Stop Lying to the Public!Candidates and politicians have knowingly deceived the pubic time and again telling deliberate lies to bolster their positions. Any politician or candidate for office or any of their surragates that deliberately lie about an issue to the public in order to gain votes or to keep the public confused and misled about voting for their opponent should be jailed and fined as a person is that commits perjury in a court of law.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Daniel Shackelford
Reinstate Dennis von Elgg as our 2012 AIMC Graduation Faculty SpeakerDennis von Elgg was nominated by the student body to be the faculty speaker at our 2012 Graduation ceremony. He accepted our nomination, but then the AIMC Administration decided to ignore the student body's vote. They have not only disregarded our vote to have Dennis speak at our graduation, but he will not even be attending the ceremony at the request of AIMC. We're calling on President Tanaka to reverse his decision and respect our vote as a student body.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Crystal Garcia
Can't payconcerning high way robbery, I got a loan back in 1982 for attending Kennedy king college the amount was only 5000,00 but when i recieve the papers they stated it was 11, 000 dollars1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cora Washington
Mollie Hosmer-Dillard, Come to BerlinThis is a petition for Mollie Hosmer-Dillard to come to Berlin.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by EricGreen
treason in the white houseits about a ineligible president,who is a threat to we the people,and the constitituion4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by robert cosenza
WinningElecting more Peace and Freedom Party candidates1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christpopher Colomos
shorten union voting from 42 days to 10I read in the northwest labor press , N.L.R.B. has not shortened the time it takes for workers to unionize , from 42 days to 10 , obama's republican appointee refused to vote (hayes), and a judge (obama appointee) boasberg , upheld the ruling , giving management more time to fight unionizing , this is not where we should be heading for family wages and bargaining1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by paul joy
Do you think West Virginia Needs LGBT Community CentersWhy do we need community centers ? A community center is a central hub for people to meet while receiving various services and programs our community need this for suppport, educational, medical services,economic development,children, lgbt youth and families, lgbt seniors.....10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by LGBT Centers of WV
Protect Social SecurityIn order to protect social security, EVERYONE should have to put into it, and the cap on earnings should be removed so ALL income is equally taxed.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Beth Verdin
Vegetarian/Vegan Rights in Charles County Detention CenterFor the rights of vegetarians/vegans that are incarcerated in the Charles County Detention Center in Maryland53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dawn Delph
Support A3431A-2011/S5167-2011Banning the Devocalization of Dogs and CatsWe want to prevent the Devocalizatin it is a cruel and inhumane practice which allows people to cut out the vocal cords of there animals. It is painful and they still can make strange noises, which are even more annoying. It has been reported that after they do this horrible thing they then dump the poor animals. Lets support the bill making it illegal to do this.361 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Janet Houston
MARRIAGE=ONE MAN ONE WOMANAmericans who believe in the holy sanction of marriage and in the honorable values of the family need to let our government know where we stand.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbar Dabdoub