• Legalize Cannabis in Illinois!
    Marijuana prohibition was only implemented based on public hysteria caused by lies and racism, as well as a desire by the lumber and petroleum industry as many paper and petroleum based products can be produced more cheaply and efficiently with industrial hemp. According to the U.S. Government's own statistics, not one American has ever died as a result of consuming cannabis period.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brian Six
  • Bring Anthony Home
    Our prisons are way too crowded not leaving enough for for the violent offenders. We are spending money each day to house non-violent or drug offenders when we could be sending them to rehabs and diversion centers.
    209 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tammy Casey
  • Felony Expungement
    This petition is about communities similar to Sandtown-Winchester in Baltimore where individuals return to after incarceration. Communities with accumulations of individuals who have records of incarceration but have their economic potential capped because of that record, thus starving the neighborhood of potential income tax revenue which is the main form of community financial support.
    249 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Ervin
  • Reform the Entire Criminal Justice System
    As a physician, I have become aware of the terrible rate of incarceration and the ridiculous lengths of sentences - and the horrific human toll on prisoners and their families, as well as the monstrous waste of resources that could go to solving our nation's many problems, including the poverty, mental illness, and addiction illnesses that fuel the prison industrial complex. Please join me in calling for massive change in the way we think about and treat non-violent offenses.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by susan caldwell
  • Indiana's Executions
    Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court, in a bitterly divided decision, okay-ed Oklahoma's use of a controversial three-drug cocktail to execute prisoners on death row. The case came before the court because of the recent horrifically botched executions that used that method. The narrow 5-4 decision clears Oklahoma to keep executing prisoners this way, but the controversy remains. Other states can chose not to do this. Indiana uses a similar three-drug method in its executions and it's time that Indiana's Governor and legislature agree to halt these executions.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronnette Hodge
  • #JusticeReformNOW
    Right now, one out of every 100 Americans is behind bars. The U.S. spends $80 billion yearly on incarceration. And people of color bear the brunt of this broken system. Fortunately, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity for change. Democrats and Republicans in Congress have begun working together. They have introduced several bills that create the possibility of comprehensive criminal justice reform--this year. But unfortunately--that's ALL they have done. Yes, a few bills look good. But no VOTES have been scheduled. No HEARINGS have been set. And the time for action this year is running out! Our leaders need to get moving--today. If we get enough supporters to create a groundswell, we can start ending the vicious cycle of suffering our unjust incarceration industry has caused. The next few days will be crucial. If we can show that Americans everywhere are demanding #JusticeReformNOW, we can push Congress to get a bill onto President Obama’s desk and signed into law by the end of 2015. We have legislation. They need to take a VOTE. Please, add your name and call for criminal justice reform now, and we will deliver your signatures to Congress. Our prisons lock up too many people, waste too much money, ruin too many lives, and fail to make our communities safer. We can’t afford this. Join me and demand #JusticeReformNOW--sign the petition today.
    12,643 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Van Jones
  • My Son
    Let my son come home. He is not violent. He has been in a Federal prison for over 10 Years. He has 10 more to go for a gun he never used and was not his and less than 5 Grams Of Crack. Judge Jones of Abbingdon, VA keeps denying his petitions for a retrial. Please help my son Randy Rader - 10562-084. His Mom Debra
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by debra rader
  • Domestic Violence Restraining Orders Should Last As Long As The Victim Is Still In Fear
    My daughter was held at knifepoint by her unstable ex-boyfriend. She was pregnant at the time and had her 4-year-old son in the backseat. Her ex drove at speeds of 100 miles an hour and threatened their lives as she begged him to stop the car and let them out!! Her precious 4-year-old kept screaming, "Just do what he says, mommy!" because he knew this man would kill them!! After he released them, she was able to get a restraining order. She is now in a custody battle. When she went back to extend the restraining order the judge said even though she knew my daughter was still fearful she would not extend the restraining order because he hadn't assaulted her since the last restraining order was put in place. Do victims and their children have to be hurt or killed in order to extend a restraining order? As long as a victim is in danger, it should be extended for a lifetime, if necessary! Please Sign My Petition!!!
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandy Cross
  • Parole Eligibility for Lifers in Pennsylvania
    Irvin Moore and many others have been Incarcerated almost 50 years. Pennsylvania's refusal to grant parole and commute the sentences of those who have been rehabilitated is financially draining for taxpayers. Grant Commutation and Parole to Irvin Moore and to those who have proven themselves rehabilitated and ready to return to society
    147 of 200 Signatures
    Created by S.Hankins
  • Release the Tsimhoni children
    We need to tell this judge that children in difficult custody disputes should never been placed in a position of responsibility and accountability. It is the parents' and courts responsibility to protect the children--not cause more trauma. Furthermore, never should 9 and 10 year old children be placed in a jail cell for refusing to eat lunch with their father! These children have been jailed since June 24th. Let's send this judge a clear message, that traumatized children belong in counseling NOT in jail!
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Zeglen
  • The Dept of Justice investigate The Troubled Teen Industry (TTI).
    My 13 year old (12 at the time) was sent to be reprogrammed by her mother and her paternal family (father passed) can't find her. We fear for her life and the lives of other children placed in ITTs.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lydia Maestas
  • Urge Gov. Inslee to free Le'Taxione
    There is no dispute--Le'Taxione is serving an illegal life without parole sentence. The courts agreed, but then held that it was too late to fix this error. The only remaining option is to petition the Washington Governor for clemency. No one should be wrongfully imprisoned for even a day. Serving an admittedly illegal life without parole sentence is a nightmare! Please lend your support and help us correct this gross miscarriage of justice.
    415 of 500 Signatures
    Created by jeffrey ellis