She was cancer free. However, the chemotherapy she took to kill her cancer also killed her heart. She had less than 10% usage of her heart and was placed on a pacemaker. She was a candidate for a mechanical heart but because she used Washington State approved medicinal marijuana, she was denied her Federal lifesaving treatment. She died on July 5, 2018. These laws need to coincide with one another. A cancer patient should never be denied treatment for using State LEGALIZED marijuana only to be denied lifesaving treatments on a Federal level.168 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Theresa Cox
Do we Choose Healthcare for all or ignore the US Constitution and face a moral hazard?Do we Choose Healthcare for all or ignore the US Constitution and face a moral hazard? Healthcare for all was clearly stated in the United States Constitution. Without healthcare for all it is not possible, “…to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity….” According to CDC, approximately 311 million US citizens out of 330 million participate in a single payer government health insurance scheme and an employer taxpayer subsidized scheme. Here is the breakdown: • Approximately 70 million are recipients of a single payer combined Medicaid and SCHIP program. • Approximately 44 million are recipients of a single payer Medicare program and that number is expected to increase to 80 million by 2030. • Approximately 22 million veterans and civilian families qualify for single payer VA benefits. • Approximately 175 million Americans participate in employer taxpayer subsidized health insurance. Who is left out? (330 – 175 – 22 – 44 – 70) = 19 million. In other words, while we have a near universal medical insurance coverage, 6 percent of the US population falls between the cracks. We can do better. When we mention health care for all based on a single payer scheme or Medicare for all, we are labeled socialist. What is in a name? Let us have a no name brand but cover everyone. In other words, whom do you want to leave out? Who doesn’t get sick? Who does not have a preexisting medical condition? All of us get sick, all of us need medicine and almost all of us have minor accidents. If one breaks a finger it needs treatment, which becomes a preexisting medical condition later. Since all of us need good quality health care because we cannot predict how and when we get sick, it is no-brainer that a rational health care system in our country should be to provide quality care for everyone in a cost-effective way. To paraphrase President Obama, when it comes to illnesses there are no red and blue states but only the United States. Republicans, Democrats, those registered unaffiliated and those adults who chose not to register get sick. Those who live under the jurisdiction of states regardless of their background need health care. It is not good enough to say, they can always visit emergency rooms. Yes, they can but if we all have preventive healthcare services we will not use the emergency room as often or for chronic conditions. Emergency rooms should be reserved for emergencies. Providing healthcare for all has nothing to do with socialism but attaching health insurance benefits to employments, was the biggest mistake the country has made, which stopped us from having a healthcare system that does not leave out 6% of the population. Providing healthcare for all is good governance and is the duty of our governments: local, state and national. Our system not only leaves out approximately 20 million people but it also leaves the country behind 37 countries in good health and longevity. The United States’ current average life expectancy is age 79 and decreasing. As of 2018, the United States is ranked number 26 among OECD member countries and number 38 globally but we are still the richest country in the world. Countries ahead of the United States in life expectancy are 28 Western European nations as well as 10 other countries: Japan, Australia, Singapore, Israel, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea, Chile, Slovenia and Costa Rica - ranging in life expectancy from age 80-84 in reverse order, Japan ranked number one in the world at age 84 and increasing. Our legislatures have health insurance for life and 311 million of us also have health insurance. But, we the people must speak up when we notice injustice so that we, “…form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility….” According to CDC, 1 in 10 of the US population is diabetic and approximately 85 million are pre-diabetic but only 11 percent of them know about it. Universal access to health insurance provides preventive care services and saves millions of lives and billions in healthcare related direct and indirect costs. Furthermore, lack of incentive to guard against risk where one is protected from its consequences is the dictionary definition of ‘a moral hazard’ and the absence of good governance. We can do better. Thank you,402 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Enku Kebede-Francis
The "Opioid Epidemic"To try to educate what the impact will be on chronic pain sufferers that need or are already under pain management. I fear everytime I go see my Doctor, that I may be taken off my medication that allows me to be a happy ,productive person.146 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Mastin
