• cps has too much power!!
    child told cps lady she was touched by 9 yo step aunt.,then,i was told get exparte order. then, cps lady spoke to mother,who denied everything .they took child to foster care, then said im lying and coaching her and want to prosecute me!!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kathleen byrne
  • Reduce the Culture of Violence
    I have two ideas for some one to consider. You guys will have to do the work I don't have time. 1. Limit the TV News coverage these "mass shooters" receive, that's half their deal, to go down in history and make a big splash. 2. While you can't fight the 1st and 2nd Amendments, you could create a Task Force to administer a "Non-violent Movie and Computer Game" incentive for Hollywood and the Gaming Industry. Create a 10 million prize for the 'best' in a 'Movie' and a 'Game' category for best Non-violent movie or game. If you can't ban it or fight it, turn it around, create an incentive for what you want to see, for a new direction! There are already so many semi automatic weapons on the black market, a new ban simply will NOT prevent a 'nutcase' from getting a hold of one. Somebody sent this to President Obama, would ya? Sincerely, Justin Mizany [email protected]
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Justin Mizany
  • Regulate the sale of ammunition
    With 300 million guns already on our streets, current proposals to close the gun show loophole and ban assault style weapons and large magazine clips are necessary but insufficient steps to curbing gun violence. Also needed is the regulation of ammunition sales.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemary Ryan
  • License for owning and/or using a gun
    Due to the problems that we have experienced in this country in recent year, I think it is time that a Federal Gun license be needed for owning or using a gun. We have fishing licenses for fishing, so why not for shooting? It would have to be needed in every state. If the parent in a family owns a gun and he or she lets her children use it, they would have to have a license too. The background check would be done in order to get a license, and it would need to be renewed, just like a drivers license,
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Birgitta Brandenstein
  • The Sandy Hook Shootings
    Please sign to end gun violence towards innocent children and adults in our schools.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanne Heiss
  • The Defense of Austin Sarna: Free Good Samaritan
    Sarna had witnessed a male in a group of at least 5 men randomly attack a vehicle that had stopped at a stop sign at the corner of Broad and Monterey. When the owner of the vehicle got out of his car to confront the male, he was tackled to the ground and the group of men began physically assaulting him. Sarna rushed over to attempt to stop the assailants and help the owner of the vehicle. That's when the men turned on him. He was immediately tackled to the ground and assaulted, being repeatedly kicked and punched by 2-3 of the men while the others in the group continued to assault the owner of the vehicle. Sarna feared for his life. Now he stands charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon after defending a stranger and then being forced to defend himself.
    350 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Deborah DarlingRaphael
  • Injustice in our Texas Judicial System
    I recently read an article about Texas inmate, Jerry Hartfield who has been imprisoned for over 32 years. After the State of Texas Appeals Court overturned his murder conviction and ordered to be given a new trial he still sits in jail. It's been 32 years and he is still waiting for his new trial. This story of Jerry Hatfield has haunted me, as it should you. Demand that he receive the new trial that he deserves!!
    307 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Saundra Kuhl
  • Try U.S,. Senator Mitch McConnell for treason
    His openly stated goals and actions have and continue to show his behavior as treasonous. In his tenure, he has fought ANY bill that would restrict of reduce the number of jobs shipped to China including the continuance of tax breaks for outsourcing these jobs and all to his own benefit. His father-in-law is the multi-billionaire Chinese Industrialist, James Chao. During this time Mitch McConnell's net worth went from $4 million dollars four years ago to over $25 million dollars today. All from purposefully hurting the American economy to benefit his Chinese father-in-law's businesses and industries. That is treason.
    3,034 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by James H Chesky
  • Support President Obama on Gun Control
    WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: "Try very hard" to enact the Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions into law. I sign this to reflect my 100% support.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Robbins
  • Keep Guns Out of the Wrong Hands & Preventing Illegal Gun Trafficking
    The recent gun violence that killed six year old Aliyah Shell in Little Village and 7 year old Heaven Sutton on the Westside as well as the massacres in the Aurora, Colorado movie theater and against the Sikh Community in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, and the tragedy at Sandy Hook elementary demonstrates that we must stop the senseless killings by fire arms, and have better control over the firearms that enter our communities.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcenia J. Richards
  • Ban Assault weapons
    Assault Weapons Ban. There is not a person in the world who hasn't been affected by this in one way or another. Stop this nonsense and let's use common sense.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shannon
  • Support Gun Safety Laws
    We need to help STOP so much senseless killing. Our gun laws need to be strengthened by new tougher restrictions (which, by the way, DO NOT IMPINGE ON OUR 2nd amendment rights).
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Muckley