• Save our post offices
    Our post offices are being sold! The purpose of the US Postal Service, enshrined in our Constitution, is to provide a public service. A misguided Congress, in 1971, passed the Postal Reorganization Act to require the Postal Service to make a profit. Now Congress's 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act is driving the USPS into bankruptcy, requiring it to pay $5.5 billion a year for employee benefits 75 years into the future, and then putting the downtown post offices' prime real estate up for sale to corporate investors. Our post offices anchor the centers of towns across the country and provide Americans, both individuals and businesses, with convenient, efficient, affordable mailing services. Our government once honored its citizen taxpayers by building handsome public buildings for our use. It's time to halt Congress's outrageous attack on the US Postal Service and sale of public buildings that our tax dollars built and that belong to the people of the USA.
    1,463 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Charlene Woodcock
  • Keep the USA from becoming a theocracy
    Religious groups are granted the right to have the freedom to practice their beliefs without government persecution and are exempt from paying taxes. However when they influence federal or state policy they are extending their belief system on all citizens of the country or that state. This act obliterates the lines between the separation of church and state, and we are all personally affected by this religious overreach. Lately, religions have become more vocal and claiming they are the ones losing their freedoms but that is not true. What is happening is they are lobbying for the federal and state governments to enact their beliefs on all citizens regardless of their personal beliefs or values. This is a theocracy and has no place in the USA. Tell them to stop! BECAUSE WE ARE LOOSING OUR FREEDOMS AS CITIZENS.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Barbara J Monda
  • Strap one on & defy the NRA!
    There is no acceptable reason why assault weapons are legal in the United States. For granting this right, we in return get slaughtered in houses of worship and movie theaters, in public parks, in our own homes. If politicians would finally stand up to the NRA, we can begin undoing the damage guns have inflicted. Ask your legislators to strap on a spine and stand up for you and your family.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Callahan
  • Federal Elections
    My opinion is that the Federal Government should fund all Federal Election Candidates. In essence, each candidate for election for President, Senator, House of Representatives would each receive equal funding based on the office the individual was seeking. This would accomplish the following, (a) the playing field would be leveled, (b) each candidate would have equal amounts such that they would have to campaign on their own merits, and (c) corporations and wealthy idividuals would no longer be able to buy elections.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Walton
  • Full Disclosure
    Outsourcing of jobs and tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals,along with loopholes that are designed to help only millionaires and corporations with huge profits profoundly hurts middle class families .If someone wants to hold the most powerful office in the country full disclosure of prior taxes should be demanded by the people.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Murrow
  • Keep Daylight Savings Time the standard in California
    When we revert to standard PST in fall, it starts to get dark before 5 p.m. The days are already shortened as a function of the seasonal shortening of the days. Let's not shorten even further by turning the clocks back in fall.
    386 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Pat Brotman
  • Rein in some better Decency
    This petition is about extreme indifference to human life, here in Florida. Yes, my family and I have been affected by the negligence of others in this way, but the issue at hand here is so much more massive then us.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Tirado
  • Mitt, Presidents have nothing to HIDE!!!!!
    Should a person be morally obligated to provide all of their off shore bank account information which should have been reported apart of their tax returns when they want to run for political office?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JOE BARR
  • Congress, stop politicing and do your job.
    All you have done is sabotage every idea President Obama has attempted to impliment even if you previously wanted the same things, merely to block his being re-elected for a second term. Congress has never been more ineffective and criticized except during the civil war. All saboteurs should be fired unless you do what you were elected to do which is serve the American people. We don't blame the president for the unsolved problems in our country, we blame you. Shape up or ship out! Stop fighting President Obama and start serving the American people.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Assad
  • Rachel Maddow should moderate a presidential debate
    Rachel Maddow has become a premier journalist and has earned the right to moderate one of this year's presidential debate. Please sign our petition to support Rachel as a moderator.
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Fealk
  • stop the voter id law
    block the new voter id law. supervisor of elections please refuse to this enforce this voter id law within all your legal rights.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by james p foy
  • Americans For Stronger/Common Sense Gun Controls
    Stronger/Common Sense Gun Controls. Years ago, I received a phone call from stranger screaming he intentions to "blow my head off" with his handgun. At the time, I was a 30-year life member of the NRA who realized their lobbying efforts were not creating a safer America, just a more dangerous one.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Bailey