Pass NYC Council Resolution 0430-2014The Problem: In New York State it is legal to withhold information pertinent to criminal cases from a defendant and his/her defense attorney until the very moment of trial. This is not because the information is unavailable; it is because the prosecution is not required to turn over information earlier. For example, prosecutors are not required under current law to submit police reports, prior testimony, witness statements, and any other evidence to the defendant until trial begins, and in some cases, not until the first witness testifies. A prosecutor has discretion to decide whether or not evidence might help a defendant or cast doubt on his guilt and can choose to withhold it. Not only does this deprive the defendant of a fair chance to prepare a defense at trial, but it costs taxpayers and the judicial system a great deal of time and money on unnecessary hearings, trials, and post-conviction lawsuits when pertinent evidence is withheld. The Solution: We request that the New York City Council pass resolution 0430-2014 which calls on the New York State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, legislation to repeal Criminal Procedure Law Article 240 and replace it with a law mandating early, open, and automatic pre-trial discovery.42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Miguel Santana
Mack Long Police Killing Investigation Demands TransparencyPlease sign this petition now!! Your signature can make a difference. Chief Hite has publicly stated there will be transparency concerning the justice system's handling of the Mack Long killing. Transparency means : 1. The police report will be completed and released to the public. IMPD's literature says it takes at the most 7 days to release the report. We are now more than a month after Mack's killing. How can this delay be interpreted as transparent? 2. Release the videos. If IMPD has nothing to hide then release the videos so the people can see what the cameras saw. 3. Instead of putting evidence out in secrecy have a public coroner inquest instead of a grand jury.393 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Rev. Mmoja Ajabu
State's Attorney Mosby: Drop the charges against all protestersThe people of Baltimore have had enough. Over just the last 4 years, police have killed 109 people in the city. And in 2014, 100% of the people killed by Baltimore police were Black. Baltimore — like most cities in America — has a long and ongoing history of violent, discriminatory and illegal policing. Following the tragic police killing of 25-year-old Freddie Gray the people of Baltimore rose up and moved State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby to charge all 6 officers who killed Freddie Gray. But while the police who killed Gray are out of jail, hundreds of protesters languish in overcrowded, inhumane jail conditions facing unjust criminal charges and outrageous bail. Urge State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby to drop the charges against all protesters.268 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Rashad Robinson
Bringing My Husband homeMy husband has been incarcerated for 5 years . Within this time my husband has grown into a more responsible , loving , caring and greater man . He has used his time to grow and to make sure that his life as well as mine Is better once he's released . My husband deserves the opportunity to come home , be a husband and show the community the wonderful man he has become .14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Terrion
End the incarceration nationWe are wasting too much talent in our nation by keeping low-income and people of color kids on the cradle to prison pipeline. Please sign this petition to encourage Sen. Hillary Clinton to keep speaking out about this issue during her campaign for President.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathy Swayze
The Freddie Gray Law - Assess, Treat, and Safely TransportI am a 68-year-old physician in Maryland. In 1976 as a Johns Hopkins neurology resident at Baltimore City Hospitals, we heard rumors about police arresting uncooperative and usually inebriated persons, handcuffing their hands behind their backs and then playing "Watch Out For The Dog". I did nothing about it then. Now 38 years later after at least 3 deaths, including that of Freddie Gray 2 weeks ago, we should take steps nationwide to assure that ALL State and Local Police secure those they take into custody to avoid potentially fatal injury during transport. "Cops: Click It or Ticket!" References: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-gray-rough-rides-20150423-story.html#page=1 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/01/us/freddie-grays-injury-and-the-police-rough-ride.html?http://eeditioncp.capitalgazette.com/Olive/Tablet/TheCapital/SharedArticle.aspx?href=BCAP%2F2015%2F05%2F11&id=Ar004031,297 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Clifford G Andrew, MD, PhD
Losing My Grandboys To The CpsYes very much so and it not right14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by [email protected]
