• End Gun Violence
    Have New Jersey develop even tougher gun safety laws than they now have.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Lipsky
  • guns
    I hate the thought of everybody needing a gun. We have had enough. I always thought we trusted God If so why do we need a gun in his house. Is everybody going Crazy?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ethel
  • Marijuana Legalization in Missouri
    The legalization of marijuana would bring in a lot of tax revenue for missouri, it has a lot of medical uses, it also can be used to develope bio-fuels, and fabrication of many materials we use every day. The postive effects of marijuana greatly outweighs the bad. Marijuana should be legal because it can help people immensely through medical uses and is drastically less harmful than tobacco and alcohol with recreational use.
    3,838 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jenna
  • Require Prisoners to Work, to Grow Food and Make their Own Clothing
    California prisons drain $10 billion from taxpayers annually. Prisons can and should be self-sufficient. Oregon requires prisoner to work. Prisoners will gain skills and be employable when they are released.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joel D. Joseph
  • Tougher Penalties For Gun Traffickers
    It is imperative that gun traffickers understand that they are as responsible for a gun being used in a crime as the person who engages in that crime. Transporting and selling weapons across state lines without a licensce must also be met with strong penalties, such as jail or extreme fines.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fran Ohzourk
  • Relief for MS,Seizures,Scoliosis,Migrains
    Please allow 1000's of adults and otherwise to be free of the pain that cannabis so simply replaces with relaxation, even lower blood pressure. How many humans with seizures do we have to cry for before they're allowed to take non-mind altering Cannabidiols (CBDs) from cannabis to instantly stop the seizures before it's obvious that cannabis certainly doesn't belong in the category of Heroin as a Schedule 1 drug. Cocaine, 1000 times worse than cannabis, is only Schedule 2, so cannabis should be no more than a parking ticket/Schedule 3, and certain forms such as CBDs which do not get you "high" should be legal for pain/seizures.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Music Rocks
  • The IL Domestic Violence Act
    After I was the victim of domestic violence, my abuser was not prosecuted because my local law enforcement chose not to follow the Illinois Domestic Violence Act guidelines and refused to take any actions preventing further abuse. The police decided to ignore my case, which did lead to further abuse, and there is nothing I can do because they have the right not to act. It is unacceptable to allow abusers get away with violence because the police can hide behind immunity. That's why I created a petition on SignOn.org to the Illinois Legislature and Governor Pat Quinn, to fix the loophole that allows police to choose to not fully follow the Illinois Domestic Violence Act.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Marnie Miller
  • Federal Policy on Firearm Background Checks
    I believe it is time for us to have a federal policy, applicable to all states and territories, concerning background checks for the purchase of any firearm. Leaving it to the states alone creates too many loopholes.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noah Franc
  • Pass Federal Ban on Military Assault Weapons and Large Magazine Clips
    We are letting our lawmakers know that in the wake of Sandy Hook , ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We need ACTION and are supporting our President's proposals on reducing gun violence.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Egert
  • Davie County Jail
    The condition of our counties' jails.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dustin Shuffler
  • Let's Ban Assault Weapons Now
    Banning assault weapons might not solve the killing but it would sure put a dent into the mass killings that are happening across the country. We should also tax bullets a lot more.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Sharpe
  • Set the Prisoners Free: Drugs No Guns
    Removal from correctional facilities, individuals for non-violent or no guns used in offense with drugs.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cecilia Eaves-Walker