• Premiere Radio Networks: Suspend Rush Limbaugh for senseless mocking of children killed by guns
    This petition is about having Rush Limbaugh either suspended or forced to apologize for mocking children killed by guns in Connecticut. As a resident of Connecticut, and someone who lost a school friend to this tragedy, this is not nor will it ever be acceptable to make fun of a tragedy such as this one.
    10,592 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Mary K. Snyder
  • Oppose Anti-Immigrant Laws; Support a Path to Citizenship
    Now is the time to tell Governor Brownback that anti-immigrant laws are wrong for Kansas! We need immigration policies that reflect our state’s values of fairness, justice and equality. Passing anti-immigrant laws will hurt the Kansas economy. If all unauthorized immigrants were removed from Kansas, the state would lose $1.8 billion in economic activity, $807.2 million in gross state product, and approximately 11,879 jobs. Implementing harsh laws would cost Kansas billions! Anti-immigrant bills will tear families apart. Family unity is one of the strongest Kansas values. Our current system is separating and damaging 1,000 families daily. We call on Governor Brownback to support and work for a path to citizenship that allows families to stay together. Kansas no longer wants to be labeled as the state that promotes a senseless “self-deportation” approach to this issue. The belief that making daily life miserable for undocumented immigrants is unethical and violates basic human rights! We ask Governor Brownback not to support inhumane immigration laws.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sulma Arias
  • Lest They Be Forgotten
    The goal is to petition appropriate executives at PBS NewsHour and CNN to provide a frequent, powerful and dignified reminder of the large numbers of children and teens killed by firearms each week. The procedure is to follow closely that which the PBS NewsHour uses to honor military personnel killed in Afghanistan. Whereas I have not lost a relative, all Americans are endangered by the ready availability of firearms in the USA.
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Orrin David Sherwood
  • Re-appeal our schools bullying policy
    My petition is for our school Leominster High School to re-look at it's bullying policy. I have witnessed on several occasions bullying that has consistently gone on. It says zero tolerance but it really isn't
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria
  • Stand Up to the NRA & Guns Over People Party
    Telling the Guns Over People Party to end its hypocrisy and urging the President to move forward with responsible gun reforms. The hypocrisy of the GOP social conservatives claim to be pro-life on abortion issues - but don't care how many lives are destroyed by gun violence or care about providing nutrition (feeding children), housing them, providing them clothes, education after they are born. They are pro birth actually and anti life when it comes to gun violence. The NRA no longer represents responsible gun owners but the gun makers. Tell the NRA to support reasonable reforms in background check system etc.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maneesh Pangasa
  • Safety for our Communities: Support the President's Gun Policy Reforms
    President Obama has just signed Executive Orders for gun safety measures that focus on safety for our children and our communities while recognizing the second amendment sights available to our citizens. These actions are from the Task Force headed up by Vice President Biden. The President has taken positive action, now it is time for Congress to do the same.
    187 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Halpern
  • Michigan Dentists: The right to be able to purchase and administer Botox Cosmetic.
    The State Board of Dentistry in Michigan has blocked dentists in this state from ordering Botox from Allergen. This ruling is affecting many dentists in the state who have taken the appropriate courses and have trained to become experts in the administration of Botox. The State's position on the administration of Botox is antiquated and it is time that the Board move out of the Dark Ages and support its members.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie Lezotte
  • To Congress: Enact Gun Saftey Legislation NOW!
    This petition will be sent to The U.S. Congress from those in support of gun safety legislation.
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Hill
  • Give Congress the incentive to enact sensible gun laws now!
    I am acting on the Sandy Hook Promise. Now is the time to for Congress to pass sensible gun laws that will help prevent similar acts of violence.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Gale
  • Do what you know is right
    We need to stop the sale of high powered assault weapons ASAP. The US government seems to be cowed and manipulated by the NRA, meanwhile weapons sales increase. Walmart's CEO announced Tuesday that they are moving ahead to "do what is right" in employee and supplier issues at Walmart because "the beauty of the private sector is that we don't have to win an election, convince congress or pass a bill to do what we think is right. We can simply move forward. As a concerned former teacher and grandmother of four, I ask him to continue the forward thinking of Walmart and immediately cease sales of AR-15 guns.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristi Yore
  • New Stoplight at US 64 and US 281N in Alva, OK.
    With the increase in oil truck traffic, this has become a dangerous intersection. For driver's safety, there should be a light at this busy corner. This will allow traffic on both highways to turn safely.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J.F. Wickey
  • Bring Back the START Menu in Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server
    Bring back the START menu in Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dagobah Swampthing