• State Board Examination requirenment for Fitness Professionals
    My petition is to get a law requiring anybody who works in or states to have expertise in the Fitness industry to pass a NJ State board test ,before being allowed to train or charge anyone for services. Right now the person who cuts your hair has more oversight than the one who trains,your wife , husband, girlfriend boyfriend or children. We need to make certain that those who are payed money in the Fitness Industry because they are percieved to be experts actually know what they are doing. This bill would take the guess work out of hiring for the consumer and bring more confidence to the Industry ,while weeding out dangerous unqualified trainers. My bill would require anyone teaching or making money off the sales of Fitness training to take a NJ state Board test, This would test thier profeciencies in the areas of basic human Anatomy& Physiology required in the Industry as well as ,basic First Aid,Exercise Science and Nutrtion. There would be two parts to the test 1 hour written and 45 minute Practical ,demonstrating a knowlege proper program design proper program excution, and basic fitness assesment skills. The cost of testing could either be a Direct fee,or an add on fee for when people sign on to certification courses,as condition that those certification Organizations would be allowed to either operate or collect money from NJ residents they would be charged a modest fee that would have a cap of what they could add on to the cost of their Trainer Education courses. As a result of these new rules and regulations we not only get rid of bad trainers,but also bad training courses that take money from those wanting to be Fitness Professionals' and teach them nothing. Test fees should stay under $250 to remain reasonable. The reason I am proposing this is I have been in the Fitness Industry for over 14 years and have seen the horrors of bad training.,One company that I worked was soo bad that a District manager almost put a women in the hospital ,who had MS!,
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lou Gualrio
  • Two will do!
    Because the world is becoming a very crowded place of 7 billion people and we all regardless of race, creed, gender or religion, share a hope for a better future for our children.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Ettinger
  • Animal Rights: How Long Should a Dog Stay in the Car?
    There is currently no legislation for a pet's rights in a car. We believe that a pet should stay in the car for 15 minutes max, in extreme heat or cold. We would like to create a law that centers around this point.
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Veronica
  • Census Data In Danger
    The current House Appropriations Bill eliminates the Economic Census, which measures the health of our economy. It terminates the American Community Survey, which produces the social and demographic information that monitors the impact of economic trends on communities throughout the country.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jana
  • Follow up by military for vets with PTSD
    Both my sons are vet of Iraq - the youngest ( NC Army National Guard) who was there in 2005-2006, has 70% disability rating for PTSD. The military has done little except throw $$ at him (where is the follow thru with counceling; a contact person to call when he goes "soldier mode" besides me, his mother?) I have called numerous times, going up the list, thru the chain of command and made it to the 2nd in command in NC where we live - she, a major, got an attitude with me! After I informed her that I out-rank her being an "Army Mom x2", she gave me a chaplin's number who never returned my call........that was about 3 yrs ago! Still, my son can go off out of the blue; has been in numerous fights ( some he instagated, some not); arrested numerous times (assault on an officer x 6 at one time because if you try to subdue him, he goes crazy - a soldier is taught to fight to the death and being 6', maybe 160 lbs - I've seen him defend himself against 4 officers, 2 security guards - all with his jaw broken in 4 places(!) due to an altercation with 2 seniors while at college. He was expelled asap from this state funded college with me receiving a call that he has NO right to be on this college campus since he has been taught hand to hand combat.........after he drove himself to a VA hosp (an hour away) and they couldn't handle this type of emergency surgery; he was taken via EMS to a bigger civilian hosp for surgery. After a few days admission, his older brother, a career soldier, stayed by his side and took him back to his campus apartment and stood as his security guard because he was in no shape to travel to return home at that time. To make matters worse - he was billed for the civilian hosp bill when since the VA couldn't handle his care, the military was responsible for any bills. This is just ONE of the many situations he had been involved in. I could go on for days!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cyd Prevette
  • Repeal Marijuana Prohibition in Michigan
    Legalize marijuana/cannabis for any person over the age of 21. Make cannabis/marijuana legally accessible to curtail the black market and the gang wars taking place in southwestern U.S., but affecting the whole country. Replace with facts the untruths spread by the government to keep their drug agencies flowing with money from innocent people through asset forfeiture. Tax and regulate like alcohol but still allow for personal cultivation with no limitations on amounts grown. Allow for hemp crops to be grown in the U.S. and replace big oil. Anything that crude oil can make the cannabis/marijuana plant can provide and them some. Here is a way for unregistered voters to let their voice be heard.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christeen Landino
  • Fair government wages
