• Reduce mortgage principal campaign
    According to a new report published by Zillow, 15.7 million Americans, or 1 in 3 homeowners is under water on their mortgage. http://www.zillow.com/blog/2012-05-24/zillow-negative-equity-report-shows-1-in-3-mortgage-holders-underwater/ Many of these home owners are not fixing their roofs, not remodeling or even maintaining their homes. In my area, 42% of homeowners are under water, most of us with at least $100,000 in negative equity. For these families, it will take 10 years or more paying their current mortgage rate before the house is even worth what they owe. The economy will continue to suffer until this group is brought up to date on their mortgage. Reduce principal now. If Ed Demarco can't get it done, replace him with someone who will.
    916 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by geoff landreau
  • We want Channel 7 News San Francisco Back
    In 2011 residents of Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey Counties lost the ability to watch local San Francisco Channel 7 as our ABC station. Now we only have 2 choices for (semi) local news: KSBW and KION. Most people in the viewing areas identify themselves as being part of the Bay Area and NOT of Salinas. We want Channel 7 San Francisco News back NOW. If we were to get Channel 7 News back then viewers would really have a choice in news.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M. Collins
  • Horse Slaughter
    to keep horse slaughter houses out of USA
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nola Ross
  • We need our President to lead the fight for justice starting in Wisconsin.
    We need to put pressure on President Obama to go to Wisconsin, along with sending the Vice President to help his party on the ground in Wisconsin to secure this very important election, the removal of Governor Walker.The momentum that can be gained should not be lost due to a lack of effort at the national level. Now the time to come together.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip Johnson
  • Don't put Monsanto in charge of hunger programs in Africa
    President Obama is inviting Monsanto to oversee Africa’s food security. Monsanto's primary goal is not anybody’s food security but their own bottom line. Monsanto grabs millions of acres of land for monoculture plantations that destroy local biodiversity. Monsanto develops the terminator seeds that hold farmers hostage to the seed patent rights of corporations. Monsanto is the inventor of chemical fertilizers that worsen climate change and have threatened the health of millions of people around the globe. (Text adapted from www.nationofchange.org because they said it better than I would have.)
    449 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Lucia Lozano
  • Stop taxing Social Security.
    Taxing SS payments just because a moderate amount was taken from an IRA is morally wrong and should be ended. If congress and the administration truly wants to make life easier for seniors and disabled, stop stealing from them.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert C. Yuknavech
  • Save our youth MOVEMENT
    Giving the youth a place where they can be safe and not have to worry about Gang violence or being mistaken for a suspicious person To many of our youth are dying for no reason
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by norman james
  • Restore Fanpop's Old Layout!
    Late this May 2012, the lime green Fanpop we've all come to know and love was destroyed, and replaced by a bad Facebook copy. We want enough signatures to give The F4 (dave, papa, michael, and cliff) a red flag saying "bring back Fanpop, not Facepop.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gumball17
  • Please, Mr. President, Go to Wisconsin, and Help Tom Barrett Oust One of the Worst, and Most Corr...
    Notwithstanding being outspent 25 to 1, Tom Barrett is within the margin of error in Wisconsin's recall election. Everyone agrees that this will be the second most important election in our country this year. Tea Partiers and other right wing fanatics are furiously working to defend the indefensible: Scott Walker, the most dishonest governor in the country, a known dirty tricks artist, an unindicted coconspirator, and an admitted puppet of the Koch Brothers and other corporate and billionaire conservative extremists who are bound and determined to make the lives of ordinary working people as burdensome and intolerable as possible. A Walker defeat would energize liberals throughout this country, whereas a Walker victory would dishearten those Wisconsinites who have worked so hard for a year and a half to stop the toxic flow of right wing extremism in their state and beyond. Please, Mr. President, no one can rally the troops like you can. And, by so doing, you will also enhance your own chances of prevailing in November. If you won't travel to Wisconsin to invigorate liberals who have been courageously trying to prevent their state from being overrun by right wing extremists with their anti-worker and anti-consumer agendas, please ask the First Lady, the Vice President, and/or President Clinton to stand in for you. The entire future of this country could well be hanging in the balance pending the outcome of this election, and this might well be your only opportunity to cut off the head of the snake before we all are poisoned.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Friedman
  • Keep Genetically Engineered Food Out of Africa
    President Obama recently put forward his New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, a plan to improve agriculture in poor countries through private investment from companies like Monsanto and Cargill. The problem is that these companies claim that through Genetically Engineered (GE) seeds and crops they can end hunger, but GE food has been around for more than two decades and hunger is still rampant in many parts of the world where the technology washas been used. Top researchers confirm that the results of genetic engineering are unpredictable. This is why unexpected harmful substances may appear in GE food. This is important because about 70% of the food in supermarkets is GE and consumers don't even know it. Now this technology is going to be spread in parts of Africa, starting with Tanzania, Ghana, and Ethiopia. The leaders from the three countries attended the G8 conference and were eager for the investment. But they may be putting profit ahead of public interest by ignoring the needs of their small scale farmers in their home countries. GE has wreaked havoc in India and been boycotted in France, Brazil, Spain and Argentina, just to name a few. The people in those countries didn't want GE in their countries and now lawmakers are rethinking their decision. The lawmakers in Africa don't have an option because their countries are impoverished and they need all the help they can get, but not thorugh a destructive product and a damaged environment.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jemima
  • The Chamber of Comer$$
    We demand that The Chamber of Commerce either stop funding and laundering 100's of millions dollars each year for anti-labor, anti-middle class legislation and candidates. If not, we demand that businesses members of the Chamber who disagree with these policies drop out of the Chamber, or we pledge to target them as consumers and as pickets.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Robinson
  • Election Suppression In States
    I am starting this petition to send to President Barack Obama in response to all the states that are creating laws in an effort to deny voters the right to vote..Putting in place things that have never been done before, and essentially in some states equal to a poll tax.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marsha Carpenter