Shame on Mitt Romney for attacking deferred actionGov. Mitt Romney promised to veto the DREAM Act, advocates "self-deportation" and calls Arizona a "model for the nation." Now, campaign officials have confirmed that Romney would also try to end the new, popular Obama Administration deferred action program that grants temporary work permits and protection from deportation to young immigrants who would have qualified for the DREAM Act.75 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matt Hildreth-Junod
Stop using the word "illegal" to describe human beingsMy husband, Cesar Chavez, and I made the decision to move back to Delano to begin organizing the United Farm Workers in 1962. Dolores Huerta and other leaders soon joined us. Then thousands more came to work with our movement. And millions of good people across North America supported us by boycotting grapes and other products. All these years, I chose to stay in the background. I walked picket lines, managed our credit union, and took care of our eight children. Cesar respected my privacy. I never spoke in public or did an interview with a reporter. But I’m speaking out now. Back in 1962, farm workers were treated as though we were agricultural tools. One grower called us “rented slaves.” Working in the fields, I remember we were called “wetbacks,” “dirty Mexicans”—and worse. It was common then in parts of our country for African Americans to also be degraded by those who called them the “n” word or used stereotypes because of their skin color or who they were. Our movement gave, and still gives, hope and pride to farm workers and millions of other people who never worked on a farm. Today, farm workers and many other immigrants still do important work other American workers won’t do, for low pay, and miserable conditions. We harvest the greatest bounty of food in the world. We spend our lives laboring in service jobs where we make beds, clean rooms, cook meals, and care for the young and the elderly. We work in construction and manufacturing. We serve our country in the military. But instead of thanking all these workers for their important work, they are often called names—like illegal immigrant. That’s not right. It is no longer acceptable to call people names or use stereotypes because of skin color or who people are. Why should we tolerate farm workers and other Latinos being treated this way? Some day not long from now people will look back and ask, “How could people call other people names like illegal?”54,769 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by Helen F. Chavez, widow of Cesar Chavez
Keep our family togetherMy fiancé is at risk of being deported for a simple traffic violation. He has no prior criminal record. I am 34 weeks pregnant with his daughter. I also have two children from a previous relationship who call him daddy. Since we have been together Jeronimo has stepped up and taken over the father role for my three year old son and four year old daughter. I don't want my children to lose a true father who really loves them. I need Jeronimo he is the love of my life and our daughter Paloma needs her daddy. He is the sole financial provider for our family. Ask the Department of Homeland Security not to deport my fiancé, Jeronimo Quixan Lopez, and leave my family homeless and separated.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie Mazariegos
Give Dreamers a chance to Contribute!Tens of thousands of children brought to AZ as illegals have a chance to contribute and BE real citizens through an education. Help these dreamers get their start with access to in-state tuition.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Darcy White
Mitt Romney and the GOP: It's time to dump "birther" Kris KobachKris Kobach is Mitt Romney's immigration advisor and Kansas’ Secretary of State. He is the author of the Arizona and Alabama anti-immigrant "show me your papers" laws -- as we just found outhe and fellow “birthers” are considering removing President Barack Obama from the Kansas ballot this November because they are doubting the validity of his birth certificate. Even more outrageous than attempting to take the sitting president off the ballot, Mitt Romney and the Republican Party keep giving Kris Kobach an influential seat at the table as a top immigration advisor. It's time that Mitt Romney and the Republican Party cut ties with Kris Kobach and his ilk once and for all..2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mahwish
Alabama immigrationGovernor Bentley is challenging the recent decision by a federal court that labeled controversial elements of the new state immigration law unconstitutional. The law is basically detrimental to the state of Alabama as well as to those who are adversely effected by it.164 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth E. Cooper
