• Ban Horse Slaughter Houses in Florida
    By starting at the state level, we can better move toward the much-needed federal ban.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Micki Lawley
  • Ban Horse Slaughter on the State Level
    Please sign to ask our state legislature to sponsor and pass a bill banning the slaughter of horses for human consumption on the state level.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Enid Breakstone
  • Stop debt collectors from feeding like sharks on California's working poor.
    Protect California's working poor from Big Business Debt collectors. Debt collectors are moving into California - where they are not required to be licensed - and feeding like sharks on California's working poor. Governor Brown needs to stop this feeding frenzy. These big collection businesses buy up huge chunks of debt, then pay attorneys to write letters demanding payment. When people cannot pay or do not respond (many don't know what to do), the collectors file a law suit, which costs hundreds of dollars to fight. How can these impoverished people pay? The end result is often big buck judgements, based on inflated interest and other charges, that are extracted (garnished) from the paychecks of the working poor. California, which allows creditors to pursue a credit card debt for 3 years, most states are 2 years, has become a feeding grounds for many unscrupulous collectors, some kicked out of other states, who prey on poor people who do not know their rights. We need for our Governor, Jerry Brown, to require all debt collectors to be licensed, then watch-dog them for unlawful tactics, including attempting to collect on debts that are past the current state statute of limitations. We also need for our Governor to reduce California's debt validity statute of limitations from three to two years and stop California from becoming a debt collectors feeding ground. Californians who have fallen on hard times, sometimes barely "getting by", are being victimized and saddled with crippling legal judgements because they don't have the money or support to fight back. Sign now and send a strong message to Governor Brown: First: Require all debt collectors to pay to be licensed by the state of California and adhere to lawful practices under penalty of state enforced severe fine and/or license revocation. Second: Reduce the state mandated window of debt collection from three years to two. Third:
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Tully
  • Working Families Need Relief
    Regarding any budget that passes this year, please include a tax on high income earners to fund essential services and deliver working families some relief.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara G. Lent
    This proposed amendment would establish a new constitutional right of employees to organize and bargain collectively with employees, by adding Section 28 to Article I of the State Constitution and by amending Article XI, Section 5 of the State Constitution. The full text of the proposed amendmant is on the back of this petition, together with existing constitutional provision that would be altered or abrogated is adopted. This proposal is to be voted on in the November 6, 2012 General Elcetion.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by crystal lee
  • Barak go to Wisconsin
    Scott Walker is an affront to the republic, a liar and a martinet. He is the point of the spear for regressive right wing conspiracies to remake the country by burrowing into the state legislatures. Wisconsin is the Little Round Top of the battle of Gettysburg. Win it and the Repubs will be on the retreat before the November elections. Lose it and give hope and sustenance to the Kochs and Rove. The message will be, Yes Carl, money can buy elections. Liberal and progressive allies must be aware of the crucial nature of this contest. And so must the President. Mr President go to Wisconsin and help take down Walker.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by W.H. Bassetti
  • Draft Hillary Clinton for Vice President
    This petition is to drive public support to draft Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate. She would substantially strengthen the ticket and hopefully force Obama to stand up to the Republican/Tea Party threats (i.e. stop groveling and kowtowing).But most importantly, put the Democratic Party in good standing to take the Presidency again in 2016!!!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Gardiner
  • Tell the Truth
    There will be a ton of money during this election cycle, we must demand that aids speak the truth.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Stewart
  • President Obama: Keep Your Promise! Go To Wisconsin!
    Ronald Reagan“Where Collective Bargaining Is Forbidden, Freedom Is Lost”. Gov Walker took away the freedom and collective bargaining rights of Wisconsin state employees Candidate Obama promised in 2007 to walk the picket lines with the workers who are fighting for their collective bargaining rights. We are calling on him to keep his promise and go to Wisconsin and Support the workers regain their freedom and collective bargaining rights.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Tinker
  • Rand Romney Ryan
    Progressives should link Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and Ayn Rand with practicing the same philosophy of everyone for him or herself. Progressives must see the threat the RRR (Ryan-Romney-Rand) budget represents to seniors, students and the poor.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leonard Ealy
  • Tyson Foods Stop Buying Pork From Suppliers Who Abuse Pigs With Gestation Crates
    Tyson Foods is one of the few company's who still buys pork from suppliers who use inhumane gestation crates for pregnant pigs.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marian speerless
  • Dominos Pizza Stop Buying Pork From Abused Pigs
    Dominos Pizza refuses to stop buying pork from suppliers who continue to use inhumane gestation crates to keep a female pig in her entire pregnancy.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marian speerless