Minnesota Should Know When a Registered Sex Offender is Driving Around their Schools or parks.Too many times have we all seen or were told about a suspicious car around a school or park. Nobody knows if this person is a registered repeat sex offender. Minnesota must require specialized license plates for the registered cars of registered sex offenders now. This is already a law for repeat DWI offenders in Minnesota.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by russell james
Don't hold up Cold Case Squad New HiresOn July 2, 2015 governor LePage changed the hiring policy for new hires in the State. This will affect the formation of the cold case squad. We ask Governor LePage to continue the spirit of bipartisanship that has driven the cold case squad from its beginning. We respectively request the Governor immediately allow the Office of Public Safety to hire the 2 detectives and 1 lab tech funded within the budget. We want to remind the Governor of his comment from 2014 “Because it’s the right thing to do,” referring to funding for the cold case squad. Thank you to to the 127th Legislature for working together to get this squad funded, and now we are waiting for the Governor to exclude the squad from any partisan politics.335 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Support Cold Case Squad Maine
Internet Protection Act, to keep all sex offenders off the internet.I see too many people who I know are registered sex offenders using the Internet to con their way into people's lives and into state jobs they have no business trying to get. Sex offenders are not waiting in in dark alleys anymore; they are using the Internet, and especially Facebook to prey on the weak. They are not stopping, and they are not show in any signs of slowing there habits down. Keeping them off iphones and computers will make the world safer from them. As a father myself I would rather my kids not have to watch out for that. Also, make it illegal for them to own video games, iphones anything with the Internet and make it illegal for anyone who lives with a sex offender to have Internet access. Motivate the public to be scared of committing sex offenses.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by brian maldonado
A civilized society doesn't put children in prison with adultsMichigan is one of only a handful of states that locks up juvenile offenders under the age of 18 alongside the adult prison population, often for non-violent offenses. A recent investigation by the Huffington Post found a system rife with abuse and horrific treatment of children by guards and fellow inmates throughout Michigan. They found instances of children as young as 16 forced to share cells with adults where they were repeatedly subjected to sexual abuse. Or corrections officers, totally untrained in dealing with adolescents, forcibly restraining teens on slabs of concretes for days at a time. And a penal system, all the way from the county prosecutor to the attorney general, stacked against the poor and young people of color. Here's how Huffington Post Editor Ryan Grim summarized the shocking abuses: "The overincarceration of people in American society has reached pathological levels, but for the same treatment to be meted out to children demands immediate intervention. Liberals, conservatives and libertarians are all coming together to call for comprehensive criminal justice reform, and the movement's progress is impressive and hopeful. But there is a long way to go, and these kids can't wait." The findings of this investigation are a national disgrace and Michigan lawmakers should move quickly to end these abuses. A civilized society doesn't put children in prison with adults. http://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/cruel-and-all-too-usual/2,658 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Jason Smith
Investigate The KKK as Domestic TerroristsIt may feel small; by many small acts lead to large scale change. It's important to make your voice heard, to show the world how many people are against systemic racism. Lend your voice in calling for an end to the toleration of domestic terrorism thereby working towards ensuring liberty, justice and true equality for all!2,161 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Asia Kate Dillon
Investigate Black church arsons as hate crimes.Following the Charleston massacre, more than seven Black churches have caught fire in only six days—with investigators already finding evidence of arson in several cases, while continuing to examine the others: -- June 22, College Hills Seventh Day Adventist Church, Knoxville , TN -- June 23, God’s Power Church of Christ, Macon, GA -- June 23, Fruitland Presbyterian Church, Gibson County, TN -- June 24, Briar Creek Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC -- June 26, Greater Miracle Apostolic Holiness Church, Tallahassee, FL -- June 26, Glover Grover Baptist Church, Warrenville, SC -- June 30, Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal, Greeleyville, SC Please investigate these arsons as hate crimes.14,239 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Eileen Jacobson Brown
Remove Judge Thomas Kelly Kane and Brian Caplan from their jobs!!!In my case; Case number 14-9155 docket number: 14CR1456 an unfair and tainted Jury was allowed to convict me of charges that didn't match what i actually am accused of. When the jury came into the room before EVER hearing the facts of the case, the jury had already thought i was guilty! that presents a judicial issue in that the Judge was mandated to dismiss the jury once someone came forward and informed him t hat the jury felt i was guilty! the judge did NOT! That is improper and leads me to think that this and other judges who may have done the same thing in other cases, are corrupt and in collusion with the Prosecutors and are willing to ignore procedures in order to convict so that they can gain finances from that individual! I am standing up for Justice and standing tall against INJUSTICE!!!! i am truthfully unafraid to stand against these two corrupt practitioners of injustice!!!! If my case is NOT immediately dismissed with Prejudice, Then I know that they aren't the ONLY ones allowing corruption of justice to run rampant!!! I WILL be immediately compensated financially for the inconveniences presented me in this carriage of injustice as well! $20,000 from each Thomas Kelly Kane and Brian Caplan. I am presenting the two of them with additional $7,500 each in small claims lawsuits to help shed light onto what they have done to me by NOT dismissing the tainted jury and for possibly tampering with that same Jury to get an unlawful conviction! Help me get my case thrown out of court, the Judge reprimanded and or fired, The Prosecutor reprimanded and or disbarred, the charges dropped by signing my petition.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Charles Lewis
free Leonard PeltierLeonard Peltier on the day of the shoot he was accused of was not even armed with a gun. And yet still was locked up. Only because he was Native American and the F.B.I did not want to admit they fired upon unarmed women and children. Basically, Leonard was locked up because somebody had to take the blame so the F.B.I would not be embarrassed. Let's release him from prison once and for all and correct this wrong into a right.2,117 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Brian maldonado
Stop Corporate Investments In Prison SystemsCorporate privileges and resources must not be invested in prison systems where prisoners are abused and neglected by guards using extreme isolation, arbitrarily and abusive measures like unhealthy foods, delayed medical care, or violence done to people by virtue of their race, class, or citizenship status. Furthermore, the private prison model should not be hinged on maximizing incarceration to generate profit by incentivized arresting, convicting, sentencing, and keeping people in prison for longer times without the right to a trail or hearing.433 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Health First Family Services
Exonerate or Vacate the Criminal sentence of Jeremiah DeweyMy son Jeremiah was falsely charged and convicted of crimes with out any evidence. Perjury, lies, witness intimidation and tampering, violations of the Constitution, and the hand picking of Jurist were used to accomplish this. See Jeremiah Dewey is Innocent on face book for more information.123 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Donald Dewey
NORTH CAROLINA POLICY MAKERS: PLEASE APPROPRIATE THE NECESSARY FUNDING NEEDED TO PROVIDE NC DPS ...More then 90% of people incarcerated return back to our communities, many subjected to years of abusive treatment behind prison walls. People are incarcerated serve prison time as punishment for crimes against society, not to be mentally or physically abused. As a matter of Social Justice and public safety, the use of body cameras provides a method for responsible and humane oversight.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by NC-CURE
Alaska Third Party CustodianThis law has made it hard on families around Alaska to get out of jail because we have to be monitored by another adult 24/7. People lose their jobs because of this law. If they just had bail instead of a third party custodian added alongside it, then it would be easier to get out.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by L johnson