Accept the 11th Circuit's ruling on HB 56Several provisions of Alabama's disgraceful anti-immigration law were found unconstitutional in a series of rulings by the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals. They include invalidating any contracts with undocumented immigrants (making it virtually impossible to get a lease), harboring illegal aliens and the requirement that parents and students disclose their legal status to enroll in school. Days ago, Governor Bentley announced his decision to appeal the ruling to the full Court "based on principle"–claiming that Alabama must defend its rights against federal intrusion. The call for states rights' is a time-honored tradition for laws that oppress and disenfranchise people of all types in the southern United States. It is time for Alabama to accept the widely-held and fully constitutional "principles" that all children have a right to education and all people a right to shelter free of discrimination, harassment or fear. And it is time for Alabama to quit wasting money it doesn't have defending the indefensible on a fool's errand in court.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by J. Whitson
Immigration–our U.S. rootsMy grandparents arrived here 100 years ago as poor immigrants, willing to work hard to find a better, safer life than in Czarist Russia; they became citizens, all of us, except for Native Americans, came from somewhere else to this country, and were welcomed; we are basically all descendants of immigrants.Yet today, hundreds of thousands of hard-working people are denied the right to enter this country legally, to apply for residency (unless they have $500,000 to invest) or to follow the path that our ancestors did. I'm calling on the government to finally tackle the issue of immigration in a humane and decent way instead of making it a political hot potato.49 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Judith Norell
Mitt Romney: Shame on you for endorsing Rep. Steve KingRep. Steve King recently came under fire for comparing immigrants to dogs, saying he hadn't heard of instances in which young victims of rape became pregnant, and supporting dog fights. But at a recent campaign event in Iowa, Mitt Romney endorsed Steve King, saying, "I'm looking here at Steve King, he needs to be your Congressman again. I want him as my partner in Washington." Rep. Steve King has a long history of attacking immigrants, women, and anyone who disagrees with his extremist views. Mitt Romney should be ashamed to call Rep. Steve King a "partner." This is no way to lead a country.21,859 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Matt Hildreth
Gov. Brewer: Stop attacking young immigrantsJan Brewer, the governor of Arizona, is obsessed with two things: immigrant bashing, and the spotlight. She's the mother of one of the worst anti-immigrant laws in the country and now she's launched a hateful attack on DREAMers. President Obama made a smart policy change to allow undocumented immigrant youth–who were brought to the U.S. as children, grew up here, and are either in school or have graduated–to apply for a work permit and relief from deportation. The move is favored by the majority of Americans and it just makes common sense. On the day that thousands of these promising young people lined up to apply, what did Gov. Brewer do? Without skipping a beat, Brewer signed an executive order directing state agencies to, among other things, deny drivers' licenses to DREAMer applicants. It's a mean-spirited and vindictive move that takes her anger with Obama out on 80,000 defenseless Arizona DREAMers. It’s time we put an end to Gov. Brewer’s hateful anti-immigrant campaign. Arizona deserves better! Please stand with the DREAMers in Arizona and join us in saying, “Shame on you, Governor Brewer!”3,604 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Matt Hildreth
Vermont Service Centre causing delays in processingThe vermont service centre has been causing delays in processing for sometime,due to this delay alot of petitioners have either lost their loved ones while waiting or lost interest in the relationship.We the Petitioners have had enough and feel we have to stand up now and be heard or say nothing and become invinsible.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard
Help Keep Legal Immigrants Out of LimboWith all the national attention on undocumented immigrants, USCIS seems to be getting behind on their paperwork. Hundreds of US Citizens trying to immigrate their families, spouses, and fiances are forced to wait while government workers are backlogged under paperwork. It's time we bring some attention to legal immigration and get things moving. No US Citizen or legal immigrant should be separated from their loved ones any longer than necessary. The current promised processing time for most application is five months and many applications are exceeding 12 months and still outstanding. And that only accounts for the time applicants wait for their petitions to be initially viewed. It can take many months after that until a visa is granted. In the past, some applications were processed in 90 days or less. What's the holdup?253 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Trevor Gast