• Give Workers Residency. It will help us ALL.
    When the hard-working families who have had to come here the only way they could have a path to residency and citizenship as they did in 1986, it will benefit us all. When my friends and the others have 9 good Social Security numbers, they'll pay trillions into the Social Security fund. They are young and hard-working and would gladly pay into it if they were paid above the table with checks. Also, when they have residency, they'll be able to get drivers' licenses so car insurance which helps everyone on the road. They won't have to risk jail to go to work or to go to an English class or drive children to school. They cannot get legal residency on their own. They're depending on us to ask Congress as we did in 1986. I've spent 54 years teaching, translating for those whose languages I speak, being friends with immigrants, and they contribute so much. They deserve a chance to live without fear. Having a sub-culture of fear just keeps people from reporting crime they see and helps no one. I know children with A's in high school who can't go to college for lack of papers, so they are cutting grass. We'd receive taxes if they went to college and had better jobs and legal residency. The present system helps no one. It's really just prejudice. There are undocumented workers with blond hair and blue eyes, and they are never stopped and asked for papers. Only those with darker skin are stopped. We're a better country than this. They are only here because they'd go hungry if they didn't come, and they work hard and well and intelligently. They've earned the right to come out of shadows. We all sing in church that everyone is a child of God, but we treat them like they are less than human. Now is the time that everyone living in the US should be able to work and drive and go to college. Obama promised this in 2008. Now's the time to make it come true. I've worked with immigrants 54 years and seen what they've given to this country. Now we can help them and ourselves.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fran B. Reed, MPH
  • Comprehensive Immigration & Amnesty Now
    the Comprehensive Immigration Law is a Must! Because we can't have real border & National security with 12 Million Persons living illegally & 6 Millions with temporary status pending to become residents. Because we can t sent back 12 Million illegals Because we can t have 12 million under class people with no right & no ID, Because those 12 Million illegal want to pay taxes, insurances have access to better rental or buy foreclosed homes & want to share the American Dream & be part of it by raising themselves up with America Because we can t have 12 million persons with no driver license, no papers, no insurance Because we can t have 12 million illegal under pay & enslaved because living in fear with no freedom & no right for 12 million illegal should not be part of the American way Because President Obama made a promise to Pass Comprehensive Immigration Law & Amnesty within his first 100 days & we are still waiting for his words to be kept
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hughes Longelin
  • Janet Napolitano: Stop Deporting Labor Organizers
    Right now 32 civil rights and labor organizers in the South are facing deportation just because they stood up for their rights. This is not only morally wrong, but it also violates a new policy issued last year by the Obama Administration. Yet, immigration officials in charge of 5 Southern states, with a long history of civil rights abuses, are refusing to go along with the new policy. Their boss – Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano -- has done nothing about it. You can help the Southern 32 and immigrants across the country who’ve stood up for civil, labor, and human rights by telling Janet Napolitano to stop deporting these leaders and make sure her agents are actually implementing agency policies.
    386 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Matt Hildreth
  • No one is above the law
    Make sure everyone who commits a crime is afforded a trial! Just because you are not in this country legally does not mean you get to commit any crime you want, then when caught just deport yourself and avoid prosecution.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Tisi
  • Justice Where Justice Is Due
    On 4/18 my husband was the victim of racism! And is now about to be deported back to his country. I'm not going to go into detail, but it was definately racial, and shouldn't be happening. He has paid for his so called "crime" and they are still trying to take him away from his family. Anybody that knows me or him know we do NOT deserve this, but now even I'm being treated as if I have NO RIGHTS as an American Citizen. Because in the end he'll survive and the only ones hurt are our two kids left without a father, without even understanding why.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ashley
  • Simplify The Path to Legal Immigration
    After 23 years in the United States, after paying taxes, after filing petition after petition for permanent resident status and visa, this individual must return to her birth country because the legal process failed to work. Much discussion is being held to create a pathway for those who are here illegally. What about those who have exhausted all legal attempts to achieve permanent resident status? Other industrialized countries have a more steamlined, straight forward path to residency. Why not the United States.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by D. E. Langdon
  • Government Contracts
    llegals are working on mostl construction sights. Please sign this petition to not award government contracts to contractors who employ illegal immigrants.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Stone
  • Immigration Snafu
    My wife was denied her immigrant visa by a young Arab woman who treated her badly, and determined that our marriage is not real. This was based on random questions such as "what is the color of your husband's car. All the preparations were ignored, not even looked at, like all the pictures, my 4 months there over 3 visits. This seems very much an intentional denial not based on the facts at all.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael A. Parkey
  • Let's Keep Families Together!
    Non-citizens married to U.S. citizens incur a penalty of 10 years of separation from their families if they wish to rectify their citizenship status. The chances that we all personally know many families that would have to undergo this magnificent strain is great. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today posted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register that would reduce the time U.S. citizens are separated from their spouses, children, and parents who must obtain an immigrant visa abroad to become lawful permanent residents of the United States. This rule would allow certain immediate relatives of U.S. citizens to apply for a provisional waiver of the unlawful presence ground of inadmissibility while still in the United States if they can demonstrate that being separated from their U.S. citizen spouse or parent would cause that U.S. citizen relative extreme hardship.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JBermudez
  • Undocumented Workers Should Have Rights Too!
    Undocumented workers are human beings who deserve to have rights and be a part of this country. There are many myths on how undocumented workers harm the country's economy when actually they can benefit it. There needs to be a gateway for undocumented workers to gain citizenship in this country. Politicans avoid this topic but it needs to be dealt with. We need to defend these people and give them a chance to live life in a country that they respect and love without them having to fear being deported.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saira Khokhar
  • State Farm: Stop using our money to finance the right-wing agenda
    According to SourceWatch, State Farm Insurance is a major supporter of ALEC, the group that came up with "model legislation" adopted by a number of Republican-led state legislatures such as the Stand Your Ground law in Florida, voter ID laws that disenfranchise poor, elderly and minority voters, and the attacks on unions in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana. State Farm is different from most of the other members of ALEC because it is not investor-owned. State Farm is a mutual benefit corporation, a kind of financial cooperative, which means that it is owned by its policy-holders, pooling their money to provide insurance services. The money it gives to ALEC rightfully belongs to its policyholder-owners, and State Farm has no right to use it to fund ALEC's right-wing agenda. You do not need to be a State Farm policyholder to sign! If you are, please leave a comment about how long you have been with State Farm and how many policies you have with them.
    2,322 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Kaswan
  • Undocumented Workers Should Have Rights Too!
    Undocumented workers are human beings who deserve to have rights and be a part of this country. There are many myths on how undocumented workers harm the country's economy when actually they can benefit it. There needs to be a gateway for undocumented workers to gain citizenship in this country. Politicians avoid this topic but it needs to be dealt with. We need to defend these people and give them a chance to live life in a country that they respect and love without them having to fear being deported.
    406 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Saira Khokhar