Simplify The Path to Legal ImmigrationAfter 23 years in the United States, after paying taxes, after filing petition after petition for permanent resident status and visa, this individual must return to her birth country because the legal process failed to work. Much discussion is being held to create a pathway for those who are here illegally. What about those who have exhausted all legal attempts to achieve permanent resident status? Other industrialized countries have a more steamlined, straight forward path to residency. Why not the United States.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by D. E. Langdon
Government Contractsllegals are working on mostl construction sights. Please sign this petition to not award government contracts to contractors who employ illegal immigrants.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Stone
Immigration SnafuMy wife was denied her immigrant visa by a young Arab woman who treated her badly, and determined that our marriage is not real. This was based on random questions such as "what is the color of your husband's car. All the preparations were ignored, not even looked at, like all the pictures, my 4 months there over 3 visits. This seems very much an intentional denial not based on the facts at all.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael A. Parkey
Let's Keep Families Together!Non-citizens married to U.S. citizens incur a penalty of 10 years of separation from their families if they wish to rectify their citizenship status. The chances that we all personally know many families that would have to undergo this magnificent strain is great. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today posted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register that would reduce the time U.S. citizens are separated from their spouses, children, and parents who must obtain an immigrant visa abroad to become lawful permanent residents of the United States. This rule would allow certain immediate relatives of U.S. citizens to apply for a provisional waiver of the unlawful presence ground of inadmissibility while still in the United States if they can demonstrate that being separated from their U.S. citizen spouse or parent would cause that U.S. citizen relative extreme hardship.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JBermudez
Undocumented Workers Should Have Rights Too!Undocumented workers are human beings who deserve to have rights and be a part of this country. There are many myths on how undocumented workers harm the country's economy when actually they can benefit it. There needs to be a gateway for undocumented workers to gain citizenship in this country. Politicans avoid this topic but it needs to be dealt with. We need to defend these people and give them a chance to live life in a country that they respect and love without them having to fear being deported.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Saira Khokhar
State Farm: Stop using our money to finance the right-wing agendaAccording to SourceWatch, State Farm Insurance is a major supporter of ALEC, the group that came up with "model legislation" adopted by a number of Republican-led state legislatures such as the Stand Your Ground law in Florida, voter ID laws that disenfranchise poor, elderly and minority voters, and the attacks on unions in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana. State Farm is different from most of the other members of ALEC because it is not investor-owned. State Farm is a mutual benefit corporation, a kind of financial cooperative, which means that it is owned by its policy-holders, pooling their money to provide insurance services. The money it gives to ALEC rightfully belongs to its policyholder-owners, and State Farm has no right to use it to fund ALEC's right-wing agenda. You do not need to be a State Farm policyholder to sign! If you are, please leave a comment about how long you have been with State Farm and how many policies you have with them.2,297 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Mark Kaswan
Undocumented Workers Should Have Rights Too!Undocumented workers are human beings who deserve to have rights and be a part of this country. There are many myths on how undocumented workers harm the country's economy when actually they can benefit it. There needs to be a gateway for undocumented workers to gain citizenship in this country. Politicians avoid this topic but it needs to be dealt with. We need to defend these people and give them a chance to live life in a country that they respect and love without them having to fear being deported.406 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Saira Khokhar
Baby Boomers for Immigration ReformThe Republicans and the Obama Administration have been responsible for the breakup of thousands of families in the US. Because of draconian laws and political expediency, the federal government has put American citizens in the most unthinkable situation: that of losing a spouse through the caprice of government action. Many American citizens in this situation have no choice but to leave their lives in the US behind in order to keep their families together. Many cannot leave and have no recourse but to stay and wait for our politicians to change the laws. As baby boomers of adult children caught up in these tragic circumstances, our lives have been profoundly affected by these government actions, as the people involved are our in-laws, children, and grandchildren. This is a time that we should be preparing for retirement, not helping our children with the expense incurred by this tragic situation. We would simply like for our children to get their lives back and be free to live with their spouses and children here in the US.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Deborah Brons
