• Change the drinking age back to 18, the age of adulthood
    In 1984 most states changed the legal drinking age to 21 to not lose out on federal highway funds. Twenty eight years have passed and it is time to revisit the issue. It seems that a consequence of changing the drinking age to 21 is that underage drinking has been pushed underground and binge drinking is now on the rise. Kids “pregame” (drink as much as they can), before they go out because they can’t drink once they get to where they are going. When the drinking age was 18, there was no urgency to drink mass quantities before going out. College students are going to drink no matter what the law says, but now they are doing it undercover and unsupervised. Kids are not learning how to drink socially, they are learning how to binge drink and are dying of alcohol poisoning. Alcohol will always be in our society, we have the opportunity to teach kids how to drink responsibly instead of forcing them underground. Eighteen year olds are treated as adults in most all other cases: they can marry, males must register for the draft, they can smoke vote and be charged as an adult in the court system. They only thing they can’t do is purchase and drink alcohol. If society has decided that 18 year olds are adults, they should also be allowed to drink. Kids are also getting blemishes on their records making it harder to get into college and more difficult to be hired into the work force. In many colleges they can be kicked out if they are caught drinking. The law also costs parents and kids financially, legal and court fees for underage drinking tickets can run hundreds to thousands of dollars. We hear that there are fewer alcohol related car accidents now, many believe that is due to the fact that drinking and driving is no longer tolerated at any age. Kids take turns being the designated driver or get in a taxi. In that respect they are much smarter than previous generations. It seems that we spend a lot of time, effort and money trying to make sure kids under 21 don’t drink. It would be more constructive to to educate the public about the problems of binge drinking. Changing the drinking age to 21 has not deterred drinking and has triggered many other problems.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara
  • Bullying at Verizon - Enough is Enough
    This petition is about the historical bullying and unethical behavior that has taken place at Verizon, for too long now. Verizon receives over 100,000 EEO complaints a year, which is 400 a day. Many ignored, covered-up and too many are slipped under the rug. It is now time to demand change in behaviors at Verizon, in the best interest of the Company and the Country.
    1,708 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Neal W. Dias
  • End Reparitive Gay Therapy
    I would like to see statewide petitions_ particularly here in Missouri and Kansas_ to ban reparitive gay therapy. Hundreds, if not thousands, of gay teens have been forced_ in most cases, by their own parents_ to be treated by quack therapists in hopes of praying away their homosexuality. I find this barbaric and often wonder how many youths have committed suicide because their parents reacted in such a way to their sexual orientation. As an aside, it is an issue that would really piss of the Religious Right because I think it could win at the polls.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Rice
  • The Burden of Being American
    With patriotism comes the responsibility of all American citizens to care for the ones in need. We should bring up the issue of taxation as a shared responsibility by all alike. The United States was built on the backs of ALL Americans who would risk their education, their health and their capital. The taxation system has helped those who failed through, bannkruptcy laws and such. Those that succeeded did so with the help of a work force that contributed to the dream. With this shared sacrifice of the worker and the investor, taxation then becomes a patriotic right for all, not only for the middle class.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pete Rodriguez
  • Congressional Medal of Honor for Dorie Miller
    For too long this American hero and his actions were never given the Highest military decoration and it is time for our President to award this honor posthumously to his family.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Commander Dorie Miller Post # 915 American Legion Dept. of Ill.
  • Romney Turn Around
    We should expect all politicians to tell the truth - we know longer will except lies, only truth should get our vote.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Vergara
  • Safe Access to Polton Elementary
    A gate once existed in the Dam West fence adjacent to The Shores to allow for safe walking access for members of the Shores neighborhood to Polton Elementary School. Children and families walking to the school must now walk along Parker Road or Yale Ave. We are calling on The Dam West to re-open the gate for safe walking access to the school. The Shores is willing to help with the financial costs.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Rook
  • Stop Harbor Heights Overdevelopment
    Harbor Heights in Sag Harbor Village plans to dramatically expand its gas station while side-stepping over a dozen zoning rules meant to protect the neighborhood from overdevelopment. Village boards can insist that all zoning rules are strictly followed, and therefore limit the threat of noise, traffic, and light on the residential neighborhood and historic village. We are urging all village boards to protect the rural character of our village, and apply all building size, setback, landscape, and other requirements as written in the code. Sign the petition!
    249 of 300 Signatures
    Created by John Shaka
  • No Self Insured Workers Compensation
    Corporations should not be allowed to run the Workers Compensation program (self insured). It should be handled by an outside third party not affiliated with the Corporation.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kip Corbean
  • No more lone gunman
    Everytime a crazy with a gun goes out and kills we hear the same backgrond, "He was a loner and didn't have any friends". I'm proposing an addition to the firearms application that requires the signatures of two adults that belive you can be trusted with a gun. Responsible hunters shouldn't have a problem. Lone gunmen might find it more difficult to get a legal gun.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Bomhoff
  • Impreach John Boehner,House of Speaker
    John Boehner, House of Speaker have Voilated under the consitution and Blocking President's Proposal which was not allowed to do that, all Proposal must go through in Congress. House of Speaker job is to run the congress, not Blocking or Voilating the Consitution Progress. John Boehner is about to destory our America... We Need to Impreach John Boehner, House of SPeaker for Good. WE need your signature to get Senate attention...
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Buckley
  • Time to change the laws dealing with Cannabis!
    It's time to move away from prohibition against cannabis and to change the all the laws to allow people of the united states of America make they're own choices, it is time to make it legal for any adult 18 or older to grow, harvest and sell cannabis under a regulated system like ahlcohal and tobacco. It is also time to allow people to use cannabis as medication as they see fit to.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aj Janssen