Tell Rep. Frank Wolf to support immigration reform with a pathway to citizenshipIn America we believe that everyone is equal, period. But that's not how our current immigration system works. Under our current immigration laws, immigrants currently living in the US without papers have no way to fix their immigration status and pursue the rights obtained through citizenship. These immigrants -- many of whom are American in every way but on paper -- are doomed to a life in shadows. They are prevented from doing things many US citizens take for granted, like driving, working, applying for credit cards, and even from visiting sick family members overseas. The Senate just passed an immigration bill that will would fix this tragedy by creating a pathway to citizenship for these 11 million Americans without papers. Through this pathway, students, workers, family members, and even some immigrants with deportation orders under the previous broken system would finally be allowed to pursue their American dream and eventual citizenship. Advocates have been fighting for these reforms for years, and we have never seen a better chance for making these dreams a reality. But some anti-immigrant members of Congress -- lead by legislators like Rep. Steve King -- are trying to kill reform by destroying the path to citizenship and promoting inhumane policies that would keep these 11 million people in the shadows so they "self-deport." Our movement has reached a tipping point and we need your help to finish the job. We need you to tell Rep. Frank Wolf to support immigration reform with the pathway to citizenship, now more than ever. It's time for Congress to pass this bill. Please tell your representative to vote YES on immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million Americans without papers.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matt Hildreth
Rep. Fudge don't let immigration reform die a slow deathThe Senate passed a strong, comprehensive immigration reform bill, but House Speaker Boehner refuses to let it come to a vote. Current immigration policy divides children from their parents, especially their fathers. Immigration reform will keep families together, strengthen our economy, and offer a clear path to American citizenship for nearly 11 million tax-paying individuals. As an American citizen descended from immigrant ancestors, who weren't always welcome in their day, I believe our legislators should stand up for these vulnerable people who have risked everything to come to the "land of opportunity." The majority of Americans believe that we need comprehensive immigration reform NOW. Stand up with them as we stand up for the immigrants of our day.137 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sheila McGinn
Tell Rep.Stephen Lynch to support a discharge petitionComprehensive immigration reform is dying a slow death in Congress because House Speaker Boehner—who has the power to demand an up-or-down vote on the reform bill—refuses to get out of the way. But there is a simple way that Democrats can bypass Boehner and save immigration reform. They can introduce the Senate bill, which passed with broad bipartisan support, then use a discharge petition to force an up-or-down vote in the House of Representatives. A discharge petition is the most viable option to pass comprehensive immigration reform this fall. It only takes 218 votes to file a discharge petition—that's every Democrat in Congress and 17 Republicans. Support for the discharge petition is growing in the media and among members of Congress.220 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Pedro Velazquez
Representative Nancy Pelosi support a discharge petition for comprehensive immigration reform?Comprehensive immigration reform is dying a slow death in Congress because House Speaker Boehner—who has the power to demand an up-or-down vote on the reform bill—refuses to get out of the way. But there is a simple way that Democrats can bypass Boehner and save immigration reform. They can introduce the Senate bill, which passed with broad bipartisan support, then use a discharge petition to force an up-or-down vote in the House of Representatives. A discharge petition is the most viable option to pass comprehensive immigration reform this fall. It only takes 218 votes to file a discharge petition—that's every Democrat in Congress and 17 Republicans. Support for the discharge petition is growing in the media and among members of Congress.1736 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Rabbi Dr. Katherine Hans Von Rotes Schild Zitler
Rep. Castor: Support a discharge petition for comprehensive immigration reformHouse Speaker Boehner is not interested in putting immigration reform to a vote. However, there is a way to bypass Boehner and save immigration reform by introducing the Senate's bipartisan immigration reform bill, then using a discharge petition to force an up-or-down vote in the House. It only takes 218 votes to file a discharge petition—that's every Democrat in Congress and 17 Republicans. This is accomplishable.177 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Karen G Spisak
Rep. Lois Capps: Introduce a bill for immigration reform and a discharge petition to get the job ...We are all immigrants and we need you to lead the way to reform. Your constituents support you, work for us now, and follow the Senate's lead in this matter of utmost importance.59 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Watts
Tell Rep. Anna Eshoo: Pass a Congressional Discharge Petition for Immigration ReformJust solutions for millions of people are riding on an affirmative vote for this Bill.453 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Chatham H Forbes Sr.
Please, intruduce a comprehensive immigration reform bill with passage to citizenship and support...I know several families that have been waiting for decades to see immigration reform so they can get out of the shadows, and feel like they are normal and useful people to this country. Many of them have american children, have paid taxes every year, have helped the economy, and also have clean police records. My wife and I went through immigration proceedings to be removed from this country of my daughters, and were extremely lucky to stay. Today I beg to The House of Representatives for all the 11 million immigrants without status, to approve a strong comprehensive immigration reform with a clear path to citizenship for them. Right now there is no solution for them and their children, and I don't want them to go through what I did as an immigrant. Legislators be fair with these famiklies, this country is made of immigrants since the beginning of the American History.45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Claudio Chaparro
Tell Rep. Beatty Support a Discharge Petition for Immigration ReformFor two years, I was housemates with a woman born in the US, her husband who was born in Guatemala, and their wonderful US born son. I was proud to vote in the same polling station with R when he became a US citizen, and I hope that millions of other residents of our country will have similar opportunities.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sylvia Niedner
Support a discharge petition for comprehensive immigration reform!Comprehensive immigration reform is dying a slow death in Congress because House Speaker Boehner—who has the power to demand an up-or-down vote on the reform bill—refuses to get out of the way. But there is a simple way that Democrats can bypass Boehner and save immigration reform. They can introduce the Senate bill, which passed with broad bipartisan support, then use a discharge petition to force an up-or-down vote in the House of Representatives. A discharge petition is the most viable option to pass comprehensive immigration reform this fall. It only takes 218 votes to file a discharge petition—that's every Democrat in Congress and 17 Republicans. Support for the discharge petition is growing in the media and among members of Congress.44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Acadia Cutschall
Representative Dan Kildee: Support a discharge petition for comprehensive immigration reformWe need Congress to by pass John Boehner to get comprehensive immigration reform passed. The means to that end is to file a discharge petition. This petition is asking Michigan Representative Dan Kildee to support and file a discharge petition. 11 million Dreamers are counting on us to get this done yesterday.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Kaczorowski
211 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Francis S Midy