1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by shniese horton
  • No More Gun Shows at Summit County Fairgrounds
    We want to close the Summit County Fairgrounds in Akron, Ohio as a venue to gun shows. These gunshows are nothing but a way to buy an assault riffle and other dangerous hardware with out a back ground check. It should not be funded with our tax dollars.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Grow
  • Protecting our 2nd amendment
    Because of the tragic events at schools, et, our leaders in both state and federal offices feel that they have the right, to change our constitution which was written by some of the most brilliant minds in U.S. history. These folks were elected by us (and sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States (as it was written when they were elected) and should be ashamed of themselves to think that we as citizens, would sit still for this. Don't mess with our constitution!!!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Hendrickson
  • Make gun providers responsible for criminal acts with guns
    Make the persons who directly allow criminals and deviants access to guns criminally and civilly responsible for the results of gun violence. Those who through negligence, profit, or facilitation allow deviants to terrorize and create havoc should bear the criminal brunt of their foolishness. Making them directly responsible for their buyers or close acquaintences would cause them to think deeply about allowing guns in the hands of unstable individuals. It would bypass the need to argue constitutionality of gun ownership and make dealers and individuals responsible for ignoring deviance for profit or foolishness.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Herb Beck
  • Hey NRA MEMBERS -- STAND UP for the TRUTH!
    Most Americans have had more than enough of the gun violence and killing that has become an everyday occurance. We are becoming desensitized to this madness. The polls say that a majority of the actual membership of the NRA are in favor of safe gun laws, yet we only hear from the bought & sold heirarchy of the NRA who preach lies and try to spread unnecessary fear. America needs YOU the NRA MEMBERS to speak truth to power. Say ENOUGH to the lies and distortions of Wayne LaPierre and the NRA suits.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by wayne camardo
  • Federal Legalization of Cannabis
    Excessive spending on the prosecution of people who grow, consume, purchase or sell cannabis when it can be regulated, taxed and controlled. Alcohol is far more dangerous yet legal. Cannabis has applications within the construction resources and paper industries.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dixon Twamley
  • Enact a Firearm Owner's Responsibility Act
    The biggest problem with gun violence in the US is not spree killings by deranged individuals, as tragic as those have been in recent years. It is the vast torrent of weapons flowing from straw buyers and other unregulated sources into the hands of criminals. In fact, this creates the very problem that gun rights activists claim that firearm ownership will solve!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lawrence Ness
  • Second Chance Act
    My issue concerns college students who currently have a felony. I believe that if a person has done their time, and has completed probation with no further charges, that a person's felony charge should automatically be erased if they have completed a Bachelors Degree. Of course some charges will not be considered, depending on the level of the offence, but people like me who has done everything in society to reinvent themselves deserve a second chance in the workforce. I have been offered good jobs, but with my felony, I was not able to be employed. With enough signatures and lots of people who suffer from these old mistakes, we should have the right to prove ourselves in society as a changed person.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Manuel Martinez Sr.
  • Time to Legalize and Tax Marijuana
    Way too much money and lives are wasted pursuing those who depend on medical marijuana. It is time for our state to catch up with the changing times and right this wrong.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Dittman
  • Control the Bullets
    Control the Bullets. Its that simple. If you control the bullets and allow only enough for target practice and safety and self defense, the innocent children will not be shot. Its as simple as that.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Stoney Stonebraker
  • Control the Bullets
    Control the Bullets. Its that simple. If you control the bullets and allow only enough for target practice and safety and self defense, the innocent children will not be shot. Its as simple as that.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Stoney Stonebraker
  • We the People are Calling for Reasonable and Responsible Gun Control and Gun Safety
    America is affected by gun violence in every corner . . . that makes it personal to me and all who inhabit our land. Our voices must be heard and our representatives must listen.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Rittenhouse