• Rejection Of Homeowners Association Foreclosure Rights
    Foreclosure rights should be removed from Homeowners’ Associations and they be made to use other methods used by several business and organizations, including local governments. Homestead protections and laws do not provide for an exemption in an HOA foreclosure. Is the establishment of planned communities, so important to the security of this country that it needs special assistance, special laws, that permit the loss of constitutional protections of one's private property rights?
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Huxable
  • Ban Assault Weapons Now
    The tragic multiple murders at an elementary school in Connecticut are fresh in our hearts, but they have become an all too regular occurrence. It is time for our leaders to stand against the powerful gun lobby and ask: Do you really believe the ability to own an assault weapon is more important than the ability to protect our children?
    559 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Tim Brown
  • Today Is the Day for Common Sense Gun Regulations
    It's time to tell the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Congress: We're beyond heartbroken. Let's make today the last day that you block common sense gun regulations that protect all of our families.
    110,082 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, MomsRising Picture
  • Families Against Gun Violence
    In the wake of yet another horrific mass shooting - the murder of 26 in Connecticut, including 20 innocent children - this petition seeks to protect our families from gun violence by evoking change in Washington.
    850 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mary
  • One Small Step
    It is about banning the sale of certain semi-automatic weapons that were meant for the military and law-enforcement, to civilians. The horror of what happened in Connecticut today reminded me that our Second Amendment rights do not extend to covering the right to murder children.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scheherazade Khan
  • No Free Advertising for Murderers!
    With the recent school mass murder, it's obvious that the sick individuals that do these things care only about the attention they get from these attacks. We should no longer reveal their names. No more free advertising.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrik O'Kelly
  • Guns in America: A New Year's Resolution
    I have been to rallies and protests to end wars. To free Soviet Jews. To support exploited workers. To fight AIDS. For women's equality and reproductive freedom. Against the death penalty. And more. But i have never publicly protested our nation's willingness to allow guns of all kinds to proliferate, almost unchecked. New Year's resolutions are mostly useless. Perhaps this year, all of us could make one resolution we mean to keep. That before the end of 2013, we will all let our voices be heard on this issue. For efficiency's sake, why not just all meet on the National Mall on January 1, 2013. And please, bring the kids. Mourn, then organize!
    279 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mik Moore
  • The Gabby Giffords Gun Control Act
    The senseless failure of Washington D.C. has opened the door for increased gun violence. We the People are demanding Congress to stand up to the NRA, and put the American people before politics and their careers.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tori Riles
  • Mental health and gun ownership petition
    People with mental illness should not be allowed to own guns. In light of the recent rash of shootings in the United States, tell to draft and enact a comprehensive mental health policy in the United States and require regular mental health screenings for gun owners.
    293 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rena Marrocco
    Seeing yet another school shooting makes me wonder if this would still be going on if prayer was never taken out of schools. If you are a parent and pray that your child/children are protected as they go out everyday to get an education sign the petition.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by La'Tressa
  • Stop the NRA
    After the shooting today at an elementary school in Connecticut, it is time to stop the NRA. Don't let anything get in your way!
    691 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Dianne Reeves
  • Ask Hillary Clinton to stay as Secretary of State
    In light of Susan Rice's recent decision to remove herself from the nomination process, we call upon current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to maintain her post in this position. We believe Mrs. Clinton to be the most ready and capable for this post and support her continued efforts in the leadership of this country.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chad Riddles