• Senator Flake: Oppose Trumpcare 2.0
    I recently got major surgery which my doctor told me was necessary to prevent cancer. I have insurance only because of the Affordable Care Act. Due to a pre-existing condition, I have never been able to get insurance coverage before, so the Affordable Care Act effectively prevented me from becoming a cancer patient.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Victor Reppert
  • I Will Repeal and Replace You in the Election
    Trump and all but 20 Republicans just pushed through an awful bill that would strip healthcare coverage from 10s of millions of Americans, scrap protections for the most vulnerable, and cost Americans thousands more per year while sopping more money on the wealthy. ADA is making a list, checking it twice, and the naughty will be punished. Join us is letting them know that you will Repeal and Replace them in 2018.
    1,072 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Don Kusler
  • Revenge for the health Care Bill
    The inept and cruel Republican Congress passed an inhumane health care bill that will cause death and suffering to their constituents, while giving the wealthy a 2 percent tax cut. The Health Care Bill does not protect people with pre-existing conditions, does not cover woman who have been raped, babies born with serious medical conditions, children with cancer or even pay for an ambulance ride for someone having a heart attack. Republicans celebrated as they condemned many Americans to death. Regardless of what happens in the Senate, don't forgot what they are trying to do to us, to families, friends, neighbors. Pledge three dollars to support every Democrat that runs in your state. Ask your friends to do the same. Knock on doors and then get out and vote. Let's work to end the careers of those who care nothing about their constituents. Let's create an avalanche and turn the House and Senate blue.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Karen Callen
  • Defeat the Scandalous GOP Health Care Bill
    Republicans have no idea how to create a just and fair piece of legislation to improve or replace A.C.A. ( Affordable Care Act). They will push through any piece of garbage, call it Trumpcare, and think they have satisfied their goal of repealing Obamacare, which they are still attempting after 7 years without success. They have no idea how to create a good health care bill with bi-partisanship that will truly help America and make it "Great Again," in Trump's words.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce D. Griffiths Sr.
  • Arkansans Don't Want Trumpcare
    The medical community, the AARP, and the citizens of Arkansas do not want this bill and feel that it is damaging to the health of millions of Americans. We are tired of our elected officials playing partisan politics and demand that you put the best interests of this country ahead of party.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Wood
  • Texas Residents / Voters Who SAY NO to Healthcare Bill Going to US Senate
    As a woman and Texas resident, I will be greatly affected by the measures included in this reform and could even lose coverage because of pre-existing conditions. I am also concerned for family, friends, low income neighbors and more. Affordable healthcare that does not discriminate should be a right. The ACA isn't perfect, but this is WAY WORSE.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Margaret King
  • Texas Residents / Voters Who VOTE NO on Healthcare Bill
    As a woman and Texas resident, I will be greatly affected by the measures included in this reform and could even lose coverage because of pre-existing conditions. I am also concerned for family, friends, low income neighbors and more. Affordable healthcare that does not discriminate should be a right. The ACA isn't perfect, but this is WAY WORSE.
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Amy Margaret King
  • Do not repeal the Affordable Care Act.
    Maine has about the oldest population in the country. Repealing the ACA will allow insurance companies to charge more for our older citizens. Also, the amount set to help defray the cost for pre-existing conditions is ridiculously low.
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ricki Letowt
  • Health care for all West Virginians
    Instead of repealing Obamacare, take measures to fix the problems. It is insane that the wealthiest nation has a system where its citizens who have pre-existing conditions cannot afford health insurance or it is not available to them. Don't mess with Medicaid or Planned Parenthood.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kaaren Ford
  • Nevadans need Health Care
    I currently use the ACA and it works for me. I am 62 and can not pay higher premiums. I do not want to see anyone lose their coverage.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Foster
  • SHAME: Senate Republicans must vote NO on Trumpcare
    My cancer came out of nowhere for me. I had a nagging cough a few months ago, it was diagnosed as pneumonia, but the cough continued so I eventually went back to urgent care. This set off a chain of events and fun medical procedures that ended up with me being diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer. It sounds terrible--but it can be cured. But I need access to health insurance to get better, and now they are threatening Obamacare, which is what will keep me alive, and hopefully well soon. Cancer, or any kind of devastating medical condition can happen to anybody at any time. We need to stand up and tell them to stop.
    137,883 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Packard Picture
  • Congress must not be exempt from Trumpcare
    The cruel health care bill that House Republicans plan to force a vote on later today, still exempts their own and their staff's insurance--even as millions of their constituents will be left strung out to dry without access to affordable health care. We the people DEMAND that legislators vote NO on Trumpcare, and any legislation that would exempt Congress from receiving the same health care insurance options as their constituents. Congress must be subject to the same plans and options they propose for the rest of the country.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Justin Krebs