BAN ROBO CALLSWe pay for these calls in money and time. Unless we allow access and opt in, these calls should not be allowed.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by eileen
Post Office Bill 2309Our legislature wants to privatize our Postal Service. First they pass a bill to make the Post Office prepay retirement benefit, which has just about bankrupt them. Made the Postal Service stay within certain parameters and not allow them to compete.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rena Donze
Make our officials draw Social Security and Medicare instead of fat pensionsOur elected officials do not have to live on Social Security and Medicare, so they cannot identify with the social concerns of people who must survive on a limited income. If they were made to live on a retirement of Social Security and Medicare, our damaged system would be fixed in a hurry. They should be given a reasonable income, not the huge paychecks they now receive, and they should retire on the same income as the common folk who elected them.576 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Kara Lani
New Voter ID LawMe, my family and clients are vastly affected by the new voter ID law.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kerreen Franklin
Say No to the Voter IDthis law has made me and others have to get ID's to vote. I never needed an ID to Vote after my first time in a neighborhood. Many people cnnot afford the ID's or can"t get down to where these things are done1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Geneva Daniels
Tax Campaign Donations to Offset the Deficit.Have the PACs, corporations, unions and individuals who contribute more than $5000 to a candidate, candidate committee or other PAC or more than $15,000 to a political party within one year pay a 10 percent tax on their donation directly to the federal government and earmarked to offset the deficit. All the people and groups who whine about higher taxes for the wealthy and the deleterious effect of the deficit, but who can afford to contribute tens or hundreds of thousands to even millions of dollars to political campaigns, can immediately help to offset the deficit which in turn would reduce the need for their taxes to go up regardless of who wins in the upcoming election.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lee J. Chinalai
No car parking charges for Portishead Lake groundsNorth Somerset Council have just approved the introduction of parking meters in W-s-M town centre. It is now very likely that they will also look at parking charges for other areas including Portishead Lake Grounds. Currently customers, staff, and volunteers can park within walking distance of Portishead Open Air Pool and stay all day if they wish. The significant extra cost of parking will lose us customers and the volunteers needed to run the pool. If you care about this wonderful facility, which so many local people fought to save from closure four years ago, we urge you to sign our petition to ask NSC not to introduce parking charges to the lake grounds.1,711 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Portishead Pool Community Trust
Voting regestration.The voter registration should not be used this year. From the information I have read & heard, the ability to adequately is to obtain a photo id. Since this development, many must obtain a birth certificate for the process. MAKE sure EVERYONE knows this information. 6 months is not enough time. It has also been brought to the attention of the courts no fraud has ever been recorded in PA so what is the hurry to do this before a presidential election. Invalidate this id requirement as unconstitutional.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nancy Geraci
Monroe County: Just Say No to the New Voter ID LawUrge Monroe County's Director of Elections and Voter Registrations to join election officials across the Commonwealth and, to the full extent of their legal authority, Just Say No to enforcing PA's ridiculous new Voter ID law. Let's take back the integrity of our elections.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Kaufman
drivers license ID voters lawtoo many people will be affected by this law that do not drive & do not require a driving license,many of them are either invalid or poor or can only get out to vote if someone brings them to a polling booth,old people have enough to contend with trying to survive and this law is obviously political in nature and will deprive many thousands of their constituional rights .please join me in opposing this law by signing this petion.Matt Jeffery Sciota PA1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matt Jeffery
Just Say No to enforcing the new Voter ID lawWhere is the evidence of voting fraud? What is the extent of voting fraud? Why do we need this new Voter ID law? Who is disfranchised?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John McLaughlin
Stop the Gunning Down of 30,000 Americans Yearly30,000 American are killed by guns each year. Call on Congress and the White House to stop this slaughter6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marc Newhouse