• Change Election day to the First Saturday in November
    There is no legitimate reason why Election day has to be on a Tuesday. Changing it to Saturday would give more people the opportunity to vote because they would not need to take the day off and people's lives are typically more flexible on the weekends.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda
  • Alito Removed from Supreme Court
    Mitt Romney is in England attending a fund raiser, supposedly for Americans abroad. We don't know that. Justice Alito sat in the chambers for President O'Bamas State of the Union and mouthed "NOT TRUE" about foreign money influencing our elections. If Justice Alito is that uninformed or is that much influenced by the conservatives, then he should be removed from the court because he is not defending the Constitution of ALL Americans, just the right.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by wayne andersen
  • save innocent lives; protect our police
    Reform gun legislation by renewing the assault weapons ban; ban on-line sales of ammunition; establish national resgistry of gun purchases (including large orders of ammunition); background checks (level of new hire) of anyone purchasing more than one gun in any 3 month period. My entire family now believes that there is no place where we can feel safe. The police are helpless because they have less powerful weaponry than that available on the street
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rena rickles
  • Our veterans Cemeteries
    The cemeteries in New Jersey for the Veterans who served this country are not maintained properly, as they are short handed, and they have a freeze on hiring. Dont you think we should have the money for this. They need to find the money to keep them nice. The ones in Delaware are kept up very well.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Velma Geiser
  • Gun Safety Course Before Purchasing a Gun
    If you want to drive you have to take a course, why not require safety training prior to purchasing and using a gun? No, it will not eliminate all accidents, but this would be a positive step forward. Let's work together to develop safe and responsible gun ownership.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C. Miki Henderson
  • Ban Political Soundbites
    I believe that audio and visual sound bites and printed excerpts of political candidates is a major problem in our country. All types of media outlets should be required to play, show and print all statements in their ENTIRETY. This would include ALL op/ed shows.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael McNeil
  • Term Limits : Has Taken Away The Power Of The Voters!
    With TERM LIMITS the Michigan voter can not keep an elected representative in office, they lose the power of their vote. There is a constant change in representatives who are inexperienced and are easily influenced by special interest groups,lobbiest,and corporations,the representatives no longer represent the people.Give the voters back their rights by being able to vote for a representative and to keep them in office or to vote them out of office.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Rieg
  • Social Welfare Accountability
    Any organization that claims tax exempt status as a social welfare organization must donate at least 50% of its annual donations to provide food, shelter or health care to individuals or families living at 130% of the poverty level.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darwin Honeycutt
  • Term Limitation
    The elected congressman and the the members of of the House of Represetation should only be able to run for office the maximum of three times. The elected officals should not be able to be in office for a life time. All money donated over 100,000 dollars should be put in a coffin for all people running for office.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Weinberg
  • Obamacares! Yes, he does!
    We, the people, petition that President Obama's accomplishments be communicated to all US citizens.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vivian
  • End Corporate Lobbying in Washington
    We don't need corporate representation at Senate or Congressional levels. The fact that bills can be 'tacked on' requiring, for example, introduction of genetically modified crops into our food chain infuriates me! I want to know what I'm eating! AND what we're mining earth for, destorying forests, displacing native peoples, outsourcing more jobs - I think one way to end this is to keep corporate lobbying OUT of our lawmaking process!
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laurie Metter
  • MLS to San Diego!!!!
    Why does LA have 2 MLS teams?! Bring MLS to San Diego!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Petersen