• Cost of gasoline
    Energy should be removed from the commodities market because speculation is what is killing the recovery of the economy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erwin Stoessel
  • Adopt the Liberty Preservation Act
    To pass The Liberty Preservation Act which calls upon state legislatures to declare Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA to be inimical to the liberty, security and well-being of the people of (STATE), and [that the NDAA] was adopted by the United States Congress in violation of the limits of federal power in the United States Constitution..
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Kuhn
  • Call for the immediate firing of the Stark County Animal Warden for Inhumane treatment of Animals.
    Deputy Phil let a dog bleed to death after darting it in the artery. His position will be decided this Tuesday at a county meeting. Let the Council hear your disgust at the maltreatment of the dog and his obvious lack of mercy for the animals in his care. PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE ANY FIRST ACCOUNTS OF THIS DEPUTY'S ABUSE!
    5,852 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by sarah dawmelillo
  • Youngsville Skate Park
    My petition is about why youngsville should have a skate park, so that it will cut down on trespassing and vandalisim. It will also give the yoth of youngsville and surrounding areas a place to be.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Petsche
  • Florida Muscovy Ducks Should be Protected
    Florida, unlike Texas, does not recognize Muscovy Ducks as Native and therefore, they are not protected against abuse.. These ducks have been in Florida for 1,500 years from when the Spanish Explorers were on the Okeechobee Trail and that qualifies them as being here over 250 years for the Florida Fish and Wildlife's requirements (See Okeechobee Trail and Spanish Explorer History). However, Florida only states that they have been here since the late 1960's (I have photos of my Grandma feeding Muscovy Ducks in the 1930's). This statement from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is untrue about the Muscovy's only being here since the late 1960's. Please ask Gov. Rick Scott to accept them into the Florida Fish and Wild Life's list as Protected against abuse.
    608 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Francine Proffitt
  • referendum
    Gambling is the number one mental health issue in the United States. I prefer my state not be an enabler the less intelligent and those of a lower economic status
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Say No
  • Hawthorne Deserves Better
    We don't feel that Walmart is a good fit for our community and is absolutely a step in the wrong direction. Hawthorne deserves better.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hawthorne Deserves Better
  • The Dulles Greenway Toll Road, Donate proceeds from 2 Rush Hours a month to support veterans retu...
    http://dullesgreenway.com/ This is a very expensive 13 mile toll road, leading from Dulles International airport to Leesburg, VA. The base toll for this 13 mile drive is $4.75 one way ($5.55 during peak hours). The Dulles Greenway is owned by Toll Road Investors Partnership II (TRIP II), a subsidiary of an Australian company (Intoll Group). I am suggesting that they might share more of their profits with group(s) in need of financial support, specifically in this case, veterans' causes.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by bunky jackson
  • xl pipeline greed
    how much money will be made by peope like bonher cantor maconall wil make if this pipe line is pushed through
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by lester ayer
  • Every Citizen Votes
    Recent restrictions on voting by many state legislatures are a blot on democracy. Voting should be easy and encouraged.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Nagle
  • Eric Cantor Wipe that Smirk off your Face
    Eric Cantor, perhaps the most self-serving representative in the house (and that's saying something) continues to smirk as he continually places his own priortities before the country's. We can't expect to someone like him to change but getting rid of the smirk would make the undersigned feel a tad less disgusted.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marvin Waldman
  • Finding common ground to preserve our democracy
    This is crucial to addressing any and all of the issues that face us and particularly the most pressing and potentially divisive.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Platt