Cruel & Unusual Punishment Children's Rights: Bret Schoon Age 17 Terminally Ill In Hospital BLEED...BRETT SCHOON: IN THE ICU @ UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HOSPITAL in IA, BORN WITH CYSTIC-FIBROSIS EXPECTED TO LIVE TO BE 2, NOW AGE 17 FIGHTING CYSTIC-FIBROSIS FOR HIS LIFE ALONE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HOSPITALS ICU UNIT. HIS LUNGS WERE 70 % COLLAPSED AND HE WAS BLEEDING IN HIS GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT WHEN HE WAS PUT ON THE LIFE FLIGHT TO IOWA CITY. BRET'S 20 YEAR OLD SISTER WHOM HE LIVES WITH HAS A 1 YR OLD BABY AND NEEDS TO WORK TO KEEP THEIR HOME SHE CAN NOT AFFORD TO DRIVE 5 HOURS TO THE HOSPITAL. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THESE CHILDREN TO GO THROUGH THIS WITHOUT THEIR DAD BECAUSE HIS DAD ROBED A BANK WITHOUT THEIR FATHER. JEFF SCHOON DID NOT USE A WEAPON WHEN HE ROBBED THE BANKS TO SUPPORT HIS TERMINALLY ILL CHILD'S MEDICAL TREATMENTS AND TO TAKE HIM TO DISNEYLAND. POLICE HARASSMENT KEPT JEFF FROM GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT AND FORCED HIM TO ABANDON THE BUSINESS HE TOOK OVER WHEN BRET'S GRANDPA GOT ILL. JEFF ABANDONED HIS BUSINESS AND MOVED OUT OF POCAHONTAS COUNTY IOWA BECAUSE THE POLICE THREATENED HIS CHILDREN. JEFFREY ALAN SCHOON - SINGLE FATHER Register Number: 12179-029 Age: 50 Race: White Sex: Male Located at: Sandstone FCI Release Date: 04/23/2025 PLEASE LET JEFFREY SCHOON & BRET SCHOON BE TOGETHER BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE NO CHILD DESERVES TO SERVE THE SENTENCE WITCH BRET IS CURRENTLY SERVING Please sign this petition because this boy needs his dad. Prison can wait at least until after his son is out of the hospital however it would be best for Brett to have his dad back home with him as he was his main care giver and Jeff knows how to care for him better than anyone else. Jeff never resisted arrest and was transported to the prison by Pocahontas County Sheriff Robert Lampie With Out Restraints in the front seat. He will go back willingly as he went in. ROBERT LAMPIE's HARASSMENT and threats to harm Jeffs children made JEFF leave his junk yard in Pocahontas county Iowa and caused him to plead guilty to many crimes witch he did not commit. When Jeff was running his junk yard he was able to work around Brett's Medical Care and make money legally by recycling scrap metal and selling used car parts. The Sheriff of Pocahontas County Iowa is well known for demanding self incrimination and lying to remove children from the homes of people who refuse to cooperate with his creation of crime statistics. Jeff was transported peacefully and unrestrained by the same man whom was making it difficult for Jeff to run his business. Jeff is not violent and is not a threat to anyone but his absence is a threat to his son Bret's life. Two days ago Bret had one lung collapse and was bleeding in the other he was put on a life flight and had an emergency surgery. He is currently stable in a drug induced coma in the Incentive Care Unit at the University of Iowa Hospital. No terminally ill child should be forced to go through what Bret is going through alone when he has a loving father whom is alive and wants to be by his side. Before Jeff was incarcerated he would hitch hike to get to the hospital to be with his son if he did not have the money or a car to get there. Bret does not deserve to serve this sentence as he has committed no crime. Please sign this petition so this boy does not die in a hospital alone. It is not often we ask for a person to be released from prison but there is always an exception to every rule. Please sign this so the father may home with his child. We as parents often times are at a breaking point and when you read his story,please understand as all of parents do he LOVED his son not an excuse but a reason. PLEASE SIGN. JEFF SCHOON: SINGLE FATHER OF 2 currently IN FCI SANDSTONE a LOW SECURITY FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION in MN, ROBBED BANK WITHOUT A WEAPON to CARE FOR HIS TERMINALLY ILL CHILD AND TAKE HIM TO DISNEYLAND PLEASE LET JEFFREY SCHOON & BRET SCHOON BE TOGETHER BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE NO CHILD DESERVES TO SERVE THE SENTENCE WITCH BRET IS CURRENTLY SERVING Please sign this petition because this boy needs his dad. Prison can wait at least until after his son is out of the hospital however it would be best for Brett to have his dad back home with him as he was his main care giver and Jeff knows how to care for him better than anyone else. Jeff never resisted arrest and was transported to the prison by Pocahontas County Sheriff Robert Lampie With Out Restraints in the front seat. He will go back willingly as he went in. ROBERT LAMPIE's HARASSMENT and threats to harm Jeffs children made JEFF leave his junk yard in Pocahontas county Iowa and caused him to plead guilty to many crimes witch he did not commit. When Jeff was running his junk yard he was able to work around Brett's Medical Care and make money legally by