• Governor Bentley: Stop the awful immigration laws" and don't take money from our schools to balan...
    " I am against the awful immigration laws in the state of Alabama. I know the Governor supports these laws, but they are not fair and they are unjust. Governor Bentley can stand for what is right or support racial injustice. Governor Bentley also can save our schools by not allowing budget cuts to our schools.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Williams
  • Elementary School Principal
    Making certain Latinos have the right to become citizns in the US through the Dream Act Legislation...
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by georgette Gregory
  • e - verify
    The e-verify bill needs to be changed to give farmers a chance to opt out if the have all the paperwork required by the federal govt.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Hosey
  • Oppose Mississippi HB-488
    A petition to oppose the proposed anti-immigration bill (HB-488). The bill is similar to the bill recently passed in Alabama, which has had disastrous consequences for that state's economy, as well as reversed decades of progress in civil rights in the state.
    831 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Miguel Centellas
  • Say ''NO'' To Arizona's Immigration Law
    **Arizona Senate Bill 1070 promotes racial profiling. *Disables innocent immigrant children from being educated. *Legal challenges over its constitutionality and compliance with civil rights law were filed, including one by the United States Department of Justice
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carlos Barona
  • Repealing Alabama's Immigration Law
    As a citizenry, we need to appeal this law. It is bad law since it is being challenged in the national courts. It has affected many lives adversely. Children are being pulled out of schools they feel comfortable in and are learning in. Jobs and employers are feeling the effect because businesses are suffering with jobs they can't fill. And lastly, the economy is taking a hit since the money is not there from citizens who are living in fear. Fear which has caused them to leave their employment. Thus businesses who rely on this money now no longer have this money and find it tougher to be successful. Even American born citizens who leave the house without any identification, are risking being arrested and are subject to deportation if they do not fit the profile of looking American. We need an immigration solution but this is not it. Thank you for your attention
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael F. Paul
  • Stop the deportation of American children!
    American citizens who are children of undocumented are poised either to be separated from their parents or to be technically deported from US. This does not reflect the American values. There are many undocumented families who live in US for more than 10 years and have strong ties to this country who are parents to American children. America does not want to deport those families that are contributing to the country and are paying taxes. Tell the Government to legalize parents of American citizens who lives in US for 10 years or more and have paid back taxes If this propose is enacted, it will provide more protection to the family unity and to the American citizens. This is not a backdoor amnesty. This is above all, a way to protect the American children! God bless America.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renato Pereira
  • Daniela Pelaez
    This A student is being threatened to be deported after being in the USA for over 14 years. She should have the right to stay in the USA and finish her studies and make the country that she loves (the USA) her own
    236 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Yvone Cousse
  • STOP Daniela Pelaez from deportation
    Hi, my name is Emily Sell and Daniela Pelaez is one of my very close friends. Daniela is valedictorian of her graduating class. She is a Questbridge Scholar, in the International Baccalaureate Program, has the highest ACT scores in her class, and has a 6.7 GPA. Her brother has served in the US military for 2 years, and she has already been separated from her mother. She is truly an amazing individual and never ceases to inspire me with her passion, determination, and positivity. To be without Daniela in our lives and the country's lives is a loss of one of the most brilliant individuals I have ever met. PLEASE sign this petition and help Daniela and her family to stay in the United States. PLEASE email Congressman Rivera at this link: https://rivera.house.gov/contact-me/email-me Put your zip code as 33015-7222 so the message goes through!!!
    11,535 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Emily Sell
  • Support Kansas AG: Request Kris Kobach to Resign
    Support for the Kansas Agricultural and Livestock Community, who through hard work and thoughtful research, have designed a fair, legal, and compassionate solution to the Kansas labor shortages. Request that in the best interest of Kansas, that legislators and public officials strongly encourage Kris Kobach to resign as Kansas Secretary of State.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Desima Heft
  • Pass the DREAM Act This Year!
    We ask to support the urgent need to pass the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) which would create a pathway to citizenship for thousands of young students who were brought to the United States years ago as children.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fr. David Vargas
  • Save Georgia- Repeal HB87
    As a Georgia native I was taught by this state's public school system. Among many things, I learned that everyone has rights, regardless of one's color, class or creed. It is wrong to legislate against hard-working people and their families because of misguided economic concerns or xenophobia. Georgia is better than that. We are better than that.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by [email protected]