• Illinois Revenue and Debt Reform, Not Pension Reform!
    Many Illinois legislators want to challenge both Illinois and U.S. Constitutions instead of addressing the causes of the state's budget deficits. Illinois public employees have earned their pension. Their pension is a constitutionally-guaranteed contract.
    6,824 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by glen brown
  • Alimony Reform in Oregon
    Dear Governor: Please support HB 2559 which will create much-needed alimony (spousal support) reform in Oregon. My husband, and thousands of other payers like him, has been strangled by excessive alimony payments to a wealthy college-educated woman for ten years (despite a reduction in his income) with no end in sight. Modifications are terribly expensive to seek and difficult to obtain, even when a payer has lost his or her job. The economic downturn has created a system in which payers go bankrupt trying to support a former spouse, while that former spouse has no obligation to seek employment and suffers no income decline. Our bill would set guidelines for alimony awards, thus reducing expensive and heart-wrenching litigation, and would equalize the system to lessen the punishment suffered by income earners when a marriage fails.
    754 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Robin DesCamp
  • Save Hawaiian Reef Fish from home aquariums
    The reefs of Hawaii are becoming ghost reefs. They are taking every fish off the reefs to sell in the shameful aquarium trade. Our fish are not for sale. The Hawaiian reef fish are ALL TAKEN LIVE FROM OUR ISLANDS. Please boycott PETCO as they refuse to stop selling our fish online. The reefs need the fish. They are taking all the yellow tangs. All the Humuhumunukunukuapuaa and a variety of other fish deemed "pretty".
    818 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Angela
  • Improve Gun Control Regulations
    gun control regulations must be revised to be as strict as possible. I am very much against individual gun ownership and would honestlly prefer no guns in our society. Although I realize that is unrealistic, I am totally in support of the tightest measures possible
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Lafortezza
  • Relative bill of rights
    Because my nephew is a baby and I am the Aunt, I lacked the key requirements that would preserve family ties. D.C.F "Rights"only extend to grandparents/ only those whom have a relationship with the child(ren) in custody. What about babies in care? I am without a solution. Without backing from a said bill ; these family members are deprived visitation rights, next of kinship, and knowledge to the child' well being.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ashley Menwer
  • Gun Control
    After Sandy Hook I believe that we must get better control of the guns in this country. I am not against gun ownership and in fact I own five guns myself. We must have accountability for products that can do so much damage in such a short time.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Conrad Ray Laughinghouse
  • SEE UPDATE BELOW: Tell Google To Support MMS Through Google Voice
    UPDATE: Google Voice is slowly being integrated into Google Hangouts, now, which does appear to have MMS support. There's still a few kinks to get out of the way, but things are moving in the right direction, it seems. ----- I've been using Google Voice for years, now, and there's a few things I'm willing to forego for the convenience of it. The lack of MMS support, especially in the form of getting group texts from an iPhone, has been killer, though. The worst part about it is Google's silence in addressing this. Last time I can see that they even tried is in October of 2011. Tell Google to address this, now, or at least tell us if they won't address this.
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kyle de Beausset
  • Agree to Not Vote for any 'Adam Lanza Republicans' who want More Guns.
    This petition is about declaring that 20 dead children demand action to end the Insanity of the Guns & Ammo culture in America. All guns, including Handguns need to be strictly controlled before the next massacre of innocents.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed Burke
  • 53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenzie
  • Increase NASA funding
    The current NASA budget is overwhelmingly underfunded which begs the question, why has the agency that's supposed to propel us into the future have its budget slowly gutted year by year while special interests groups get their way. NASA has been the breeding ground for innovations and dreams. How much would you pay for the universe?
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ignacio Zamora
  • Repeal Citizens United
    The ruling on citizens united gives corporations the same voice as American voters, with a catch, they corporations are allowed to spend millions on campaign adds and smear campaigns that steer Americans away from the truth. This gives the corporate rule an upper hand in our government, and continues the process of corporations controlling our congress. Citizens United is class warfare and should be eliminated.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Shepard
  • Address Gun Violence
    Following the shootings at Aurora, Oak Creek, and worst of all Newtown, we the people of New Mexico demand that our elected officials take action to protect our state's children from this senseless violence.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noelle Wilds