• Justice for Brian
    My best friend was "railroaded" to take the fall in this case. The guilty man was set free. All of this is documented and can be shown to verify my claims.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jayne Tull
  • Gun control
    Please take action on gun control and ban assault style weapons from being sold. Make stricter laws on being able to buy a gun and do intensive background checks.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Ignacio
  • No More Guns
    Make gun manufacturers responsible for the deaths their guns cause. We need laws to protect the innocent from the violence of guns. The only way to rid society of guns and stop the violence is for manufacturers to recall all their products. Then, if they wish, they can screen purchases themselve for their protection against law suits. In the mean time they can create a slush fund to reimburse the families of future victims.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Paulson
  • Petition Against a New Firearms Ban
    The proposed ban of ‘assault rifles,’ semi-automatics, and 10+ round magazines will only serve to limit the people’s capacity to defend our rights and safety in our local communities. Furthermore it will only serve to provide a higher level of firepower to the criminal community, as well as the local and federal governments, all while limiting the power of the individual citizen – this is unquestionably contrary to all that the founders of this great nation fought for, and provided guarantees against. Any further limitation of firearms to the lawful citizens of America directly upsets the balance that our nation’s architects indomitably granted us, as a free people, the right and obligation to uphold.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Robilliard
  • Justice4All
    The United States incarcerates more people than all the other developed nations combined! It's Prison Nation, not the Beloved Country. We have 40,000 prisoners in AZ prisons and uncounted more in Federal detention centers for illegal immigrants. The AZ Dept of Corrections(DOC) costs One Billion Dollars in our state budget! That number is ever increasing as money for education is decreasing. Funds could be spent better if activists, politicians,teachers, prison guards,families of prisoners, WE work together for a cheaper, yet more humane, justice system in Arizona. Did you know that most convicts return to prison soon after their release (recidivism)? All they know is crime. How about rehabilitation? A Second Chance! NO, Instead, many times the convict spends years in isolation, even if the person has a severe mental illness! They are brutalized by the system and by each other. How can we expect them to change? How can we get them to become respectable, contributing members of society? The community will be safer! Crime rates go down! The AZ legislature opened January 31st and is now arguing about the budget. A perfect time to lobby for reasoning together. . Tell your friends to sign on for prison reform campaigns! Study the issue. Start a discussion at church. Read the book, "Jim Crow Nation", published last year. Write or visit a prisoner. Many avenues to follow, hopefully many followers to come.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise DeWald
  • I want more protection from guns!
    I don't own any guns. I don't need to own them. I respect a citizens who want own guns but it breaks my heart to read about a child shooting a friend or sibling! There are too many loose guns. I'm looking for gun owner responcibiliy!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christian Henkel
  • California Prison Reform
    Every California citizen is touched by this issue including the 1 of every 200 Californians and more who reside in one of our 33 prisons. As a voting citizen of California and for the sake of our *children’s futures. * Will California Spend More on Jails than Universities?" By Sasha Abramsky
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Savage
  • Gambling is not immoral. Playing god in taking human life is immoral.
    Petition is about the death penalty. Protecting the unborn is important, but letting criminals be executed is inconsistent with a pro-life stance,
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James W. Hall
  • Ban Assault Rifles in Illinois
    It's only a matter of time before the next school shooting occurs at current violence rates, and Illinois has already been struck by a tragedy at Northwestern only a few years ago.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Rayahin
  • mortgage fraud
    i would like to know. way people like fbi fraud unit. attorney general office.does not listen when people report it this issue.getting biger every day. yes it has affected me.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rudy
  • Save The Life Of One Person
    STOP! No One Pick Up A Gun For ONE WEEK! NATION WIDE PUT YOUR GUN AWAY! STOP: Save The Life Of One Person Week! No more violence. Media, please help us influence everyone to put their gun away for one week nation wide. Help Save Our Children! Stop the Violence!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eve Taylor
  • Reduce Recidivism: Ask President Obama, Congress and the Senate to protect the civil rights of pe...
    My name is Bonita, I am petitioning for Change. There are over 2 million families in the US who are impacted by incarceration causing a financial burden on the family unit. If you, a family member, loved one, or a friend have been incarcerated this affects you. Many people with convictions have families and can't provide for them after their release because of various acceptable discriminatory policies and practices which allows debarment for housing, employment, education and participation in social activities in society which extends their sentences into a lifetime of punishment. We need your help to stop long standing unwarranted, unquestioned discrimination against people with convictions. These discriminatory practices increases the risk of people committing crimes for survival or forces them into a life of lower social, economic status by barring them from opportunities. Our petition is to ask President Obama to do something to STOP the extension of their sentences, through undeserved discrimination allowed against (FIP) Formerly Incarcerated Persons who have served their sentences. If you agree that (FIP) people with convictions, who are not sex offenders, child abusers or serial killers, should have their civil rights automatically restored, giving them the opportunities to pursue life, liberty and happiness support this petition. Stand with us to ask President Obama to make them whole and human again; by issuing an automatic restoration of their rights, giving them equal access to federal, state and local agencies services, housing, employment, lending, and equal treatments in civil courts. Sign our petition to ask Congress, our President and the Supreme Court to restore and protect the civil rights of Formerly Incarcerated Persons, by making them a constitutionally protected class of people.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bonita