State Disability, Why does North Carolina not have it?If a lower middle income family has a wage earner that is injured or ill for more than 2 weeks they can lose there home and credit because of lack of income. Many other states offer employee, employer contributions to fund a stop gap for several months to secure middle class and lower middle class familys from losing what they have worked for over many years.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by R. Mike Calhoun
Require psychological test for gun applicantsIf policemen and other security personnel are required to take tests to determine their mental/psychological fitness to carry and use weapons, then applicants for a gun permit, should also be subjected to such tests.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Furaha.Youngblood
Gun controlI truly believe we need experience police officers in all our schools, along with security officers. I also believe that assualt weapons should be only use by our police department, and military, and no mental retarded person, or private home need this type of weapon. So let's us as Mississippians pass the bill which president Obama has presented for all States with stricter laws.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rev. Joe C. Smith
Increase wv minimum wage for cost of livingThere are currently 7.4% people working below minimum wage. This equals 20,000 at and another14,000 below minimum. They are living in poor an below poverty level. They are not willing to have government help, just wanting a salary to live on.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeffrey griffin
Tasers for TeachersArming teachers with guns will put more children at risk of accidental death. Providing tasers to teachers would be a safer alternative for combatting potential harm by intruders. Please urge school districts to consider Tasers for Teachers!10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laura Faulkiner
Ban Photo Traffic Enforcement in ColoradoTHIS BILL WAS KILLED BY COMMITTEE TODAY AT 4 PM In COMMITTEE MEETING. I.e. The committee reviewing this bill, would not even allow it to go to a vote in the Colorado Legislature. This is your government at work. So sorry to report. If you are interested in organizing a citizen referedum to force a state wide citizen vote on this bill please contact me by clicking the CONTACT email above. Thanks Evie Hudak- voted against the bill, Democrat Angela Giron- voted against the bill, Democrat Matt Jones- voted against the bill, Democrat The above legislatures effectively killed the bill in committee Larry Crowder- voted for the bill to go to the legislature for debate, Republican Ted Harvey- oted for the bill to go to the legislature for debate, Republican The creaters of this petition are NOT affiliated with either the Republican or Democratic parties. Just so you know. See this VIDEO explaining why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3DrLAOcdAXM#! Mechanized robotic law enforcement such as photo radar and photo traffic lights is an invasion of privacy, makes frequent mistakes penalizing the innocent, does not support due process of law, does not promote safer driving, and is simply a quick and easy method to randomly raise revenue by governments unable to manage their city finances in a fair and equitable manner. Mechanized law enforcement by photo traffic enforcement programs are employed under the guise of "traffic safety", yet unbiased independent traffic studies show that this is not the consequence of such systems. In Denver, the excuse of "crosswalk safety" has been used to justify stop light photo enforcement, yet in all cases in Denver, the systems- generating millions of dollars revenue- have NOT been set up at intersections where pedestrian traffic is high, but rather simply at intersections with the heaviest road traffic and very low pedestrian use. Photo law enforcement is generally used in areas where speed limits are set low and known to produce the greatest ticket revenue- not where speed limits are reasonable and set according to federal guidelines requiring proper engineering studies based on reasonable driving practice. Even now, Colorado law requires "CONSPICUOUS" signage warning of photo traffic enforcement, and yet such signs do not follow federal regulatory sign height requirements, are hidden by parked cars, concealed by ordinary traffic, and frequently consist of small folding stands sitting on the ground- in clear contempt for the existing law which is ignored by the companies and the city running the mechanized ticketing operation. Mechanized law enforcement is WRONG and is yet another dangerous infringement upon everyone's legal and constitutional rights. Support a Colorado ban on photo traffic enforcement and protect your driving rights and the legal rights of all citizens who drive. This is an issue that transcends all political party lines- PLEASE spread the word and share this link, no matter if you are an Independent, Green Party, Democrat, or Republican. Thanks, for all of us- http://signon.org/sign/ban-photo-traffic-enforcemen-2 CONTACT YOUR COLORADO REPRESENTATIVE (Important!) at http://www.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2012B/csl.nsf/directory?openframeset ADDITIONAL INFO: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jan/3/speed-camera-tunnel-vision/ http://photoradarscam.com/news.php http://www.9news.com/news/article/251163/339/DPD-gave-9NEWS-faulty-photo-radar-info http://www.thenewspaper.com/416 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Drivers Sense
Fund Texas State Parks by Defunding the STARR test!The Texas Legislature is considering closing state parks. Our family camps in Texas state parks because of the great environment for families. It would be tragic if ANY of Texas' great state parks were closed. Millions of dollars are being spent on the education STAAR test. Very few people are in favor of this test. The State of Texas should FUND its state parks and DEFUND the STAAR test!37 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Allison Copony
Sheriff Al Cannon should resignCharleston County Sheriff Al Cannon stated he will not enforce gun laws at a press conference on January 17, 2013. As the head of law enforcement in Charleston County that is unacceptable. It is time for Al Cannon to resign. More info from Post and Courier: http://postandcourier.com/article/20130117/PC16/130119327/1165/sheriff-cannon-i-would-be-violating-the-law-if-i-enforced-unconstitutional-law UPDATE: Sheriff Al Cannon is now claiming Columbine wasn't a firearm incident? If you find this unacceptable for the head of law enforcement please share this with your friends: http://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/HaireoftheDog/archives/2013/01/22/al-cannon-rewrites-history-says-no-guns-used-at-columbine612 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Brady Quirk-Garvan
Empower and Protect our Teachers and Children.This Organization would enable teachers and school staff free Self Defense Training in their area.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Celenea Mitchell
And the Oscar goes to.....MSNBC !Who hasn't been affected by this Oscar nominated cast?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ted
Tell House and Senate chaplains: Stay away from anti-Obama "prayer breakfast"The official chaplains of the U.S. House and Senate are supposed to be nonpartisan pastors who offer spiritual support and guidance to our nation's elected leaders. But on Inauguration Day, they're scheduled to speak at a right-wing event in Washington alongside some of the most hateful and racist figures on the Christian right. Pat Robertson describes President Obama as a "socialist" with a Muslim "inclination." Joseph Farah runs WorldNetDaily, a conspiracy-theory website that continues to claim was born in Kenya. Jonathan Cahn is a fringe "messianic rabbi" who sees signs of the apocalypse in Obama's speeches and writings. We've only got a few days to stop House chaplain Patrick J. Conroy and Senate chaplain Barry Black from lending the prestige of their offices to this hateful exploitation of Christian faith.256 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Abolish Selective ServiceI got annoyed by the hypocrisy and outrage of registering guns compared to registering men 18-25 for Selective Service. The law is antiquated and needs to be abolished or suspended.154 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Todd Bronson