    Because necessary minimum wage workers like life guards, park workers, librarian helpers, and others who only make about $10 an hour or about $20,000 a year are being cut for lack of funding, Whatcom County and Bellingham City elected and appointed officials may not be paid more than five times minimum wage -- $100,000 a year.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Perry
  • Make changes concerning leadership problems in your Campus Ministry division
    Leadership in the Campus Ministry division of Campus Crusade for Christ have recently hired potential missionaries just to remove them as soon as the missionaries have raised appropriate funding for themselves and the ministry. Campus Crusade is only suppose to receive 10% of money raised through individual missionaries. The missionaries are supposed to receive the outstanding balance. The Campus Ministry division recently hired a missionary to raise money only without telling them this was their sole purpose, leading them to believe they would be allowed to collect the funds they had raised ($35,000) when they met their financial goal. They have fired missionaries after they have raised their funding and kept the donations for their sole purposes. CCC President Stephen Douglass, Vice President- Steve Sellers and Campus Ministry division head Mark Gauthier can make changes that treat missionaries and their donors with more integrity.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Brown
  • The Times Not
    The petition is about liberal organizations sharing links (for free) that best express their goals, like www.TheTimesNot.com
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noel Frankel
  • Governor Romney, President Obama: Civility and respect starts at the top
    The American people are tired of the bickering and name-calling by our political candidates. We are overwhelmed and disheartened by the increase of violence in our neighborhoods, aggression in the workplace, and bullying in our schools. We have lost our way when it comes to common decency, tolerance, and respect. It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery and you can bet that our children's behaviors are modeled after what they see and hear. Those who choose to seek the highest elected office in our land must show the American people they are worthy of being a world leader. We are asking our Presidential candidates to leave the worn-out rhetoric behind. Tell us what you are going to do to help our country move forward. Respect each other as human beings, agree to disagree, disengage from those who would use words on your behalf to hurt, vilify, and distort the truth. Show our youth that having ideas and opinions that represent a different point of view from one's own is not wrong, nor is it an excuse to become mean-spirited and aggressive. Using words to be clever is not an attribute Americans seek in choosing their President.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria McKinley
  • Dosimeters for TSA workers at aiports.
    Dosimeters for TSA workers at airports.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by undisclosed
  • Pass the California Homeowner Bill of Rights! CALL TO ACTION!
    URGENT! Stop the banking lobby and the California Chamber of Commerce from blocking the CA Homeowner Bill of Rights. WHAT DOES THE CALIFORNIA HBR DO? In response to the foreclosure crisis, CA Attorney General Kamala Harris and key state Assemblypersons and Senators have put the California Homeowner Bill of Rights (HBR) on the legislative agenda. The “Bill of Rights” is a package of bills to give greater protection to homeowners facing foreclosure, to neighborhoods and municipalities impacted by the wave of foreclosures, and to tenants living in foreclosed properties. We need to show support for this legislative initiative quickly and effectively. The Banking Lobby has already moved to table the legislation in Committee. REASON #1 TO SUPPORT HBR: California is the hardest hit of all fifty states by foreclosures. It is estimated that there will be 2 million homes that have been foreclosed upon in California by the end of this year, with one-third of homeowners currently “underwater” financially, were they must pay more to the banks on their homes than what they are worth. REASON #2 TO SUPPORT HBR: As an example of fraudulent bank behavior, San Francisco Assessor Phil Ting has documented that 84% of all foreclosures in SF County are based on documents that are suspect or fraudulent. This is typical across the state and nationally, as documented in the government's own HUD report. The requirement that the banks provide legal foreclosure documentation and other common sense and fair measures in the California Homeowners Bill of Rights, would likely reduce the foreclosure rate in California by over 75 percent, as has happened in Nevada where a similar package of foreclosure abatement laws have passed. The bill also provides for more effective criminal enforcement against mortgage and foreclosure-related fraud. The CALIFORNIA HOMEOWNER BILL OF RIGHTS is a set of homeowner-friendly bills that can protect millions of California homeowners and communities state-wide from fraudulent banking practices, if passed by the Legislature. Stop the banking lobby and the Chamber of Commerce from blocking HBR. BELOW IS A SUMMARY OF THE LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE COMPRISING THE CA HOMEOWNER BILL OF RIGHTS: 1)
 Basic standards of fairness in the mortgage process, including an end to foreclosure document fraud, such as "robo-signing" and false notarizations and a stop to unsuspected "dual-track" foreclosures when still in compliance with another bank representative. 2) Transparency in the mortgage process, including a single point of contact for homeowners. 3) Community tools to prevent blight after banks foreclose upon homes. 4) Tenant protections after foreclosures. 5) Enhanced law enforcement to defend homeowner rights - paid for by fees imposed on banks. 6) A special grand jury to investigate financial and foreclosure crime.
    726 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Charles Davidson