Dinah dont you blowRunning right through the middle of Salem, OR are train tracks that carry cargo and passengers at all hours of night and day. The trains blow their extremely loud horns and cause a great deal of distraction and peace-less sleep. Ordinances were passed a few years ago, but have never been implemented. It's time for someone to do something.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sleepless in Salem
Americans for Higher groundStop Shawn Hannity from referring to our president as "The Anointed one."1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Chase
Require ALEC to be investigated!ALEC is a group that needs to be investigated. Their members are writing bills and getting them passed by threats to people in office like the Michigan Governor passing the "right to work" against the wishes of the people in addition to a bill that prohibit abortion. Sign this to get a real investigation to stop them from taking our country from us!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by april
IF YOU SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT'S AGENDA -- SIGN THIS PETITION -- THANK YOU ---PRESIDENT OBAMA, WE'V...The petition is about the level of disrespect demonstrated towards our president, Barack Obama. There are certain groups that are extremely angry that President Obama won reelection, and are determined to register the anger anywhere and anytime the opportunity avails itself.228 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Chuck Jenkins
Make 'America the Beautiful' Our National AnthemMain issue: The 'Star Spangled Banner', while stirring, is primarily directed towards a symbol of our nation as opposed to the substance of America and it's dreams. As well: 1) America the Beautiful is easier to sing for most people, and is much more melodic and poetic. 2) In a time of terrible fighting with more dangerous weaponry, think it is time to stop singing lustily of "bombs bursting in air" and consider "Oh beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years..." On the day of 9/11, I was teaching music and asked my students to sing some of the songs of the US; we did not have a piano to accompany us, but the students sang quietly and reverently several of our patriotic songs. I thought then, as I think now, that our nation needed a better anthem than one which is primarily associated with football games.329 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Michaels
A 'Do Not Mail' List to prevent junk mailCitizens can subscribe to a 'Do Not Call' registry to prevent unsolicited phone calls from telemarketers. Shouldn't they also have the option of preventing unsolicited advertizements through the U.S. mail? Currently, the only way to stop receiving junk mail is to pay for it; but we should not have to pay to end junk mail.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sasha Kay
Preserve The Sanctity of The Horseshoe Bar Penryn Community PlanThe Horseshoe Bar Penryn Community Plan is designated as the "controlling document" for development in the area. The Placer County Community Development Agency and its umbrella agencies have repeatedly disregarded this important fact in approving high density development projects along Penryn Parkway. Such action is detrimental to the citizens of Penryn.114 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Charles Gragg
Keep Illegal Guns off Chicago StreetsOver the last year Chicago has suffered over 400 homocides, nearly all with guns that weren't registered to the murderer. We need to direct more of our money and our attention to this increasingly dangerous issue. Our top priority needs to be the safety of our family and friends.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ben Rifken
Honor all Military, SAR and First Responder Service DogsThat all military, search and rescue, and first responder service dogs be recognized on Veterans Day as co-heroes. These are often forgotten and abandoned and deserve recognition.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Rawe
Restricting Video GamesNow and then, I see young kids or their parents buying games that are above their age rating. The more video games are becoming evolved and better, we need to protect the young generation from the influences of video games.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristen Sambo
Stop Hazing“Hazing” refers to any activity expected of someone joining a group (or to maintain full status in a group) that humiliates, degrades or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. In years past, hazing practices were typically considered harmless pranks or comical antics associated with young men in college fraternities. Today we know that hazing extends far beyond college fraternities and is experienced by boys/men and girls/women in school groups, university organizations, athletic teams, the military, and other social and professional organizations. Hazing is a complex social problem that is shaped by power dynamics operating in a group and/or organization and within a particular cultural context. Every day millions of people are exposed to the cruel and unusual punishment that is hazing. Children, teens, and young adults are beaten, raped, and even killed in an effort to fit in to clubs, sports, and organizations. But many authority figures turn a blind eye to this problem and dismiss it as harmless fun when it is causing so much pain to our nations youth. It is time that this crime be known, and people be made aware of the cruelty that is hazing.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Zachary Chamberlin
GMO Labeling in IllinoisWanting GMO foods to be labeled so consumers can execute a choice on what foods they eat and purchase!145 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Al Meo