Permanent MDVA Services located in QACTo show the Maryland VA that there is a need for a permanent Veteran's Service's office and eventually a Veteran's Healthcare Clinic in Queen Anne's County19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nikki Randolph
End Disability Discrimination by Employers Regarding the Use of Medical Marijuana in CaliforniaI have suffered from a severe spinal injury since 2016, and due to my age, various medical professionals have been hesitant to surgically rectify my situation with the hopes that it will naturally heal at some point. Medical marijuana has more successfully managed my chronic pain than my former treatment with narcotic medications such as Norco, Percocet, and Morphine, and its side effects are minimal in comparison to the harsh side effects, addictive nature, and withdrawal symptoms that are associated with narcotic medications. How I manage my disability when I am at home does not impact my ability to perform at any place of employment , and medical marijuana users need legal protection against employers to be able to manage their disability without fear of being terminated or not hirable due to an antiquated prejudice towards a helpful and now state-legal substance.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie Garcia Thomson
Stop showing actors smoking on screenTobacco smoking has become more and more restricted in public places. It is time it is banned from all TV and films. Stop promoting smoking visually!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maruka Fernandez
Steven M OverstreetI have Trigeminal Neuralgia, an unbearable disease, and know thousands more like me through Facebook support groups are having our meds cut and taken away! We are one disease; so many chronically ill patients and people coming home from surgeries are suffering also and our doctors don't like it! Stop these Pain Clinics from causing so much harm and causing more deaths and suicides by cutting and taking away our medicines and just watching us, the chronically ill, go through excruciating, unbearable pain!! Return our health care back in the hands of caring personal Physicians! Please sign and share this petition so we can stop the pain and return to our functional lives, thank you...13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven M Overstreet
Tell the University of Cincinnati Medical Center to Put Patients FirstEvidence says that when nurses are safe, patients are safe. When nurses are not safely staffed, mortality, readmissions and medical errors increase. Nurses are the frontline healthcare workers and ethically-bound to advocate for the care of their patients. Putting patients first means investing in safe nurse staffing. Safe Staffing Units at UCMC are continually short staffed – a potentially dangerous practice that can lead to compromised patient care, especially with the ill patients UCMC sees as a result of being the Greater Cincinnati area’s only Level 1 trauma center. Although the medical center’s nurse staffing plans call for more nurses, UCMC is requiring nurses to care for more patients than ever. UCMC nurses routinely work short staffed which leads to exponential turnover, nurse fatigue, burnout, and increased risk of harm to their patients. Nurses at UCMC are standing united in their efforts to put patients first, demanding the medical center invest in safe nurse staffing. Safe nurse staffing means Cincinnatians receive the quality care they deserve. Nurse Turnover Nurses at UCMC have to be the top in their field; they care for sickest patients in the tri-state area. Yet, UCMC nurses are paid up to $4/hour less than nurses at neighboring hospitals. The lower wages coupled with short staffing has caused record turnover. In three years, UCMC has lost over 800 skilled nurses. Nearly 1,000 letters were sent to the medical center’s new Chief Nursing Officer outlining the nurses’ issues and asking for a collaborative opportunity to make things right. While the nurses are hopeful for change, they need your help to ensure their voices are heard. Sign this petition to tell UCMC management to listen to the nurses and put patients first. About RNA and UCMC The Registered Nurses Association (RNA) is the union representing the registered nurses of University of Cincinnati Medical Center. With approximately 1,500 members, RNA advocates for quality health care and strives to provide the best care in the tri-state area. RNA is currently negotiating a contract with UCMC that ensures quality patient care and safe nurse staffing. RNA is a constituent of the Ohio Nurses Association, AFT Nurses and Health Professionals and the American Nurses Association. UCMC is a comprehensive, teaching hospital that provides access to health care for all of the Tri-State area, regardless of ability to pay. Cincinnati families depend on UCMC being ready for any health emergency and medical condition. UCMC is the only Level 1 trauma center in the city, only one of seven psychiatric emergency departments in the country, conducts liver, kidney, pancreas and heart transplants, is a comprehensive stroke center and holds burn, heart failure, perinatal and baby friendly certifications.1,880 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ohio Nurses Association