Dog breeding banAll breeding of pit bulls should be by license only to stop the breeding of a fine animal for the wrong reasons.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosanne
Dog breeding banAll breeding of pit bulls should be by license only to stop the breeding of a fine animal for the wrong reasons.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosanne
Rename BETThis is a petition for the cable channel BET to be renamed. As a black American I no longer wish for this station and the programs aired to represent the views or preferences of myself or my race. The lack of positive programming geared toward the black community casts a negative light on people of color and until they learn what it really means to be black in America they should no longer have the right to represent our culture.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pearlie Richards
Compulsory VotingEvery citizen has the responsibility to vote. We need more people voting, not less. Many countries require citizens age 18-70 to vote (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Greece, Mexico, Brazil, Peru). Even though it often is not enforced, voting is an acknowledged obligation of adult citizens. Voter ID should be defeated because it means fewer people will vote.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Dailey
I want my channels backViacom is pushing DIRECTV customers to pay more than a 30 percent increase, which equates to an extra $1 billion, despite the fact that the ratings for many of their main networks have plummeted and much of Viacom’s programming can be seen for free online,6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Yolanda Massey
UC Merced Climbing GymWe, the students of UC Merced and the Merced area would like a climbing gym to be built on the UC Merced campus.239 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jamie
Usage Restrictions for Breaker StadiumBreaker Stadium was rebuilt with local taxpayer monies (Measure D) with the promise of accessibility for the local residents. Current usage by non-local groups has effectively destroyed this promise. We are asking the P.G.U.S.D. to limit outside use to a maximum of 4 hours on Sat./Sun and Holidays and at no time will the lights be turned on for said outside use.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by bob howell
THE PEOPLE SPEAKI think the country needs an instant phone or computer based referendum system so the PEOPLE can be heard. If people trust their life savings & other important info with just a login & password surely they can trust their vote with the same security protocols.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by R S
The Mas Killing of Dolphins & Whales By the US MIllitaryAccording to the U.S. Navy's own estimates, the use of high-frequency underwater sound for testing off the coast of California and beyond will kill 1,800 whales and dolphins and deafen 15,900 more over the next five years.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle
Show us the calendarsThe petition asks candidate Romney to make his calenders public.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Craig Miller
>>>>>>BAN BAD ANIMAL OWNERS<<<<<<<<BAN BAD ANIMAL OWNERS. We must be the 'voice' for these abused animals. The laws just are not strict enough. The Punishment Should Fit The Crime...only then will we see some help for these poor animals. Lets bring a stop to BAD ANIMAL OWNERS. all over the United States. http://www.humanesociety.org/ To learn how you can put an entd to all of this. Report Animal Cruelty If you think someone you know is abusing animals, you can help. The best thing you can do is report cruelty. http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/report-animal-cruelty.aspx2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brice A. Cook
Stop Wolf Trapping in MontanaMontana state government just made it unnecessary to get a permit to hunt a wolf. They think the population (well under a thousand) is too high. They also are permiting trapping to kill wolves.195 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Brian Glover