Pigs in gestation crates, terrible!These poor pigs are raised, crammed in, that's right crammed in gestation crates. They cannot move, turn around, must stand every minute of every day in these crates 24/7 and people like Stephen King and Dave Warner director of communications at NPPC think there's nothing wrong with that. After all, they're just pigs. Let's get this straight. There's nothing wrong with animal abuse and cruelty?246 of 300 SignaturesCreated by COLETTE WOOLLEY
Release TX System Benefit FundsHigher electricity bills never come at a good time, but their impact will be felt even more than normal by Texas' most vulnerable families due to the Legislature's decision to defund an important program that serves Texas' low-income residents: the System Benefit Fund Low Income Discount Program. Known as LITE-UP Texas, the program provides for an electricity rate discount for qualifying low-income customers. Created in 1999 as part of the deregulation of the state's electricity market, it is funded through a monthly fee on everyone's utility bill. The program's goal has always been to assist the least fortunate Texans in braving the summer heat. As temperatures across the state soar, that mission is more critical than ever. Unfortunately, last session the Texas Legislature decided to cut almost $100 million from LITE-UP Texas' budget. What makes this situation even more untenable is that those in control chose to leave over $650 million unspent and sitting in the program in order to protect tax breaks for oil and gas companies. That's right: while Texas bakes, over $650 million that could have gone toward assisting Texans with their utility bills and energy efficiency upgrades sits unused and cannot be touched. Telling Texans their money will be used for one purpose but instead redirecting it to another without voter approval is dishonest governing, pure and simple. Our state deserves more from its budget than smoke-and-mirrors and diversions.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bob Ford
replace congressit is a known fact that the 112th congress is the worse congress ever.i want a petition to replace them all asap--and- by the way - they should not get paid forever and medical forever- t it is bad enough that we do that for people in congress that do get the job done-- not these guys. even the republicans have had enough of them3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by CATHY FIGUCCIO
End taxpayer funding of military-industrial executive overcompensationExecutives at corporations, like GE, who manufacture our military equipment are paid millions of dollars in compensation by we the people. It is time to limit their income to what other federal/state employees earn. Certainly, those execs are not working 500% more hours nor are they 500% more qualified than our public employees. It is time to limit what we pay them. If the currently elected officials are going after public-employee compensation, then the next logical step is to cut what we pay these large contractors.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ilene Kilbride
Forgive student loan interestThe interest on student loans is so high that in the final picture, it exceeds the principle borrowed. For instance, a $47,000 loan ends up costing the student about $90,000. This is ridiculous.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Malti
Brushguards on trucks pose safety hazard.Heavy and light truck "brush guards" pose dangers to both parties in an accident. In single or multivehicle accidents, heavy duty brush guards delay the ability of airbags to properly deploy in an accident. They also defeat the crumple zones that are engineered into vehicles to absorb the impact of a crash, not only endangering the parties driving the vehicle with brush guards, but other vehicles involved in the accident.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Monroe
Mainers Need Additional Reliable Bus Service.I suggest to create a few additional Bus Lines having the acceptable schedule (every hour or every two hours in both directions) in order for people who can not drive to be able to reach important destinations located in different cities of the State of Maine.. Currently, it is not possible to be able (for the regular person) to return from the destination point to the point which he / she left the same day... There is no such possibility currently..3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alla I. Shuper
Keep our daylightEvery October we turn our clocks back an hour,why? Hawaii & Arizona keep there long days of summer all year long, lets do the same.Lets keep daylight savings time the way it is today!20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by anne javier
Stop Motorcycle Noise PollutionThis is an environmental / quality of life / noise pollution issue: I live in San Francisco where there's enough noise already -- without all these motorcyclists riding their super-loud "hogs," setting off car alarms, disturbing daily life. What's with these people and their "I am the loudest!" antisocial behavior? It's beyond inconsiderate. One theory I've heard is that they're compensating for something (a part of their anatomy?) that's lacking? I'm concerned that if nothing is done, the noise levels will only continue to increase. Rather than accept this as the norm, let's speak up and change our reality. I can see this issue growing like wildfire since many people I've spoken to share the same feelings. Also, in the coming years, as more hybrid cars hit the road (with their auto-off feature whenever they come to a stop), we'll slowly be tilting the balance toward a quieter street life. Imagine that? Please, join us!159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Todd Blank
HB5711 Will hurt MichiganThe Michigan Senate will vote on HB5711 next month threatening to impose the most draconian restrictions on Michigan reproductive health services anywhere in the country and on area small businesses. Michigan Republicans have promised a hands off approach to governance and a pro-business attitude, but HB5711 threatens both, at a time when Michigan is just starting to turn the corner economically.679 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Susan Farquhar
Mr. George Davison, stop taking hard working peoples money for services not rendered...My wife and I have been taken for thousands of dollars, and they refuse to speak to us on this matter.... I was off work with a shoulder replacement at the time when I got involved with Mr. George Davison. I had invented an invention that had helped in my recovery and thought it would make it on the market. And all I needed is someones help in that direction. After many years, and thousands invested. All I received was a phone call from the consumer affairs department which told me that my case is closed and there will be no more contact from Davison, and then hung up on me….1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Andrews
Mr. George Davison, stop taking hard working peoples money for services not rendered...My wife and I have been taken for thousands of dollars, and they refuse to speak to us on this matter.... I was off work with a shoulder replacement at the time when I got involved with Mr. George Davison. I had invented an invention that had helped in my recovery and thought it would make it on the market. And all I needed is some ones help in that direction. After many years, and thousands invested. All I received was a phone call from the consumer affairs department which told me that my case is closed and there will be no more contact from Davison, and then hung up on me….2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Andrews