Mandatory motorcycle/bicycle helmet lawYes. A bike helmet saved my life coming down city creek canyon on a bicycle and I hit an unmarked hole in the road and got launched. I flipped three times and hit my head each time.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lauren holland
Home Improvement Permit AmnestyI want States, in my case Colorado, to offer an amnesty period for Home Owners who have had improvements made on their homes without obtaining a permit to go to their city and county offices and apply for a permit retroactively. With the housing market and economy problems many people had to stay in their homes even though they would have considered moving. Because they stayed many made improvements but due to lack of money or knowledge did not obtain the proper permits. An amnesty period would allow homeowners to become compliant and include the improvements when refinancing or selling and it would also allow states to generate revenue by collecting the permit fees from sources they very likely would not be able to collect from otherwise.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Renee Robinson
move onWe need to make sure that we get out and relect President Obama. Also Congressman Larry Kissel.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathy H. Estep
Domestic terrorThe Aurora masacre is the latest domestic terror incident-including the Columbine killings, the Virginia Tech massacre, and the Fort Hood killings-that have terrorized and affected thousands of Americans directly and indirectly. Our nation has spent billions to combat foreign terror and its perpetrators. We should focus on domestic terror and take approptiate steps to eliminate it and reduce its effects on our people.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by E. Niel Carey
Assault weapons are WMDsI was horrified to learn that anyone can legally purchase military type weapons. No one needs assault weapons to defend themselves. Regardless of our right to own guns there are some things that people should not be able to buy. The 2nd amendment was never intended to preserve the rights of those whose only purpose is violence. What's next, nuclear bombs at the corner market? Stop the madness!!6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Martha Cook
Reinstate Federal Assault Weapons Gun BanIn the 108th Congress, Representative Carolyn McCarthy, Democrat of New York, introduced H.R. 2038, the Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003, on May 8, 2003, before the assault weapons ban expired. It had 111 cosponsors. The bill would have renewed the assault weapons ban for an additional ten years and revise the definition of "semiautomatic assault weapon." The bill never got out of committee to come up for a floor vote and died at the end of the 108th Congress.101 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Dorothy Donahey
Remove machine guns from public use.Aurora killings.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by jennifer hatcher
Ban on assault weaponsChange the gun laws now.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laurie Hargrove
Ban on assault weaponsChange the gun laws now.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laurie Hargrove
CO Leaders: Make the Aurora tragedy the last of its kindOur state recently witnessed another gun-related tragedy in Aurora. We cannot allow one more innocent life to be taken. We are calling on our elected leaders to end this senseless violence by enacting legislation that will limit the number and types of weapons that individuals can own.57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katie
Establish Political Lies as a Punishable CrimeIt is so unfair for politicians and their surrogates to lie to the American public about their oppenent's position or voting record or to misrepresent facts to mislead voters. A standing Truth in Politics Commission should be established that would point out political lies and misrepresentations and publish them so voters can see who the liers are and the lies that they are telling. Furthermore, such lies and gross misrepresentations should be crimes with fines and the inability to run for office. Surrogates who lie or grossly misrepresnt the fact would also be heavily fined. People running for office should be required to submit to this truth in politics requirement and their surrogates must also adhere to the requirement of face stiff fines. American voters need truthful politicians. If they lie to get elected, they will lie when in office.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frederick M. Riek
Ban assault weapons accessWe have had Columbine, Virginia Tech, Gabby Gifford, and now Aurora. How many people must die to see that the right to bear arms as envisioned by the founders related to a single shot musket ball firing rifle. Technology is different. We didn't give citizens machine guns when they first came out. That was reserved for the military. There needs to be discrimination about this issue.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sandra L Zeese