recycling scrap metal and selling used car parts. The Sheriff of Pocahontas County Iowa is well known for demanding self incrimination and lying to remove children from the homes of people who refuse to cooperate with his creation of crime statistics. Jeff was transported peacefully and unrestrained by the same man whom was making it difficult for Jeff to run his business. Jeff is not violent and is not a threat to anyone but his absence is a threat to his son Bret's life. Two days ago Bret had one lung collapse and was bleeding in the other he was put on a life flight and had an emergency surgery. He is currently stable in a drug induced coma in the Incentive Care Unit at the University of Iowa Hospital. No terminally ill child should be forced to go through what Bret is going through alone when he has a loving father whom is alive and wants to be by his side. Before Jeff was incarcerated he would hitch hike to get to the hospital to be with his son if he did not have the money or a car to get there. Bret does not deserve to serve this sentence as he has committed no crime. Please sign this petition so this boy does not die in a hospital alone.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Melissa Martin
Make Medical Cannabis Accessible to Suffering Illinois PatientsIllinois patients are suffering because of narrow guidelines that limit eligibility to use medical cannabis as a viable treatment option. It's time for patients to finally have access to this proven and effective, life-changing treatment.627 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Kim Morreale
Federal Jury wrongly convicts my brother without factual evidence.My brother Akram Muhammad a young black male was just found guilty of a crime in which he is clearly innocent of. The charge against him was not backed by any factual evidence. Akram's DNA or finger prints were not found on this hand gun. He was getting a ride home by a person in which he did not know was a felon and being pursued by ATF agents. My brother was getting into the backseat of this person's vehicle to be brought home after job searching at a relative's home. The moment at which my brother was entering the backseat of the vehicle the car was surrounded by a multiple police agencies to arrest the other individuals not my brother. Later when my brother could not give Federal agents information on the other parties they indicted him for a weapons charge, which was the same indictment of the two other parties. The agents found a weapon in the vehicle but this weapon did not have my brother's finger prints or DNA on it and the ATF agent testified that my brother made a motion to his waistband consistent to having a weapon. This could not be true to not have any factual evidence to what this agent testified to. My brother could not have enough time to clean all trace evidence off of said gun without wearing gloves in which he did not have on and while placing his hands up for ATF agent to arrest him. There was a lot of inconsistencies to the testimony of the agent and his initial report 6 months before my brother's trial. Please help my family get justice for my brother. He deserves a chance at freedom and to finish a life he was just starting to have. We have to take a stand against racial injustice and charging innocent people with crimes!115 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kia Mclearen
Sign the petition: Demand justice. Demand Maryland change this law.It's been over 10 days since Freddie Gray was brutally beaten into a coma with a severed spine by six Baltimore police officers and the police haven't released any information. People are demanding answers, yet the police are legally protected to stonewall the public because of an unfair Maryland law. Under the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, when an officer is under investigation for a matter that could lead to disciplinary action, supervisors are prohibited from interviewing the accused for 10 days. Further, disciplinary action can only happen after a hearing board of the officer's colleagues. That's right--police have 10 days to get their stories straight, watch public video evidence, and line up with news reports. Then, they sit in front of panel of colleagues who can decide if discipline is necessary. The game is rigged. There is no transparency or accountability for police in Baltimore. Sign the petition demanding the repeal of these ludicrous provisions that prevent the public from learning the truth about excessive and deadly force by police officers.44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Hogarth
Medical marijuana legalization in UtahI have a permanent disability, nerve damage known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, and yes I have tried marijuana and it does help significantly. It is a hundred times safer than all the hydrocodone and lyrica that I have to take. And I know I'm not alone. These people don't want to be criminals; we just don't want to suffer in pain anymore!94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by sam williams