• Need to Regulate News Headlines
    McCarthyism is not about the content of a statement--it's about bypassing a Constitutional regulation which would demand generic headlines be supplied based on the "subject' or "issue" and ban statements that contain neither attested facts, standards based evaluations as bona fides for being permitted to use value terms or a statement of science.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Michael Cerello
  • illegal harrasment over our countries phone network.
    With the advent of phone calls over the internet this allows companies to use bogus phone numbers to get on the countries phone networks to harass residents with illegal advertising. The donot call list is a sham and doesn't work. Most calls are comming from india.Who hasn't got a call from "Card Service" more than once or calls for free diabetes testers? These numbers can be blocked by local phone providers but it needs a bill passed by Congress. Contact your congressmen demanding that they do somethimg about the abuse of the U.S. telephone system.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Stuczynski
  • License for breeders of pit bulls
    Since pit bulls are considered dangerous dogs in many locals, only people licensed by the State should be allowed to breed them. This will cut down tremendously on dog fighting which is already illegal, but difficult to enforce.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosanne Galak
  • Remove Joe Paterno's statue from in front of Beaver Stadium
    In light of Fmr. FBI Director Freeh's scathing report on Joe Paterno's involvement in covering up Jerry's Sandusky's crimes against children, we believe Joe Paterno's statue should be removed from in front of Beaver Stadium in Happy Valley, PA. Please share this petition with friends that would share this view -- Thanks!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Titzer
  • Motorcycle Helmet Law
    On May 17, 2012, I witnessed a horrific accident. I was in the left turn lane at an intersection in Clearwater, FL. Accross the street the light turned green as I had just missed the signal and cars proceeded to advance. I was about to turn left when a motorcycle ran the cross light. I was about twenty feet away when the motorcycle smashed into the moving car coming my way at 45 mph. The bodies of two young adults crashed and flew up into the air, after both of their heads hit the windshield, they fell to the pavement just as quickly. It happened in less than a blink of an eye. I called 911 and ran over to the lifeless bodies to see that they were not even wearing helmets. I felt helpless because the damage was so severe I could do nothing. The poor driver of the car was hit so hard that he was pinned and had to be cut out by Fire rescue, and has to live with the guilt of simply obeying traffic lights. I feel so bad for all involved; the two that died, their families, and all that witnessed this. I paint a brutal picture because thats what it was. I don't know if helmets would have saved them, but now Nobody will ever know. I hope their souls are at peace. I think about EVERY DAY.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Kase
  • Gilbert Gottfried Reads 50 Shades of Grey
    Just like the title says, a friend and I said we'd listen to 50 Shades of Grey if it were read by Gilbert Gottfried. What a wonderful idea! Lets see if we can make this happen.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Crystal
  • I Support Eastleigh Farm
    Our vision at Eastleigh Farm is to preserve the land for the community as a rich agricultural, educational & recreational resource. Eastleigh is the last dairy farm for many miles in any direction. The farm has so much to offer the town and surrounding area as an educational experience and a source of local, wholesome food. -Sustaining biodiversity in plants and animals (Deer, gophers, hawks, a flock of about 30 turkeys, and much more. The land, which includes pasture land and wooded areas, is a habitat to many species of plants and animals) -Educating the public about local agriculture and food (offering educational farm tours and on site agricultural events) -Being a part of Framinghams' natural and cultural heritage (The community has the opportunity to enjoy the landscape and geology, as well as the legacy of architecture and the operation that has been a part of Framingham for over 80 years) -A source for local food(our products made from humanely raised grass-fed cows, free of anti-biotics and hormones) -A place to relax, be inspired and enjoy family friendly outings -Helping educate interns who may be pursuing careers in agriculture or veterinary studies This vision has recently become harder to hold onto as Eastleigh's future is threatened by a potential decision to make the farm pay for access to water for its first time in history. For 80 years the town of Framingham has granted water rights to Eastleigh Farm in exchange for the water pipes that were placed underneath the land to feed water to many homes in the Northwest side of town. For the first time in history, the town of Framingham wants Eastleigh Farm to pay for water. This decision will go great lengths to making Eastleigh financially unviable. We ask that only Framingham residents sign this petition. However, we encourage everyone and anyone who supports Eastleigh Farm to attend the Framingham Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, July 24th at 7:00pm. Framingham Town Hall 150 Concord Street, Framingham,MA 01702 Ablondi Room, Memorial Building
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shoana van Wyngaarden
  • Ceiling on taxable amount of S/S earnings
    Yes, because I get only 308/monthly S/S pay even though I was told in writing by the S/S office that after my ex-husband died I would receive a widow's benefit. Inasmuch as my ex-husband left me with no income, I felt I was entitled to at least a percentage of his S/S payments.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sophia D.St.John-Brainerd
  • Stop paying Congressmen and Senators lifetime salaries
    I think that once the Congressmen and Senators leave office that their salaries should stop.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carleen Greenman
  • Limits to terms for Congress and Senate
    It would be to limit the number of consecutive terms for the Congress and Senate to three. We have individuals who have become professional politicians and they need to be held to limits just as the President and Vice President are.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shahid Raki
  • Hire Veterans first.
    The current system for Veterans prefference. Doesn't sevre our Veterans, i. e. 12% unemployed.. I was .passed over even though I had 10 points and scored in the 90% We need a law that make sure that Veterans are hired first at all levels of government. If a job is paid with taxes,there should be a Veteran doing it. .
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Goudy
  • Tax Records for Presidential Candidates
    We need to know all information about someone running for the highest office. No more hiding or playing games, once someone files the paperwork to run for President 10 years of tax returns are to be sent at the same time.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kathleen cappola