• Sensible Gun Regulations
    This is not a petition to ban fireams, only the demand for sensible regulation. No more sales of automatic weapons such as the AK 47 which allows mass killing. No more state laws that allow people to carry concealed weapons everywhere, as in Florida. More background information before guns are sold. Everytime these senseless murders of children & innocent people occur, I ask why are our legistatures so gutless that they cannot buck the gun lobby? Why are we standing by and doing nothing?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geneva Wilford
  • Change the second amendment.
    I have only witnessed this horror on tv. Unfortunately it's not the first time. We have noooooooo gun control. Why can't we run our country likes the English. In England even the "bobbies" don't carry guns. Things will just keep going on in this place. Nothing will change.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roz Brookman
  • NO MORE GUNS!!!!!!
    Guns...easily purchased, any size, any shape, as long as there is killing ability! Stop this senseless need to murder. People who 'need' to own a gun are inherently carrying a very frightening message that is actually embedded in their psyche! They think that 'hunting' covers this but even killing an animal or bird is just another message that they are hard-wired for the next level down. Also, it seems that anyone can purchase, a psychotic, a terrorist and drug baron.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Barton-King
  • Gun control
    Gun control should be disallowed for anything other than personal protection or legal hunting.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen hebert
  • US Mayors: I beg you to outlaw guns to those unfit to handle them.
    Prohibit the use of guns by the mentally ill, terrorists, and repeat offenders.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Hutman
  • Change the second amendment.
    I have only witnessed this horror on tv. Unfortunately it's not the first time. We have noooooooo gun control. Why can't we run our country likes the English. In England even the "bobbies" don't carry guns. Things will just keep going on in this place. Nothing will change.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roz Brookman
  • Silver Grove KY , Install a red light at the school.
    My son Corey attends Silver Grove High school in silver Grove ky. My main concern and has been a major concern for others is the fact that there is no cross walk or a red light on a busy street in front of the school. A majority of the students in the school, which includes K-12, has to cross that street in order to get to the school. The corner is on Four Mile Road which is the main road connecting other cities, the speed limit is 25. In the mornings you have a horrible time crossing the street, these poor kids are risking life and limb just to get to school. No crossing guards are available at the school at all. No teachers are outside, the principal doesnt even come out. Its horrible in my opinion. In the winter when its still dark at 7 am the school block is poorly lit and still no one is outside to attend to the children.So Silver Grove I am asking you to help these kids go to school safely by installing a red light at the corner on four mile road in front of the school.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CONNIE MULLINS
  • Sing This Land Is Your Land at Giants Game
    This year we are celebrating the great American Singer and Song writer Woody Guthrie's 100th Anniversary. What better way to pay tribute to Woody than to sing This Land Is Your Land at the San Francisco Giants home games.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Turek
  • President Obama: Please address the issue of stricter Gun Laws in the wake of the Aurora tragedy
    What we need from our nation’s leader is more than just a moment of silence -- we need a moment of courage. The horrific tragedy in Aurora should be the final wake up call to gun law reform. Enough is enough!!! Holmes legally purchased semi automatic weapons and ordered 6000 rounds of ammunition on the internet in a very short period of time. This is an outrage!
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carmen Anaya
  • 07/27/2012 Theater Free Day
    As we all have been affected and heartbroken by the Colorado massacre, in sign of love, care and memory of the victims lets stay away from the theaters a week from this horrible event. We need to have more security and feel safer the next time we do go to the movies. Pass it on.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by annie
  • What's Mitt Hiding?
    Mitt Romney is the richest man to ever have a legitimate shot at becoming President. He refuses to release his tax returns, a precedent his own father set. Would you elect a President who doesn't invest the fortunes he made back into America? What's Mitt hiding?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Kushner
  • No Friends? No Guns!
    Once again we are hearing about a LONE gunmen killing innocent people. This time it's a theatre in Colorado. The problem is not just this individual and itis not the film, the theatre or the movie-goers. The problem is that we continue to sell guns to unstable individuals who are usually described as loners with no friends. My proposal is that we require every prospective gun buyer to have a cosigner. The cosigner would have to show proper ID and, with their signature, state that they 1) are not a relative, 2) have known the gun-buyer at least one year, 3) trust the gun-buyer to be a rational individual free of any psychological problems, and 4) share the responsibility equally with the gun-buyer for any criminal activity perpetrated with this weapon. History shows that lone gunman are not upstanding citizens and members in good standing of their local gun club. For that reason, I belive this law would not be oppossed by organizations like the NRA. In fact, I would expect the NRA to endorse this petition because it would help keep guns out of the hands of psychotic individuals that give gun-owners a bad name.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Bomhoff