• Patriotism Over Politics
    Any remark made by a politician that undermines the integrity of the office of the presidency of the United States should be subject to censorship. Remarks should be made that are consistent with the respect of the office and any disagreement should be made based on substance only. No president, Democrat or Republican, of our great nation, should be subject to name-calling, such as "Socialist", "Out of touch", etc...but rather, politicians should state their oppositions based upon their arguable positions only so that other countries know that we are patriotic Americans first and republicans and democrats secondarily.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Horatius Coleman
  • Fix Fukishima No. 4
    The Number 4 building of the Fukushima nuclear reactor complex is severely damaged and likely to collapse with the next minor earthquake. High up in the builiding sit a large number of used fuel rods submerged in a pool of water. If the building collapses, these rods wlll become exposed to air and their zirconium cladding will burn, spreading radioactive materials including Cesium all over Japan and all over the world.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Felix Rosenthal
  • Will D.C. Council and Police stay silent on assault at Lost Society?
    We're sickened to know that our friend, Shawn Whittaker, was assaulted at a local restaurant–and no one is investigating the attacks. A paramedic's report says Shawn was the victim of "assault" at Lost Society. After Shawn spent almost two weeks in a coma, the restaurant has not announced any investigation and won't explain how or why Shawn was attacked. Lost Society has not reached out to the family in helping them put the facts together to solve this unfortunate incident. We demand that Lost Society cease operations until the restaurant cooperates with a full investigation by the D.C. Police Department and D.C. Councilmember Jim Graham's office.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan McSwain
  • Save The Legend of Korra!
    The Legend of Korra, the brilliant follow-up series to Avatar: The Last Airbender, has been set to air for just 26 episodes. The show has achieved great success, receiving 5/5 stars from Common Sense Media, over 313,000 "likes" on Facebook, and 4.5 million viewers on its television premiere, which pushed it into the number one kid's show and animated series for the week of its debut. The show is Nickelodeon's latest creation, and we, as fans, fear that it will end all too soon. If you want to preserve The Legend of Korra, then you need to act now. Just click the button below to help save the show, before it's too late! Sources: http://www.commonsensemedia.org/tv-reviews/the-legend-of-korra http://www.facebook.com/legendofkorra http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/04/17/debut-of-nickelodeons-the-legend-of-korra-draws-4-5-million-viewers/129568/
    608 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Michael Roberts
  • Kylee Ray Petition
    More legal action needs to be enforced when a child is a runaway.
    224 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Hope Parker
    Republican obstructionism, led by Sen Mitch McConnell of Tennesse in the senate and by John Boehner of Ohio in the House, has held up many bills such as the President Obama's Jobs Bill package. This bill would help our economy and help many folks who are suffering right now with unemployment and reduced work hours. We need living wage jobs in this country RIGHT NOW! Let Mitch McConnell and John Boehner know that what they are doing through fillibuster and obstruction is hurting the country. Let them know that by their obstructionism that they are NOT being good Americans. Let them know that their goal of keeping President Obama a one term President, something Sen. McConnell is proud of stating, is really hurting our country and is a treasonist statement!
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Hobson
  • Let's let them know we are here Tejanos!
    For too long the Hispanics in Texas have been ignored or taken for granted.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Juan Perez
  • Declare Inter-Dependence!
    One Planet. One People. Earth is being strangled by obsessive individualism, both personal and of nations. Time to join hands globally, to work together with all people and peoples to heal our one, exquisite, and exquisitely fragile, world. One Planet. One People. Independence is good, but as fingers of a hand, essentially cooperative, inter-dependent.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Baker Hernandez
  • Stop Horse Slaughter Plant Opening in Missouri
    I strongly object to the brutal methods used to kill horses as well as the health concerns due to the toxic nature of horse meat. The USDA and FDA have documentation as to the danger and illegality of producing horse meat from our nation's horses. Missouri Governor Nixon and the state legislature have the obligation to protect our citizens from this industry coming into our state.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Williams
  • Ask youtube to delete Caiden Cowger's account
    Recently, a young man has made some horrible comments about Pres. Obama and VP Joe Biden. He posted a hateful speech on youtube that went viral stating that Obama and Biden have made kids gay. His old account was deleted on youtube, but now he is back. Please sign this petiton urging youtube to permanently block him, and to impose stricter video monitoring of youtube videos.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ryne
  • Impeach John Boehner,House of Speaker
    We need to Impeach John Boehner because he kept on blocking President Obama's many proposal that could create jobs and Economy as well. John Boehner have no business blocking, it is not his job to block, his job is to run in congress and by law. Not his job to create a stupid thing like war on women, no fair pay act for equally, and so on and so forth. We really need to impreach John Boehner for once for all. To allow President Proposal go through into congress without blocking it.
    8,719 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Brian Buckley
  • Making sure "Safeguard Properties" is held accountable
    Safeguard Properties has hired many contractors and neglected to pay 90% of them, such as us who made up Markham Contracting, a small business owned and run by my father until he was forced to close it due to the financial burden Safeguard Properties placed us in. From not paying us our money, to giving us run around calls and hostility every time we inquired, and where then charged back if they decided to make up a new policy, or didnt like something. They are middle men for big banks pocketing our hard earned money, and taking the money from the big banks and throwing hard working people out on the streets. We must stop this corporate abuse!
    420 of 500 Signatures
    Created by John Paul Markham