UNANSE A NUESTRA ORACION - JOIN OUR PRAYERHISPANOS DE MISSISSIPPI Dios mío, creador del cielo y la tierra, oye mi oración. Atiende mi súplica. Respóndeme por tu fidelidad y tu justicia. Soy tu hijo (a), Busco solo una oportunidad para proveer a mi familia de comida, ropa, techo y seguridad. En el lugar de donde vengo, estas oportunidades son muy limitadas. Podría trabajar una semana entera y aun no tener suficiente. ¿Es esto justo, Señor? En busca de oportunidades y una mejor vida para los mios, me vi en la necesidad de cruzar fronteras creadas por hombres. Viajo a través de ríos y desiertos desafiando enfermedades, deshidratación y hasta la propia muerte. Al cruzar la frontera, me vuelvo invisible. Tengo dos o tres trabajos que ni siquiera pagan un salario mínimo. Apenas tengo tiempo para dormir. Dame descanso, Señor. Oye mi suplica. Respóndeme por tu justicia. Hay muchos que no me ven como hijo de Dios, sino como cosa rara o como criminal. No quieren reconocer mi valor y dignidad como persona humana y creatura tuya. Señor, ante ti nadie puede alegar inocencia, pues todos hemos pecado. Perdónanos Señor. El enemigo me persigue, el enemigo de la justicia. El enemigo de nuestra común humanidad. Huyo hacia las sombras, habito en las tinieblas. Viajo por tierra estéril buscando oportunidad. ¿Dónde estás cuando me veo obligado a huir? ¿Dónde estás cuando me veo forzado a moverme a otro lugar? ¿Dónde estás cuando me persiguen por mi perfil racial? ¿Dónde estás, Dios mío? Escucha mis ruegos, oye mi oración. Este país fue fundado y ha prosperado por la labor de inmigrantes como yo, y muchos no lo quieren reconocer. Aunque este país ha excluido a algunos, eventualmente ha visto el error de sus acciones. La historia de este país y tu obra, Señor, me ayudan a saber que no siempre seré perseguido. Corazones han sido cambiados, actitudes han sido volteadas y muestra de ello, fue lo que lograron nuestros hermanos afroamericanos luchando por sus derechos. Escucha mis ruegos, oye mi oración. Extiendo mis manos y mi alma, esperando que me bendigas haciéndome parte de esta comunidad. Extiendo mis manos, esperando aquello que se me ha prometido: un futuro, una esperanza, un sueño, una mejor vida, un nuevo amanecer, una nueva tierra en donde todos podamos vivir como hijos tuyos, en el Reino que tu anhelas Señor y que Tú quieres que construyamos. Mi alma, como el desierto que cruzo, está sedienta de tu justicia, Señor. ¿Por cuánto tiempo, Señor? Empápame con la dignidad de ser reconocido como lo que soy: un ser humano, un hermano, una hermana, un hijo o hija de Dios. Manda lluvias, Señor, que sacien la sed de mi alma. Manda lluvias, Señor. Escucha mis ruegos, oye mi oración. Hay familias separadas. Pasan muchos años sin verse por este sistema de inmigracion inconsistente e incomprensible. Al pasar los años, mis hijos en mi pais han ido creciendo y los conozco menos y tal vez ellos ya no se acuerden de mi, pero lo he arriesgado todo por ellos. Mi espíritu desmaya. No he visto a mi padre y a mi madre en muchos años. Muchos de mis hermanos que viven esta situacion, han tenido que soportar el dolor mas angustioso, al enterarse de la muerte de sus seres queridos y el no poder acompañarlos en su sepultura. Muchas veces me siento solo y abandonado como lo estuvo tu Hijo Jesus en la cruz. Mi esperanza disminuye. Escucha mis ruegos, oye mi oración. No escondas de mí tu rostro, para evitar que baje a la sepultura. Tengo hijos ciudadanos de esta gran tierra bendecida por Dios, que aspiran a dar lo mejor y defender a este pais porque es su hogar. En cambio, yo no tengo derecho a estar aquí con ellos, ayudándolos en su sueños . Me persiguen para echarme fuera y separarme de lo que mas quiero, mi familia. Pido santuario. En ti me refugio padre Dios. Tú me has permitido llegar hasta aquí y, por eso, te doy gracias. Pero Señor, estoy cansado. Estoy cansado de ser perseguido, Estoy cansada de no ser reconocida, Estoy cansado de tener miedo, Estoy cansada de vivir en las sombras. Estoy cansado de la discriminacion, Estoy cansada de los abusos, Estoy cansado de la intolerancia, Estoy cansada de la indiferencia, Estoy cansado de vivir escondido. Vivifícame, Señor, por tu nombre. Saca mi alma de la angustia, por tu justicia. Disipa el odio de mis enemigos. Disipa la ignorancia de mis enemigos. Disipa la ceguera de mis enemigos. Disipa la complicidad de mis enemigos. Rescata a mis adversarios de sus malentendidos, desconfianza y mala comunicación. Te pido por nuestros legisladores de Mississippi, son gente buena y trabajadora, pero dales tu sabiduria Padre para que sus leyes sean humanas y no solo la ley sin corazon. Que tengan los sentimientos del corazon de Tu hijo, que tambien fue un inmigrante en Egipto con sus padres, y es por eso que puedes entender al pueblo inmigrante de este pais y sus penurias porque Tú tambien lo viviste en carne propia. Solamente pido que tu justicia sean tu misericordia y amor, porque yo soy tu siervo (a) y para ellos solo te pido que toques su corazón. En tu nombre, Señor; así sea. Amén. HISPANICS FROM MISSISSIPPI My God, creator of heaven and earth, hear my prayer. Hear my plea. Answer me by your faithfulness and righteousness. I'm your son (a), seeking only an opportunity to provide my family with food, clothing, shelter and safety. In the place where I come from, these opportunities are very limited. Could work a whole week and still not enough. Is that fair, sir? In search of opportunity and a better life for mine, I saw the need to cross borders created by men. I travel across rivers and deserts challenging diseases, dehydration and even death itself. Across the border, I become invisible. I have two or three jobs that do not even pay minimum wage. I have hardly time to sleep. Give rest, O Lord. Hear my plea. Answer me in your righteousness. Many do not see me as a child of God, but as something rare or criminal. Do not want to recognize my worth and dignity as a human and creature yours. Lord, to you no one c...48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ELQUIN GONZALEZ
ImmigrationAs a Counselor and community organizer I frequently come across children whose parents are either in jail or deported. These children are left to the mercy of some good samaritan or,if they get in trouble with the law - depending on the findings of the courts, they may become wards of the State. I would love to see a clause added to the immigration laws wherby children who fall under this unfortunate situation get thebenefit of becoming citizensrather than being deported. America is the only home they know, situation,are given special consideration for citizenship.Most of them are now adults and America is the only home they have.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Connie Witter
Constantine M. Lewis: Innocently has been sitting in the Prison System close to 3 years now...an...Mr. Lewis's human rights have been ignored by the entire government and state court system...he needs someone of authority to speak up for him. He was wrongfully accused by the phila. commonwealth while the guilty people are still out free.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Lewis
ASSET BillASSET Bill - Standard tuition rate for children of illegal immigrants.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shawn E. Smith