• CT. "No Buy" List
    I would like to give you my suggestion for reducing gun violence. I believe that people can have short term mental illness problems (1-3 years) that never reach the level of being declared legally mentally ill. Examples might include the initial onset of depression, mild schizophrenia, being withdrawn and unable to connect with people, and people going through a bitter divorce. I think we must develop a way of identifying those individuals who may be a danger to themselves and others and that should not have access to fire arms/ammunition during this period in their lives. Many times these people recover from these types mental illness and go on to lead normal lives. The following is my proposal: I would like a family member to be authorized to place another family member on a National/State "No Buy" list for both guns and ammunition. (This restriction would have to have a proper appeal process if a family member wanted their name removed from this list.) We need to create a process where concerned parents/family members can alert authorities when they have the slightest indication that another family member may not be stable and is making threatening comments. Many times family members are the first to know when another family member should not have access to fire arms/ammunition. Please consider allowing family members to place other family members on a "No Buy" List. Thank-you! Thomas H. Welch 101 Grove Street Clinton, CT. 06413-1906 (860) 669-7086
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas H. Welch
  • Don't cut taxes
    We need to fund education and social services to prevent more violence.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristi Hagen
  • March on congress on gun control
    raising a million people to march on Washington when the gun control legislation comes to a vote.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Solomon
  • WE THE PEOPLE – Calling for Responsible Gun Safety
    America is affected by gun violence in every corner . . . that makes it personal to me and all who inhabit our land. Our voices must be heard and our representatives must listen.
    269 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Favorite
  • Gun Safety
    Each of us has a personal stake in the effects of gun violence and death all around us. YOUR street, YOUR school, YOUR church are in the line of fire.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by paula cannon
  • Magistrate Jessica Testolin: Stop the Fraud
    Magistrate Jessica Testolin has committed Fraud Upon the Court in Bad Axe, MI. She has failed to ask the defendant any plea of Guilty, Not Guilty or Plea No Contest. She has also Acted upon a case that had expired via Statute Of Limitations. She has also made a point blank lie within the courts recorded via Transcript. She has also represented a small claims case through civil court rather than small claims, all done even though the case had expired due to Statue of Limitations. She also threatened defendant to agree with her made up unlawful contract(s) She also allowed defendants private information made public thus invaded defendants Privacy. Jessica Testolin must be automatically disqualified as Magistrate for any court(s).
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phillip
  • We don't want what makes you feel safe, we just want to feel safe too.
    Why hasn't any one protested or picketed the NRA?! Stop buying from stores that don't do thorough background checks. Fine those stores eventually take their permit to sell guns. We aren't at war here yet, let's just tone down major battle weapons. Those don't fall under the right to bear arms. Look for Petitions and sign them! Even those that have normal reasons to keep a gun can sign Honey, keep your guns just not war weapons. I'm pretty sure a cannon or misse launcher would not lood good with your furniture.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by AbbyNancy Brown
  • Is the NRA holding The U.S.A. 'HOSTAGE' ?
    Gun control . Is our nation so weak and/or so afraid of The NRA that we are afraid to CONTROL THEM ? Something MUST be done to stop the massacres that we are ALLOWING !
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mogi Kinsey-O'Neil
  • Gun terror
    Restricting bullets, say 5 bullets, would not harm anything in second amendment and would provide a little bit of safety for the first responders.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jim brinkmann
  • Gun Violence
    The crime that's happening in Chicago, has to stop.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean
  • Mass Incarceration of People of Color
    Black and Latino Men are being incarcerated by Large numbers in comparison to caucasions. Our prison population has quadrupled. I have been affected through my friends and family.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thayer Barkley
  • Ban assault weapons and require background checks
    Assault weapons have no place in a civiized society. We need background checks retroactive to all who have bought assault weapons and certanily checks going forward. Who is buying these guns? What assaults do they have in mind? Ban the guns and the multi-shot ammuniition clips before more mass shootings occur.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by lucille larkin