• Justice for Vegas Ohana
    Dear Friends & Families, Please listen to our radio show interview with Carrol Cox. Click http://carrollcox.com/Show071512.htm 1) Tell Bishop Estate to: Make things "pono" with the Vegas Ohana. Let the Vegas Ohana keep their HOME! It is paid Off! Call, Write, Email & Fax (Use the attached letter, or print & sign as shown below) Board of Trustees Phone: 594-1888 or 523-6200 Chief Executive Officer Dee Jay Mailer: 523-6200 Chief Of Staff Walter Theommes 523-6200 567 South King Street, Suite 200 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Fax: 808 541-5305 Email: [email protected] 2) Tell Bishop Estate to end the injustices and Cease the following practices immediately: a) End the illegal overcharging of the homeowners lease rent, HRS 519 2, 4 in Punalu’u and elsewhere in Hawaii b) Stop withholding the CONSENT unreasonably. c) Stop breaches of homeowner contracts like demanding homeowner to pay $30,000 to fix the seawall in return for the CONSENT as well as many other illegal demands d) Fix the cause of the Flooding. It is not rocket science! 3) Sign our petition. Click: http://bishopestatelandlordinjustice.com/ and http://www.change.org/ search: Bishop Estate. Donate $1 at the same site http://bishopestatelandlordinjustice.com/ or donate @ any Bank of Hawaii Branch Account name: Flood Recovery & Legal Fund 28 MAHALO, Vegas Ohana
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DeOccupy Honolulu
  • Mitt Romney: Listen to Senator Grassley
    Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley believes Mitt Romney should share his tax returns with the public. If Romney won't listen to Senator Grassley, perhaps he will listen to voting Iowans.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jane Balvanz
  • test
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by fake
  • test petition
    just a test
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Biel
  • Banning of assault weapons
    Since we have had two presidents shot one of which died, and a congresswoman who is injured for life, plus Columbine and other schools where there were mass shootings, it seems to me time to ban the assault weapons.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen S. Godwin
  • Congress is holding the Economy Hostage.
    Congress will not pass anything that has to do with raising taxes, how do they expect to pay for anything. Congress does not want the Federal Government to pay for anything. How do they expect to move our country out of this hole? We need congress to hold their breath and become bipartisan and work together. Lets tell congress to get their act together or we will vote them out.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Wolff
  • Guns Don't Kill People, Bullets Kill People
    Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes purchased 6,000 rounds of ammunition online in the weeks leading up to his militaristic assault at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. According to Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said, "All ammunition he possessed, he possessed legally." If recent history is a guide, this mass shooting is unlikely to change political sentiment about guns rights and gun control in any lasting way. Previous shooting rampages, like those at Columbine High School and Virginia Tech, produced only brief calls for stricter gun laws which ultimately fell silent to the protests of the NRA.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Bondeson
  • Support the End Polluter Welfare Act
    3,215 high-temperature records tied or broken in June, a massive drought across the country, and extreme storms from coast to coast. The weather outside has been scary lately. It is a fact that 9 of the 10 hottest years on record have occurred since 2000. As New York Times columnist Paul Krugman put it, it's clear that "large-scale damage from climate change is no longer a disaster waiting to happen. It's happening now."
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy E. Free
  • President Obama: Address gun control in your campaign
    I live part-time in Aurora, Colorado and Ottawa, Canada. I was so very sad to hear about the tragic shooting in the cinema and cannot put it, and Columbine, out of my mind. I am residing in Ottawa at the moment and Canadians fail to understand why assault weapons and other guns are allowed to be bought so easily. I would like to call on President Obama and Congress to - once and for all - deal with the issue of gun control.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Sarkar
  • Reform of Michigan Body Art law
    We would like a reform of Michigan body art law, including but not limited to, enforcement of illegal tattooing, banning the sale of tattoo equipment to illegal tattooists. Many people have become seriously ill or died due to illegal tattooing, and there is no one to enforce the current laws and codes. We would like these laws reformed immediately!
    385 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Donald Morrison
  • Ban semi-automatic weapons
    Enough killing by these weapons that are only designed to kill people. Over and over again everyone is horrified by crazy people getting these weapons legally and killing innocent people. Politicians cannot get this job done so regular citizens must do this
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Brady
  • We need a hip-hop Station in Indianapolis, Emmis Communications!
    If you would like a hip-hop, urban radio station in Indianapolis, let Emmis Communications know by signing this petition!
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ms. Carmen